Diastasis Recti?

redredfox Posts: 76 Member

Has anyone had any experience with diastasis recti (where right and left side of abdominal muscles spread) during or after pregnancy? I am due in five weeks and just recently heard about this condition and have been paranoid because I have seemingly been doing too many core excercises in my second and third trimester (no crunching or twisting movements or anything while laying on back). I realize that during pregnancy all women will encounter some type of abdominal muscle separation but I am worried that I have already done additional damage that could have been prevented (had I know sooner)! I tried to test my own abdominal wall (as recommended below) but just need some reassurance and advice and can't wait until Friday to talk to my doctor =)


Thanks ladies!


  • Brandy3827
    Brandy3827 Posts: 42 Member
    Bump. I'm interested in any replies as my doctor only quickly mentioned noticing it In my last visit. ::frown:
  • seidel1325
    seidel1325 Posts: 94 Member
    I have D.R. from my first pregnancy. A friend of mine told me about the Tupler Technique to repair D.R. I ordered the splint and started the program today (5 days post partum). I'll check in with an update in a few weeks and let you know if it is working.
  • redredfox
    redredfox Posts: 76 Member
    Thank you, that would be great. Congratulations on the little one... so beautiful =) Good luck with the D.R repair!