I found a nice app for other nerds like me



  • Jdoster06
    Jdoster06 Posts: 55
    Yeah i emailed the developer about the iOS version..

    I am extremely addicted to this app tho. Walked around in circles just to complete quests and level my guy up. It's definitely a work in progress, but I feel like it has a solid foundation and great idea.. Just needs a little spit shine and sparkle
  • meluhknees
    meluhknees Posts: 41 Member
    This is awesome! Feel free to add me - name is Blitzkrieg Betty :)
  • tmbridge
    tmbridge Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in too. My character name is Tim.
  • GunterRose
    GunterRose Posts: 56 Member
    Signed Up, Character name is GunterRose!
  • KymGreer92
    KymGreer92 Posts: 26 Member
    I just signed up. Character's name is the same as here. Thanks for letting me know it's iOS that was lagging. I thought my phone was acting up.
  • peepsqueek
    peepsqueek Posts: 54 Member
    Ok just joined :) My character's name is peepsqueek same as on here. Looks like fun and if it makes me move more all the better :)
    Thanks for the link, your all more than welcome to add me on here, on FitRPG (peepsqueek) and on fitbit url: //www.fitbit.com/user/24KW2N user name for fitbit isTamtam
  • Cc215
    Cc215 Posts: 228 Member
    Have signed up too. I'm just Cazmo on there if anyone wants to add me.
  • Jdoster06
    Jdoster06 Posts: 55
    Went through and sent requests to everyone.. Hope everyone is enjoying it as much as I am. I got my first 20k day yesterday because I had to finish that quest.. I think about 10k of it or more was walking around in a circle in my living room with my 17 month old lol.. Whatever works though
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I'm BarbieAS, same as on here :). I'm going to go through and add some people! I'm still figuring out how to use it (can you do more than one quest at once? Stuff like that...starting small with 1,000 steps today, lol), so bear with me, lol.
  • Jdoster06
    Jdoster06 Posts: 55
    There are different types of quests, for distance, steps, and soon sleep and weight training. You can have one of each type at the same time. And do battles at the same time also
  • Amerielle
    Amerielle Posts: 153 Member
    I'm a nerd so I have to try it out too. My name is Amerielle, same as here (also same as one of my WOW characters :wink: ). Feel free to add me!
  • Katashi55
    Katashi55 Posts: 5
    I'm still getting used to the app but it looks like fun!
    Add me: Katashi55
  • EmmiDahling
    EmmiDahling Posts: 104 Member
    *squee!*. Me too, me too! Same name :)
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    Cool! Downloading :)
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    FitRPG is an android and iOS app that creates a game for you with challenges based off your fitbit readings. I just found it but so far it looks very promising and fun.
  • Jdoster06
    Jdoster06 Posts: 55
    Just asked to the developers, they said that there is going to be an update within the week for ios . They also said that they are working on creating better visuals for characters and items.. Pretty good news.. Especially for iPhone/ iPad users
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    I joined too--I'm the same name as MFP. Now I gotta try to figure it out.
  • peepsqueek
    peepsqueek Posts: 54 Member
    I have installed this app on my Iphone 5S and I cannot do much with it? It is connected to fitbit but yet it will not download any information to the game? I cannot add friends but I can see them when I do a search?

    Is anyone else having problems with the app? It looks to be a great game but only if I can get it to work :( Unless I am doing something wrong?

    Any ideas?
  • Jdoster06
    Jdoster06 Posts: 55
    I have installed this app on my Iphone 5S and I cannot do much with it? It is connected to fitbit but yet it will not download any information to the game? I cannot add friends but I can see them when I do a search?

    Is anyone else having problems with the app? It looks to be a great game but only if I can get it to work :( Unless I am doing something wrong?

    Any ideas?

    Mentioned this a few posts above, the iOS app is a little behind the android one. They said there will be an update within the week for it to get it to work appropriately. The android one works great, so once they fix the iOS one you are in for a treat!
  • peepsqueek
    peepsqueek Posts: 54 Member
    Ok, I seen that I just wasn't sure it had to do with the issues I was having, I thought it just pertained to it being a little lagging in the program.
    Thank you for letting me know Jdoster :flowerforyou:

    I will keep an eye open for the update then :smile: