4th of July weekend...

Becre8tive Posts: 108 Member
What a fantastic day...and not over yet! Good company, lots of laughter and good food, so I had a glass of wine already and I am certain I might have another one later on when we all will sit outside for the firework.

I enjoyed the glass of wine very much, as expected. I drunk it with awareness and enjoyed the taste.

It is good to cut down during the week!


  • phillyb2013
    phillyb2013 Posts: 271 Member
    We need to have days like this...this way we dont mind sacrificing during the week...its what gets me through the week, lol...have a wonderful day!
  • mykizmom
    mykizmom Posts: 191 Member
    I agree we need relaxing days and I love that you had your wine and enjoyed it, not just drinking like we should do with our food. What we are doing is trying to learn to enjoy life and that mean taking it all in. I did enjoy a ice cold beer, it was easy then going into the market for wine.
  • Becre8tive
    Becre8tive Posts: 108 Member
    Bye, bye Wine until next Friday :-)
  • phillyb2013
    phillyb2013 Posts: 271 Member
    yes, bye bye wine till Saturday :-)...Friday night is my toughest lol :-) Have a great week!!