Any forbidden food after 5 months?

I am five months post op and I was wondering if there were any foods that we should avoid after having the VSG. I've looked through all my literature and I don't see anything to avoid. Is it okay to eat nuts and popcorn? Thanks in advance.


  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    My dietician told me I could have popcorn at 6 months. I can't wait! LOL
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Not really. You just have to stick to the proportions. 70%protein,25% veg-not potato5% whole grains/potato. I recommend avoiding your trigger foods and not relying on your sleeve to save you if you start eating them again-as it likely won't. Remember, 50% of WLS pts regain their wt by failing to follow the lifestyle. The grehlin production in your stomach will return, the malabsorption effect seems to diminish as well. I tear up the popcorn at the movie, small buttered 1/2 bag 330 calories and worth every bit. I usually have it as my dinner.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    Nuts and popcorn were not a problem for me after 5 months. Rice was the last thing I got to cross off my "that makes me feel icky" list at about month 6. Rice is still not a favorite, but doesn't cause me problems anymore as long as I don't over do it.
  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    Not really. You just have to stick to the proportions. 70%protein,25% veg-not potato5% whole grains/potato. I recommend avoiding your trigger foods and not relying on your sleeve to save you if you start eating them again-as it likely won't. Remember, 50% of WLS pts regain their wt by failing to follow the lifestyle. The grehlin production in your stomach will return, the malabsorption effect seems to diminish as well. I tear up the popcorn at the movie, small buttered 1/2 bag 330 calories and worth every bit. I usually have it as my dinner.

    Mango, when did you try popcorn again?
    That sounds heavenly to me! I can't wait to have popcorn again :)
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Not really. You just have to stick to the proportions. 70%protein,25% veg-not potato5% whole grains/potato. I recommend avoiding your trigger foods and not relying on your sleeve to save you if you start eating them again-as it likely won't. Remember, 50% of WLS pts regain their wt by failing to follow the lifestyle. The grehlin production in your stomach will return, the malabsorption effect seems to diminish as well. I tear up the popcorn at the movie, small buttered 1/2 bag 330 calories and worth every bit. I usually have it as my dinner.

    Mango, when did you try popcorn again?
    That sounds heavenly to me! I can't wait to have popcorn again :)
    i think 3 months.was what my packet said. whenever i was allowed nuts that's when i had popcorn. i have to save my calories tho cause i like it buttered. i usually have it as dinner plus snack. They sell bottled water at the movie , i just bring in a crystal light packet
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    Be careful with popcorn, not because you may not be able to tolerate it, but because of portions. There was a lady in my support group that got very addicted to popcorn and didn't realize just how much she was eating.

    With any food, try a little bit at a time. Always weigh and measure.
  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    Be careful with popcorn, not because you may not be able to tolerate it, but because of portions. There was a lady in my support group that got very addicted to popcorn and didn't realize just how much she was eating.

    With any food, try a little bit at a time. Always weigh and measure.

    I agree popcorn can be dangerous. For me personally, it's an "only at the movies" thing. And going to the movies happens maybe 2-3x per YEAR around here LOL
    I'm not worried about it becoming an issue for me, since it's such a rare treat :)
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Weigh and or measure everything! I am 3 years out and I can eat almost anything. There are some foods that no longer sit well, but just a couple. I have chosen not to add flavored chips and ice cream back into my life because they are trigger foods for me. But things like popcorn need to measured. If I don't measure them I eat way more than one serving. Same thing with crackers.

    I still weigh and measure all my foods, it's really hard to just gage portions.
  • garayjoh
    garayjoh Posts: 24 Member
    Forbidden foods: HUMMM!

    For me I can only consume about a palms worth of food at a time. Anything more then that tends to give me like an acid re-flux type feeling. Its not TRUE acid re-flux, but its the WOW I ate to much I am going to URL feeling.

    Greasy food hits me horrible. So I have stuck to healthy alternatives. The truth though is the 30 minutes before solids, one hour after solids ban on liquids, break that rule and you will puke without the gag reflex, it sucks. But trust me that is the only thing that sucks because everything else about this sleeve is awesome!