What does your garden grow?

Hey homesteaders! It's that time! My garden is growing and I've already gotten some pickling cucumbers and canned some spicy garlic dills! I have cucumbers, cantelope, tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, eggplant, squash, zuchinni, pink eye purple hull peas, and merit sweet corn planted! What does your garden grow?


  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    This season, I'm taking it easy, as there's a LOT going on in my bubble. We bought a share of a community supported garden, so that's where a bulk of my produce will be coming from.

    I did however plant:

    - Peas
    - Pole beans
    - Garlic
    - Welsh onions
    - Green onions
    - Bok Choy
    - Beets
    - lettuce
    - Haldi / Tumeric

    I also have
    - the dregs of a celery bunch that wants to be a celery plant
    - the tops of store-bought beets that want to be beet greens
    - two strawberry plants
    - lemon balm
    - oregano
    - thyme
    - lavender

    And I'm trying to grow a SCOBY on my counter. There's cheese ageing in the basement, and I'm STILL trying to master brewing.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 Member
    Only things from my garden so far have been strawberries... oh and rhubarb... can't have one without the other ;) and a spinach leaf that makes an excellent wrap for a burger off the bbq in place of the bun.

    Raspberries have gone NUTS though and I see that that'll be an above average yield once they all ripen up.

    Blueberry plants have done well, rhubarb we started an additional plant just because we want more, still might double the plants so I can have extra to freeze.

    Currants were planted just this year so nothing for yield there just hoping they get established...

    Noticing a theme? Plant it once and harvest it multiple times is the biggest part of my gardens. I do have peas, beans (purple string), zucchini, butternut squash, beets, carrots, potatoes, turnip and parsnip growing as well but none of this has hit size to harvest from yet.
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I'm a huge fan of plant it once, harvest it over and over. Rhubarb is on the list for next year. Maybe asparagus too. I've also become a huge fan of buy it, then plant the stumpy bits. I have Bok Choy, green onions, and celery coming back for more fun. We have a partial CSA membership so I'm seeing if I can get the lettuce stumps to grow too. :)

    Tell us more about the currants though! What kind of climate are you in? How invasive are they? I love currants. :)
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member