50lbs to lose? Come join me!!



  • Shari, 1.8 lbs is great! That's nearly 2 lbs and I think that's the max most people can lose a week without losing muscle. I know those scale fluctuations are annoying, though. Maybe next month avoid the scale for this week and the days surrounding it? Easier said than done, it's so hard to stay away from the scale when you're working so hard!

    I am giving low carb another try. I was following low carb/paleo earlier this year, one month I lost 2 lbs and the other month I lost 0 lbs, despite going below 20 grams of total carb/day. I know I was eating well below my BMR, too. So, now that I'm on Metformin again, I want to retry low carb and see if it's more effective this time.

    I am moving soon, so most of my exercise lately is packing and moving boxes! But I love CrossFit and am going to try to go a few times before the move!
  • swinnie239
    swinnie239 Posts: 423 Member
    It's Winnie, checking in. I've been pretty horrible about controlling my diet and carbs the past couple weeks. My normal days are usually fine, but I need to get a better handle on my cheat days. I also had pasta this week on a non-cheat day. So all in all, pretty bad on my part.

    I have started a cycle again (really close to the last one, but I guess that it's irregularity bc it hasn't happened on it's own in awhile.)

    My loss was way slower the past couple weeks because of that, but that's to be expected.
  • RTL1234
    RTL1234 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey Christine, never too late to join! :)

    Sharin - I can't stay off the scale either! lol Even when its mean to me. I have limited myself to once a week. Before, I was getting on once a day and it was just bad for the motivation and mood.

    Winnie - You will get back on track! It takes recognizing it and rebounding and you are doing that. You are doing great!

    Nothing new here. I didn't track all weekend but I didn't eat too awful bad. I didn't get on my treadmill but we were pretty active throughout the weekend. I did indulge and have some ice cream with the family on Saturday, hopefully that won't kill my week. My husband is out of town for work most of this week so its just me and the little guy for dinner. I don't know how to cook for one so I just got some brown rice and chicken, and a small steak. E doesn't really eat much of anything these days, so he will probably have breakfast for dinner most of the week. He used to eat really a lot of things but now he won't eat meat, veggies, or most fruits. He pretty much lives on cheese, yogurt, peaches, cherries, and waffles or pancakes. His occupational therapist has us trying some new food strategies. Where he was born so premature and lived on a ventilator for months after he was born he has a high palate. So certain textures, or chewing is hard for him. They like him to eat overly processed foods because he can chew them and doesn't choke or gag from his palate but at the same time I feel bad because he is eating hot dogs and things that aren't good for him in the long run. OT says we will work on that later let's get his mouth and jaw in shape first. So I guess its okay!
  • I was diagnosed a while back and I take Metformin, but haven't tried to lose weight until now.

    Anyone have ideas of low calorie foods that we CAN eat. I LOVE carbs. LOL! I cannot eat dairy products too much, so those are out. I HATE eggs and bananas (unless the eggs are cooked into a cake or on french toast - lol) and I MAY eat a piece of banana nut bread once a year. :) I try not to eat too much fruit (especially at work) because it lowers my blood sugar. I've been following a diabetic diet and am eating 100% whole wheat products when I eat my carbs, so that part is good. I'm slowly changing other things over too. I like salads, but when I eat the salad dressing, it either makes me sick (Ranch) or drops my sugar (French and Sweet and Sour dressing). I have tasted some kind of Italian type dressing that I do like, but I cannot seem to find it right now to save my life. I'm hoping to work this salad thing out soon. I keep trying.

    Those energy bars and low cal bars always drop my sugar too low. I don't like a lot of meat, but I gag it down as much as I can. I'd LOVE to know what I could eat besides meat. I believe it is beans, but I don't know how to use them or flavor them (except to make bean soup - LOL). I LOVE peanut butter and will eat it on a whole wheat bagel, but get flack for eating it. It is probably my biggest source of protein for the day.

    And to top it off, I'm a picky eater. There are lots of things I do not like and would never eat even if it was the last item on Earth to eat.

    Dairy = sickness

    Fruits/sugars = drop in blood sugars, foggy thinking, etc

    There are only a few veggies that I like or have ever tasted - so it is kind of hard to eat corn (which is high in carbs) 5 times a day.

    *sigh* - I need help! So what have YOU found you can eat and lose weight??? YOU = ANYONE.

    Thanks for your help!!!
  • sharimedina
    sharimedina Posts: 116
    I was diagnosed a while back and I take Metformin, but haven't tried to lose weight until now.

