where are you?

emmacymru Posts: 7 Member
Where in wales are you? I'm in cefn hengoed.


  • bessiesmudge
    bessiesmudge Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Emma

    I have joined the group as I am just down the road in Bargoed. I moved here in february to be nearer my mum etc. Not sure if you are still doing MFP but would love to hear your progress. I previously did NutraCheck which is similar but costs money!! I lost almost three stone but then fell over and broke my ankle so no exercise for over 3 months so put some back on. I'm now looking to lose it again and would be nice to have a support network close by.

    What type of exercise are you doing and can you recommend any classes/activities. I currently walk my dogs twice a day and also joined the rambers.

  • cwtchme
    cwtchme Posts: 104 Member
    Hi! I'm originally from Swansea but I now live in Bridgend. I love to hear from fellow Welshies.
  • xJemsyFitness
    xJemsyFitness Posts: 6 Member
    Originally Whitchurch Cardiff but now have moved to Penarth. :D