Protein Supplements

ashlando Posts: 125 Member
Hello all!

I've been curious about adding a protein shake to my workout regimen. I see so many people downing shakes after a hard WOD which has me wondering that there must be something to it! (though I mostly see guys drinking the shakes, I do see a handful of women partaking as well)

I've been crossfitting since September 2013 and since then, I've lost 30 lbs. I went from 195-165 (I'm 5'9" with a large bone structure, wearing a size 10 and M/L in clothing). I've pretty much hit a plateau in terms of weight loss, but I am absolutely 100% happy with where I'm at. If I could stay at this weight forever I would be thrilled!

Now I am working on lowering my body fat and getting stronger, leaner, and more toned. I'm wondering if protein shakes will help in the recovery and muscle building process? I'm not worried about bulking up - I know it takes a lot of hard work and dedication for women to do that! Will this noticeably help in recovery and muscle building if I drink a shake immediately after a WOD?

Any help or advice that you have would be greatly appreciated!


  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Scroll down a bit to the "protein shakes" thread. Bunch of good suggestions there.
  • ashlando
    ashlando Posts: 125 Member
    Thanks Bostonwolf! I see lots of great suggestions on what type of protein to buy which is a huge help.

    I was just curious if you or anyone else had any thoughts on if extra protein (such as a shake immediately after a WOD) will make a noticeable difference or if it's necessary.
  • kota4bye
    kota4bye Posts: 809 Member
    Are you tracking your macros now? Are you able to get all the protein you need with your current diet? A shake or two can really up your protein intake quickly while adding just a few calories.
  • Petrusilly
    Petrusilly Posts: 37 Member
    Similar size (5'8") / weight (156) /goals (below 20% BF) here... and I can tell you that protein is SO important. At this stage, you are probably gaining muscle and losing fat at about a net-net level...... but as your activity level increases you need to prevent your body from eating your muscle!!!
  • ashlando
    ashlando Posts: 125 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I had been wondering where I should be when it comes to protein intake. I checked my average macros and I hover anywhere between 95-110 grams of protein a day, though usually on the lower end.

    I will make it a point to incorporate more protein into my diet! I certainly don't want to lose the muscle that I have worked so hard to build/retain thus far.

    It seems most people lean heavily towards whey protein isolate because of how quickly it is absorbed into the system, so I will begin looking into good sources of that.

    Does it really matter when the protein is consumed? I have read reports that have such varied information and was just curious.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Protein is the toughest macro for me to his, so a shake after working out goes a long way to getting there. I don't always do it, but most of the time I do.
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    For what it's worth I have never been a believer that protein supplements are necessary or really all that beneficial. I think that getting your nutrients from natural food is a much better way to go. I have never had a hard time gaining or retaining muscle either.
  • gsop22
    gsop22 Posts: 84 Member
    There seem to be a lot of articles saying you have to do it right after and some say you don’t need to. I would think your overall protein intake over the day would be more important in the big picture.

    I personally drink a protein shake right after my workout and seems to work for me as I am usually starving anyway. My box stressed drinking a protein shake within 20 min after your workout and preferably right after the workout.

    I would also find it hard to hit my daily protein goal if I did not have a protein shake or two some days.
  • ashleearoha
    ashleearoha Posts: 165 Member
    I have a scoop of protein powder before a workout and a full serving straight after. I think recovery is really important.
  • ashlando
    ashlando Posts: 125 Member
    I found some grass-fed whey protein that is really tasty (Reserveage - from Whole Foods) and I started drinking it after a workout (I try to get it in within 20 min). I'm worried that it will make me gain weight. Am I crazy to think that?
  • tibsons_girl
    tibsons_girl Posts: 35 Member
    I found some grass-fed whey protein that is really tasty (Reserveage - from Whole Foods) and I started drinking it after a workout (I try to get it in within 20 min). I'm worried that it will make me gain weight. Am I crazy to think that?

    Protein in and of itself will not make you gain weight. Eating outside your calories makes you gain weight. Lots of protein is always a good thing for your lifts :happy:
  • ashlando
    ashlando Posts: 125 Member
    Makes sense. I find that after a WOD, I am usually pretty hungry and the shake really satisfies my hunger. I mix it with water and 2% milk, a banana and ice and it's really delicious!

    I WOD after work so once I get home and drink my shake, I am not very hungry for dinner! But I try to eat a small serving of meat so that I am not super hungry later.

    I've heard some people say that you should get the same grams of protein a day as your body weight. Other sources state that less is ok. I'm just not sure where I should be with it so I am aiming for somewhere around 115-120 grams a day (BW 165).

    My husband thinks that if I take protein supplements that I will bulk up like some of the body building women. I try to tell him that it's incredibly hard to bulk and a protein shake a day won't do that, but he doesn't seem to want to hear me.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Makes sense. I find that after a WOD, I am usually pretty hungry and the shake really satisfies my hunger. I mix it with water and 2% milk, a banana and ice and it's really delicious!

    I WOD after work so once I get home and drink my shake, I am not very hungry for dinner! But I try to eat a small serving of meat so that I am not super hungry later.

    I've heard some people say that you should get the same grams of protein a day as your body weight. Other sources state that less is ok. I'm just not sure where I should be with it so I am aiming for somewhere around 115-120 grams a day (BW 165).

    My husband thinks that if I take protein supplements that I will bulk up like some of the body building women. I try to tell him that it's incredibly hard to bulk and a protein shake a day won't do that, but he doesn't seem to want to hear me.

    We could provide any number of links regarding the differences between male and female physiology for you husband, but it sounds like he just believes what he wants to believe.

    Short answer: If you see a woman who is so muscular that she looks "mannish" she is taking either testosterone, anabolic steroids, or both.

    someone like Sam Briggs is about as muscular as a female can get without taking "supplements."