    Anyone have ideas of low calorie foods that we CAN eat. I LOVE carbs. LOL! I cannot eat dairy products too much, so those are out. I HATE eggs and bananas (unless the eggs are cooked into a cake or on french toast - lol) and I MAY eat a piece of banana nut bread once a year. :) I try not to eat too much fruit (especially at work) because it lowers my blood sugar. I've been following a diabetic diet and am eating 100% whole wheat products when I eat my carbs, so that part is good. I'm slowly changing other things over too. I like salads, but when I eat the salad dressing, it either makes me sick (Ranch) or drops my sugar (French and Sweet and Sour dressing). I have tasted some kind of Italian type dressing that I do like, but I cannot seem to find it right now to save my life. I'm hoping to work this salad thing out soon. I keep trying.

    Those energy bars and low cal bars always drop my sugar too low. I don't like a lot of meat, but I gag it down as much as I can. I'd LOVE to know what I could eat besides meat. I believe it is beans, but I don't know how to use them or flavor them (except to make bean soup - LOL). I LOVE peanut butter and will eat it on a whole wheat bagel, but get flack for eating it. It is probably my biggest source of protein for the day.

    And to top it off, I'm a picky eater. There are lots of things I do not like and would never eat even if it was the last item on Earth to eat.

    Dairy = sickness

    Fruits/sugars = drop in blood sugars, foggy thinking, etc

    There are only a few veggies that I like or have ever tasted - so it is kind of hard to eat corn (which is high in carbs) 5 times a day.

    *sigh* - I need help! So what have YOU found you can eat and lose weight??? YOU = ANYONE.

    Thanks for your help!!!

    I wanted to mention that if your blood sugars are dropping from eating fruit (and I am assuming you are checking your sugars with a monitor?) then you may need to adjust your medications. Really, you shouldn't have lows like that. Also, when you do eat a carb, balance it with a protein. They help each other to regulate your blood sugars. For instance apple slices with peanut butter, fruit and a string cheese, a piece of toast and a scrambled egg. I like sugar free fudge pops or sugar free jello pudding to curb my chocolate cravings during my cycle. I like near feast from the east sesame dressing from costco. And a little goes a long way. Start trying new veggies and fruits. This just has to be a lifestyle change and takes commitment. Good luck! Keep us posted.
  • ruky82
    ruky82 Posts: 4
    Hello ladies!! Its great reading everyone's reviews....it's not great that it's due to PCOS we are on the group but that is part of life so to try and control it and move forward is great.

    My name is Ruky, I am 32 years old and have a 14 year old son. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I had my son and had surgery fairly soon after to remove large cysts. I have been trying to manage the PCOS ever since but now given up! I also have iron deficient anaemia.

    I was very slim prior to marriage, I was also too young to understand why I had problems with my periods and when the Dr told me I may struggle in life to get pregnant I didn’t worry too much as 3 months into my relationship I fell pregnant.

    Ever since having my son I have struggled with body hair, facial hair, acne and gosh the period problems. Either so heavy I can’t walk or so irregular they come only once every 3 months.

    I have steadily gained weight and over the last 13-14 years have put on about 100lb. I don’t want to go back to the size I was but I am now determined to try and lose weight.

    I was given Dianette to manage PCOS but suffered from depression, anxiety and leg cramps due to this – I am generally a very happy and lively person not depressed and rarely feel down! I stopped the medication and was seeing specialists on and off but I’m sure you’ll all know what it’s like – see one specialist and they tell you to record on a graph your period, go 6 months later, duly completed graph in hand and the specialist does not want to see that, gives some tablets and apologises as there is no cure for PCOS bar the tablets or hormone injections!!

    I was then on Yasmin tablets for a while – again issues with weight gain, leg cramps and depression. Long story short – I am now not on any medication apart from iron syrup to try and increase my low iron levels.

    I am now in my early 30s and have thinning hair at the top, diagnosed as male pattern baldness. Periods are still all over the place but weight loss seems to help a little.

    I’m hoping to pick up tips and encourage others in this group to manage the PCOS and just share stories about our lives with people that understand!!

    Sorry for rambling on!
  • ruky82
    ruky82 Posts: 4
    BTW - does anyone on here have really dark patches of skin?? My underarms, back and side of the neck and inner thighs are now so dark i feel so conscious of them all the time.

    If anyone does have this - have you ever tried any herbal remedies or anything really that may work to get rid of this?
  • sharimedina
    sharimedina Posts: 116
    Welcome Ruky! Hmmm. I only ever had dark patches of skin during the time I was on one type of birth control. The name escapes me now. I had it for 2 years and as soon as I went off the bc it promptly went away. I have cysts, thinning hair, skin tags, belly fat, insulin resistance. My cycles after having kids though are now super regular. Strange....because I needed fertility help to get pregnant. Anyway, I don't know about any remedies for the dark skin. Hopefully someone will be able to help. Why don't you start a separate thread here for that one? ;)
  • ruky82
    ruky82 Posts: 4
    Good idea about starting a new thread! Thank you!
  • amy_lou_6
    amy_lou_6 Posts: 5 Member
    Can I join your group please? I'm trying to drop 50 lbs with PCOS. So far, so good, but I'm prone to swan diving off the wagon.
    Any support is greatly appreciated!

