I'm new too

dwntwnpengrl Posts: 49 Member
I'm Molly. 44. No kids. Current weight is 245. I have 1 very supportive boyfriend and 1 very supportive mother. I mostly live with my boyfriend who is a type 2 diabetic. But I do own a home where I stash my mother

I was early to "mature." I had a very curvy body and weighed 140 by the time I was in the 8th grade. Not exactly what this 8th grader was looking for. By graduation from high school I was 180. By graduation from college I was 240. I got down to 192 (I do remember the exact weight) in my early 20s but no where near that since. 267 was my high briefly in January when I sort of gave up and ate whatever whenever.

I LOVE food. I love extremely good food and I love crappy food - everything from foie gras to fritos.

I don't hate exercise. I generally like it. But, my hours are erratic and are usually 50-60 a week. I work a typical desk/management job but I also frequently have night meetings. So, morning workouts are usually OK but sometimes when I get home at 9:30pm I can't get my butt out of bed at 5:30 (especially if I have multiple night meetings in a row). And it's tough to workout after a 12 hour day. Add to the problem that having carried around all this weight ( having been a runner - yes at this size - in my late 20s and early 30s) is I've killed my joints. I LOVE to swim and do it when I can (a couple times a month). Excuses I know but when a girl is tired and hurting, it's hard to find motivation.

I'm restricting calories to 1450 right now (knowing I'll have to lower it). I'm also taking an Rx, Belviq (appetite suppression).


  • How do you like it so far? I started mine today. I weigh 235 lowest weight 167 which couldn't keep.
  • dwntwnpengrl
    dwntwnpengrl Posts: 49 Member
    I've finished week 3. It's working. I have no appetite. Not to be graphic but I do have the constipation side effect which sucks. I mean, I don't feel bad but it does mean that I can have a 4 pound difference in one day. For instance I KNOW I haven't had more than 1500 calories on any given day but this past week I managed to gain 1.5 pounds. Now, I know where that weight is but it's still a little defeating.

    Clothes are definitely fitting better, no matter what the scale says. I know it'll all get moving when I really start to exercise.
  • momasox
    momasox Posts: 158 Member
    Hello, I am new too. Just wondering if you guys have any updates? I just started Belviq today and am looking for some friends and supportive people.

    Height: 5'2
    SW: 194
    CW: 184
    GW: 130ish

    I have two kiddos, one is 17 and the other is 3
    2 dogs and 3 cats
    I work full time and also commute 3 hours a day (looking for work closer)
    My husband is a long haul trucker so things at home are always go, go go.
  • dwntwnpengrl
    dwntwnpengrl Posts: 49 Member
    I hit my first goal of losing 5% of my body weight in 6 or 7 weeks. Belviq says if you don't lose that within 12 weeks then you need to look at something different. So, my next goal is another 5% (of original weight - 10% total). Hope to make that by my 12 week check up with the doc. Slowed down and lost motivation but I'm still trying every day.

    To be successful, I know I need to add exercise. I needed to lose weight before I could handle much. I know I'm physically able now . . .

    Belviq has been great with generally cutting my appetite completely but I can still fall into the trap of ignoring "volume." I was rarely a "hunger" eater so I have to be very mindful of volume.

    Height: 5'3
    SW: 251.5 (267 in January)
    CW: 235.5
    GW: low 130s
  • jankab
    jankab Posts: 2
    Hello! Another newbie - I actually took my first dose of Belviq this morning and am hopeful. I’m 39, mother of two - 13 & 11 and am 5’2”and 205 lbs with a BMI of 37. I have been struggling to lose weight for years and have always been far too determined to do it all on my own - but after 6 months of consistently eating well and having added regular exercise and still no movement... I wen' tot my doctor for help.

    Still need to get a new insulin draw, but I expect that to be fine. All of my bloodwork is in the good & ideal range - other than my weight and BMI. This seems to put me at the spot where everyone just says suck it up and have more willpower.

    I have been stuck for months in a 2/3 pound fluctuation with healthy eating and even joining the gym. Insurance would not cover Belviq unless I take something else (phentermine) first, so I used the discount card and am going to see how this works for a month. If it helps, I'd be willing to pay for it myself if I have to.

    I could use some moral support and accountability if anyone would like to add me as a friend and share the experience together.