Introduce Yourself Board...

vball1121 Posts: 36 Member
Trying to lose the last 10 lbs now, or rather turn my skinny fat into tone muscle and stay the same weight. May 2015 Wedding!!

Looks like we have a lot of welcome posts, feel free to re-introduce yourself here if you have posted already!


  • CJPi
    CJPi Posts: 4
    Hi everyone! Just joined, looks like a small group but then again it's still pretty early for 2015 weddings :)

    My date is on 3/14/15 (Pi Day!), hoping to lose maybe 15-20lbs by then. I have my dress picked out but it hasn't arrived for my first fitting yet.

    I live in Arizona where the weather is absolutely NOT conducive to any sort of outdoor workouts for 5 months out of the year... ugh. Luckily there is a gym within a mile of our home so I've recently bought a 2 year membership (this way I'm forced to keep it up even after the wedding) and I had a great first week of workouts. I know the 1st week is the easiest though, and things will only get harder when I need to motivate myself in the coming months...
  • jillybean25
    jillybean25 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Jillian and I am getting married on December 4th, 2015. I know it is so far away but it gives us more time to save and me more time to lose. My goal is to lose at least 50 lbs by my wedding date. Not so unrealistic consider how far away it is. My sister recently got married and gained weight because she began stress eating. I am trying to avoid that!
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    We've literally just set our wedding date - for March 7th 2015 - which I just googled and is 251 days away exactly! Working on losing the last 10-15lbs, and generally just being healthy, for hopefully a long married life together!
    Alex xx
  • Buffy_the_Bride
    Buffy_the_Bride Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I'm Leah. We're getting married on 12/04/15 and I'm going to try to lose as much weight as I can by then. Or I guess by a month before, so that my dress can be altered in time. I have 89 pounds left to lose.
  • amesea
    amesea Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there! I don't have a date yet (work deadlines are interfering with nailing one down) but it looks like I'll be getting married in about 10 months. I gained a lot of weight over the last few years (40 lbs) and want to take 35 off. I'm worried this is too ambitious but there's no motivation like a professional photographer!
  • Icoza87
    Icoza87 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi! I'm Vanessa. I got engaged June 6th and we set our date for 9/18/15. I have a lot of weight to lose but would be thrilled to see myself lose 75 lbs by my wedding. (more would be great, but I'm trying to take it easy on myself :smile: )

    Good luck and congratulations to us all!
  • vball1121
    vball1121 Posts: 36 Member
    Nice to meet you all! Can't wait for the adventure we have the next year or so. If anyone would like to add me as a friend on here pelase do! I don't have many as I use this mostly just to track my calories, but would love to be motivated seeing you all work out, your food logs, etc.
  • nicoleelaine7
    nicoleelaine7 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! Congrats on all your engagements :) I am getting married June 27, 2015, and I would like to lose 25 pounds by next May. I also want to time up. I have been doing some barre3 at home workouts and I have a fitbit so I try to run to get some steps. Please feel free to add me as a friend! I wish we had access to the message boards from the mfp app.
  • Hi all, I'm getting married 30th August 2015 and am very excited. Really want to lose about a stone, will be so happy if I can do it :)
  • Jilllzy
    Jilllzy Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Girls! I'm looking at September 2015, but have heard that a dress not ordered 6 months out will be considered a RUSH. I'm currently in the high numbers of the plus-sized bridal sizes. So that gives me 5 months to loose as much as possible. My goal is 10lbs a month, which is pretty steep considering it will be over Thanksgiving/Christmas a.k.a. the DangerZone. This seems extremely scary!

    I definitely don't want to order a dress in a smaller size and then it not fit.
  • reissk
    reissk Posts: 9 Member
    May, 23, 2015.
    Looking to lose about 15-20 pounds. I have a fitbit which has been motivating me to move more. Just got to get eating under control.

    Ordered my dress already in a size 12 which fits me now. I look forward to having it taken in!
  • PixieAdele
    PixieAdele Posts: 102 Member
    Hi Everyone! our wedding is set for 30/07/15 (my h2b's birthday :) ) I'm well ahead of schedule with planning, dress is ordered, BM dresses bought, florist is booked, venue/registrar/notice of marriage sorted. Rings are next on the list.I cant wait! I'd like to lose about 10lb's or fit comfortably back into a size 8 and have a tight flat stomach by about june so it allows for dress alterations.


    Pixieadele x
  • lizzy_jane91
    lizzy_jane91 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I just joined to get some support/inspiration from other brides-to-be! I'm getting married on 14th Feb 2015. I've already lost 14kg (30lb) and have another 10kg (22lb) to lose in 5 months.

    Thanks! :)

  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    Long time MFP advocate, I need to re-focus so here I am.

    Wedding booked for June 2015, bought a dress which doesn't fit!!

    I just keep trying to stay focused and hope it will all work out in the end.

    Def looking for more motivated friends so feel free to add me.
  • Hi everyone!

    I am getting married April 14, 2015. My goal is to get slightly below the weight I was when I met my soon-to-be husband. I don't know about you gals, but I went out to eat a lot when we started eating and all but stopped my exercising...I guess I just got a little too comfortable! I need to lose about 50 pounds in order to hit my goal...which feels pretty overwhelming!

    I hope to become friends with some of you and have some accountability with people who get it!
  • penkwin
    penkwin Posts: 25 Member
    Hello! I was looking for some gals in the same boat as me and voila, I found this group!

    I'm getting married September 6, 2015. I'm setting a conservative goal of losing 20lbs by then, because any more seems overwhelming. I've only really been using MFP for a week, maybe. I've tracked calories in the past and was successful, but I've slacked off and gained it back. I agree with the above commenter - you get comfortable and get a relationship layer...

    Anyway, I find tracking makes me not want to eat things I don't want to have to log... so far, so good. I'm a big fan of my Zumba class at my gym, and I'm trying to walk a bit more as well.

    I really want to feel confident and lovely on my wedding day - and also to just be healthier in general. My blood glucose was 3 points away from pre-diabetic level the last time I had blood taken, and that worried me. Hopefully that number goes down as I eat more healthfully and lose some pounds.

    I'm feeling really energized and optimistic at this point, even though I haven't really lost anything yet.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    edited October 2014
    I'm getting married October 17th, I'm also in the conservate group for weight loss goal prior to wedding - only 15lbs here. Not that I'm done after that, but that I know wedding planning is going to be most of my spare time.

    Nice to meet you all! :)