    Anyone want to be buddies?

  • I was just diagnosed with PCOS in May, and am taking Metformin. I need to lose about 40-50 lbs...I have been here on MFP for a while, but recently just changed my diet to limit my carbs and sugars to try and lose weight. I workout every morning before I go to work. Right now, I am doing the Bikini Body Mommy Challenge on YouTube. Still struggling with the food choices, and get frustrated more often than not because I'm not losing weight. I'm not sure if it's because of my age or haven't been on the Metformin long enough to make a difference.
  • nikti94
    nikti94 Posts: 6
    Hey ladies, I'm so glad I've come across this group and thread. I've been recently diagnosed with PCOS with 50lb/25kgs to lose and have just started my new healthy eating plan and exercise everyday. I have some questions about the reality of my expectations for weight loss and diet with exercise and if there's anything you guys know that could shed some light on the situation. I saw a nutritionist today and I came out quite upset with her response to the PCOS, she basically just chuffed and said 'good luck with that' really sarcastically...

    My question is, is it really insanely hard for PCOS sufferers to lose weight? Or was this nutritionist just really rude about it? My gynaecologist did warn me about the difficulty in losing weight but since I have been diagnosed fairly early and I'm not obese or anything (I'm 82kg) she said that it shouldn't be that difficult providing I commit to the weight loss. Also, I was told to aim or 1800 calories per day for weight loss and exercise daily does this sound right? I thought maybe the calories sounded a little excessive but to be honest I dont understand any of the calorie deficit science. And lastly, are there any special dietary suggestions for pocs I forgot what my gynaecologist told me.

    Just some stats about me: I'm 20 years old, weigh 82kg, 5"2, goal weight 64-60kg.

    Thanks in advance and I look forward to your response! Nicole :)
  • knogoy
    knogoy Posts: 2
    Hi! My name is Katrina. I'm 27, and was diagnosed when I was 15. I take 500 mg of Metformin daily and I just started Junel Fe for my birth control. Before that, I was on Tre-Previfem for seven months and was on Yaz for a few years before that. My doctor keeps changing it because my potassium levels have been high. As for the symptoms, hiruitism and skin tags are a mild concern, but my stomach is quite huge. My waist is currently 46 inches, and it was 41-43 inches earlier this year. It's disheartening.

    I lived abroad for three years, and I had gained 30 pounds during that time. When I moved back to the United States, the weight just started coming off, which was great. Then when I went to grad school last year, I gained that weight back, plus a little more. I'm currently 210 lbs and aiming for 160. I'm really out of shape though - I started going back to a zumba class I attended before grad school, and I find I have to modify the steps to make it easier for me. Hopefully I'll get better though, and I'll be in better shape to take on more classes. I think I'm eating well now, but I do have cravings pretty often.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Can I join? I was diagnosed with PCOS 13 years ago, at age 16. I came off BC a few months ago and am now TTC, but still have a lot of weight to lose. I lost 20 lbs over two loooong years and still have 40-50 to go. I had some success with South Beach but found it very hard to maintain. I'm planning to try again because I'm beyond sick and tired of feeling like a fat cow.
  • RTL1234
    RTL1234 Posts: 19 Member
    Its been so quiet!! Sorry that is my fault!

    Welcome to all the new ladies! Hopefully everyone else can check in soon!

    Things are going okay for me. I'm eating better, but I feel like 1350 calories isn't enough. Even eating really really good, MFP says 1600, but I did the mayo clinic one. I'm not sure what to do? Maybe upping them is what i need to do. I am starting DDP Yoga today. I'm excited and nervous. It seems to be a pretty good program and I'm hoping it will help my knee pain. Its hard to use the treadmill everyday because it makes my knee hurt so bad.

    Hope to hear from everyone soon!
  • powellfam2006
    powellfam2006 Posts: 391 Member
    Hello new friends!! I'd love to congratulate you on your successes, commiserate with you on your cravings (I hear you on the spaghetti and toast in lieu of sweets!).
    I'm Mandy, 35, married mom of one precious (sassy) 4 year old. I was diagnosed several years ago, got my body in order, got pregnant, and have since gone way down hill. I am on Metformin ER, Atenolol for heart palpitations, I have Hashimotos Thyroiditis (untreated by doctor), and a big PCOS belly that I am desperate to get rid of. I'm starting a new job on Tuesday, so hopefully, stress will be down and activity will be up. I'd love to start the Couch 2 5K program, but it's so stinkin hot in Alabama.
    I am addicted to coke (the carbonated kind) and I seriously need a pill to get off of it, but I'm tryin! I'm drinking much more water and trying my best!!

    Did y'all decide on a check in day?

