Do guys like you?

There is this one guy that I think likes me but I'm not sure if he really does or if he is just being Mr. Popular and trying to get my attention since I'm one of the few girls who doesn't ever talk to him. I am wondering if anyone knows how boys show that they like a girl and how to tell whether they actually like you.


  • Hello, my name's Isha, i'm 15 from England.
    I'm going to make the assumption that you like this boy? Maybe start talking to him more, get to know him.
    By doing this you'll find out whether or not he's just being "Mr.Popular" or he genuinely likes you. Take notice on whether he tries to get other girl's attentions the way he tries to get yours. If this is the case, he's probably just a flirty guy, but if it's clear enough that he's only after your attention, he may just like you. I hope this helped, good luck :-) x
  • Well, my guy friends basically just tell her. And if they don't tell you, chances are they told a friend who will tell you. Like I was hanging out with my friends one day and one of the guys ran up and told me just randomly.