GF and PCOS?

kgibbz Posts: 102 Member
So I was GF for about a month, but then when I finally got into my endo and found out that I am IR and have PCOS Doctor told me GF isn't necessary. She put me on Metformin and OFCOURSE said to lower my carbs. Well I went back to wheat. Not a whole lot but regular cereals, regular bread etc. I've been on the Met for a month now and have only lost a few lbs and I'm wondering if GF in conjunction with the Metformin can help me to shed the weight.

Any thoughts? Anyone here have PCOS/IR and also GF?


  • kimberleerogers
    kimberleerogers Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Kgibbz,

    I was diagnosed in 2001 at the age of 18 with PCOS. I have been a member of many support groups in the past and boy has it come a long way! In everything that has come out lately that I have seen they are finding a correlation between people with PCOS and a wheat intolerance.

    I have been off wheat/gluten for almost 3 weeks and I have to say I feel better.

    I do know several people with PCOS who are on metformin and they have also found huge success with that.

    I am a huge fan of clean eating. I try to eat as clean as possible and I find my body responds to that...that's just my body though!

    I also found that hitting the gym wasn't the best for me. I would build muscle 3x as fast as everyone else.. apparently it has to do with testosterone imbalances and a surplus in my body

    I find walking...not running works best to help body responds to that. Anything more and the muscle outweighs everything I loose in fat...

    I also dry brush which is suppose to stimulate the lymphatic system which helps to detox.
  • kgibbz
    kgibbz Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks! I feel like I just go round and round bc first my doc thought wheat intolerance and then no, its IR, then it was like oh wait- you have hormonal issues? its probably PCOS related IR. And since many people respond well to low carb I wondered if GF would be helpful. I have to say it is super hard to maintain. I'll be out of town this weekend in a hotel and at parties so I know it will be inevitable to be glutened so I am going into it lightly and then I'll tighten the reigns on Monday. Thanks again!
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    I also found that hitting the gym wasn't the best for me. I would build muscle 3x as fast as everyone else.. apparently it has to do with testosterone imbalances and a surplus in my body

    I find walking...not running works best to help body responds to that. Anything more and the muscle outweighs everything I loose in fat...
    Maybe so but after a while your fat would decrease and your weight would go down.

    You can also offset the testosterone imbalance (often caused by weight gain) with progesterone. They sell the cream over the counter.

    Even when I was thin as a rail I had to be careful at the gym. I have broad shoulders and did not want to look like a football player. I learned doing lots of reps with light weights helped with that. Good luck! :)