    My daughter was just diagnosed with Hachimotos and she is 8... how does it affect you? Just curious. We are still trying to get my kiddo's meds adjusted.
  • powellfam2006
    powellfam2006 Posts: 391 Member
    My Name is Stacey.. I have had PCOS for probably 20+ years, I was diagnosed when I was about 20... I am 35 now. Always had issues with my period. I have never been tiny. In highschool.. I thought I was fat. (which, I would kill to weight that amount today) I was about a size 12-14. Which for HS is big considering most girls are like a size 6.

    When I was 18 I got into a car accident and I had a hard time moving around.. and that's when the pounds really starting packing on. I couldn't lose weight for the life of me. Then I met my husband, got even more comfortable and continued gaining.

    I had a hard time conceiving my one and only child. It took clomid for me to get pregnant. I was almost 303 when I got pregnant (yuck) and I deleivered a healthy kiddo. Thankfully I didn't gain any weight I actually lost weight and delivered my kiddo at 280, got sick with gall bladder issues and got down to 270. Then after I quit breastfeeding the weight came right back on.. :(

    When Ali was 4, I decided I wanted to try for another one. I haven't been on anything since she was about 1 year old. And never have had a pregnancy. We started trying and timing things, nothing.. tried clomid, and nothing was not ovulating.. then switched to femera and nothing.. yet again not ovulating. Decided to take a break, and I was still really heavy..

    Last October a friend of mine got on the Omni train. So I decided to try it. Failed miserably the first round. Decided to re-try in January after the holidays. I successfully have lost 57 lbs since January. And this round I failed again miserably. I decided I needed a break. With the weight loss periods have started coming on their own. Still haven't been able to get pregnant.

    So now I am trying the MFP calorie logging and exercise to try to get some more weight off, and I am hoping in November when I go to my annual I can go back on fertility meds and try again. I am frustrated though. I am a person that can gain 10 lbs over night and it takes me 2 months to lose it.

    I am curious to see what works best for you guys food wise? I am trying to find things that help my weight loss. any insite would be great :)

    I do take meteformin. 2000mg. It has never really helped with weight loss...
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    Hello Cysters!

    I love this group!!

    My journey- diagnosed with PCOS approx 8 yrs ago when attempting to get prego with our second child. Went on metformin to try to get pregnant, it worked and now have 3 children, got pregnant with the third three years later not with metformin but at a lower weight with clomid. I have had issues with my cycles since I was a teen and have been overwieght since then as well. Was not oveweight as a child but was as a teen. I lost weight when I was 17-18 but not through healthy means, then gained it all back once I started the depo shot for birth control- gained 60 lbs in 2 months,, then kept gaining from there, some with each child, some after children.

    I have 150 lbs to lose,, that number is a little daunting to me, but am taking it one day at a time and focusing on 10lb goals. I am struggling with losing it because of the PCOS, it seems it is coming off (have lost 15lbs, then back up to 7 lbs, now back to 9lbs lost) over the last 4 months of genuine effort. I excercise 6 days a week, and started limiting carbs but might reconsider this as it seems to have stalled my weight loss efforts. It seems that when I lowered my carb intake, I started gaining weight again or not losing again. I was at 311 before I limited carbs and now am back up to 317, was at 315 after a cheat day, but gained another 2 lbs after that. I am thinking about going back on metformin but would like to do it without the medication.
  • peabean26
    peabean26 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi, I'm so glad you joined this group. I'm interested in your story regarding metformin. I was just put on metformin 2 weeks ago for my PCOS because I'm trying to get pregnant. Right now I'm on 500mg/day, extended release.
    If you don't mind me asking..

    How many mg/day were you on when you conceived?
    How much time(months) did it take after you started the metformin to conceive?

    I'm trying to be patient, but I also don' t want to waste time (I'm almost 35). I'm debating whether to give the met a while to work or to go for a higher level of intervention right away.

  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    Hi, I'm so glad you joined this group. I'm interested in your story regarding metformin. I was just put on metformin 2 weeks ago for my PCOS because I'm trying to get pregnant. Right now I'm on 500mg/day, extended release.
    If you don't mind me asking..

    How many mg/day were you on when you conceived?
    How much time(months) did it take after you started the metformin to conceive?

    I'm trying to be patient, but I also don' t want to waste time (I'm almost 35). I'm debating whether to give the met a while to work or to go for a higher level of intervention right away.



    I was on the same as you, 500/mg per day but was not on extended release. I wanna say it took between 3-6 months to coneive my daughter- dont remember the exact number of months because it was 8 years ago, but know it was in that time period. However, I did try metformin with my second daughter and it wasnt working so I had to go to clomid instead,, but that only took 2 months even though I was heavier. I would say give it a chance but if you dont conceive within 6 months , I would look into clomid to see if that would work better.