July 11, 2014

KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
Good morning, lovelies.

My three day weekend plan:
Exercise--swim/paddle around for at least an hour each day. Laps: 20 minutes Friday, 30 minutes Saturday, 45 minutes Sunday.
Food--protein shakes or eggs and veggies for breakfasts, salad bar in my fridge for other meals.

Happy Friday!
K. In Maine


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    My weekend plan:

    Friday - chauffeur my guy around to job appointments
    Saturday - TBD
    Sunday - have anything other than a Ramen Noodle birthday meal...lol

    All: get in some walking, whether treadmill or outside. Hit weights at least one day. SLEEP. And drink so my water my eyeballs float.

    All/Other: Get pics snapped of the clothes I'm getting rid of. Posting some videos I'm trying to sell (kids' videos, romcom's, etc.). ETC.

    All/TOTAL: SURVIVE the weekend!

    Love and hugs, Texas Style,
    Carly, stuck in Oklahoma, missing Texas, missing family, and missing the reason to celebrate...but looking forward to my "no cost" gift weekend from my guy. :)
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Morning all! Totally found my food trigger. Inactivity. I can see Karen, when you have stills flares how hard it must be to not just want to eat for comfort. Since getting sick i threw the plan out the window. The asthma flare up has me not moving much at all except to the fridge. Im at 1000 cals already for the day. ack. Good news is i feel like it is calming down and i should be improving soon and back to normal. Hoping so because a mama down means the house is such a disaster it is starting to smell. Ugh.
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    My weekend plan :

    Tonight...movies with Hubby to see Tammy. It's a movie theater where we can eat supper AND see the movie so I am going to try to play it smart all day so I can "indulge" at the movie a bit.
    Tomorrow... possibly taking the kids to an amusement park. Again, eating on the fly so try to behave. But at least there will be a lot of walking involved.
    Sunday... Out to the car races. Again, eating on the fly so be good during the day so I can indulge at the race. Love their cheeseburgers! YUM!

    All three days I hope to get my swims in. I will do them late at night if I need to. But I am holding myself to it!!

    Good luck surviving the weekend everyone!
    Diana in ME
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    My 3 day plans??....well ...I continue to plan on doing my early morning walk/jog for the 3 days (already did it this morning), eat better breakfasts and try to be more 'mindful' of what I am putting in my body. With all this exercising...I need to start to eat better to get the weight off! My vacation is winding down and will be heading back 'home' Tuesday...so I need to get psyched up to continue with my exercising when I get home!!

    Have a great weekend everyone!!

    Nancy in AZ (til Tuesday anyway!).
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Tonight: Gym -- C25K *and* lifting! I've been bad about getting back to lifting. (It was raining cats and dogs again last night and I got soaked on the walk home. Got out to the grocery store at 8:30 when things calmed down a bit, but by the time I was done at 9 I just couldn't get myself to go.) Salad for dinner -- bought arugula, spinach, radishes, carrots, cucumber, chicken, and a delicious feta dill dressing (Opa brand -- it's awesome, and only 50 calories for 2 tablespoons).

    Tomorrow: Farmer's Market in the morning and then ???

    Sunday: Going for a hike with some friends in the morning, and depending on how strenuous that is, C25K and lifting mid-afternoon, book club in the evening (I'm gonna earn that wine!)
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Carly, when exactly is your birthday? Let us know so we can celebrate with you!

    My hubs is great at free birthday gifts. My favorite is when he details my car (he even knows how to pop out the little plastic thingys), but backrubs are good too. I've given up on waiting for him to read my mind--he's very literal, so I just say exactly what I want and when and then he's not frustrated and I'm not disappointed.

    I'm trying to scramble this morning to make up for lost time. I stuck my nose in an ebook last night and didn't unstuck it until 5 a.m., so now it's almost noon and I'm just waking up and I missed my grocery pickup time. (Diana, they're great about this... I just called and rescheduled for this evening.) BUT... I have my plan--protein shake first, then I have an afternoon adventure with a friend, then home for my swim workout and salad bar fixing.

    Nancy, I can't believe you're heading back to Saudi already! I am amazed at how well you've done with your morning workouts! Woohooo!

    Heather, hope you're feeling better!

    Karen in Maine
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Diana, your weekend sounds jammed packed with fun!

    Carly's bday is the 13th.
  • melissasue0317
    melissasue0317 Posts: 338 Member
    No big plans for the weekend here, just hanging with my kiddos. They started with a sitter (very close nurse friend of mine) today for just one day a week and are doing great!! That makes me incredibly happy, so its a great Friday :)

    Will probably take the kids out for a walk tomorrow. They ride while I push them along. I was able to walk 3.15miles in 48 minutes pushing those little chunks, so I was super impressed with myself.

    Morning started off with bad evil fast food but the day was young and I was nervous about the new environment for them. The rest of the day will be awesome.
  • Sylvarose
    Sylvarose Posts: 70 Member
    Let see my three days plans -

    Tonight I have a game with friends. Planned my meals so can treat myself to a cafe mocha from Starbucks! No time for gym so did a walk at lunch.

    Tomorrow - shopping for a recliner to help with my back issues, gym (self led water aerobics and walk) in the afternoon, then another game with friends. Planning my meals so I can have sushi for dinner.

    Sunday..gym (self led water aerobics , walk and maybe some weights). Chill with the cats. Hopefully will have new recliner.

    So tired of having to walk slow and keep my walks to short 15 to 20 minutes. My back cant take much more. However last night I was at 30 minutes in the pool before I realized it! Working out in the pool is great.
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    My plans are:

    Friday--work on eating and stay in the green with my nutrient numbers. I didn't get to exercise this morning because of Dr. appt. and bus rides. Then, when I got home, my blood sugar was way low and I had to eat some carbs to get it back up.

    Saturday--I'm going to do 30 min on the elliptical machine and swim backstroke laps for about 50 min. It will be much easier to eat better on Saturday, with getting the exercise in.

    Sunday--I'm hoping to try to do one of my Zumba DVDs that I used to do. I'm going to work on staying in the green with my calories too.
  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Hi all, it sounds as if everyone is very busy and working very hard to stay on track. My weekend:

    Today - My mom picked me up and took me for my birthday present (a one hour massage). OMG, so wonderful. When we were done there, we hit a few stores just window shopping mostly. Though I did buy a "new to me" end table at the Re-Store for $5. The wonderful thing about window shopping is plenty of steps, lol. Eating has been very light with tons of fresh fruit and vegetables. Grilling my meat on the outside grill helps keep the house cool.

    Tomorrow - I'm making some extra money by cleaning my Grandma and Aunt's apartment. Trust me, it will be a major workout. When I get back from there I'm planning on jumping in the pool for a swim. I think I'm going to pull that little trick I did the other day where I wore my suit under my clothes.

    Sunday - It's supposed to be unbearably hot here in St. Louis so I'm not sure how much I'll get outside except for maybe getting in the pool.

    Hope every one has a fabulous weekend.

    Dee in MO