Shamelessly cheating my liquid diet



  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Great to hear everything went well! That's all that really matters. Good luck making the permanent changes you know you need to make!
  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    I was thinking about you and wondering how it had worked out for you. I'm so glad to hear surgery is done and you're doing well.

    I struggle sometimes, thinking I want to dive into a box of donuts. What stops me is realization that food doesn't really taste all that great to me anymore. I'm fascinated by it still, but I can't really eat that much of it, so it's more a curiosity than anything. I've noticed that a bowl of soup is fine for me and before it would have been nice, as an appetizer, or maybe with a whole sandwich and a salad, too. I'm still getting used to the fact that a single meal for most people is now three meals for me.

    I'm noticing that since I can't feed myself, now I want to feed other people. So that may be my outlet in the future.
  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    Well done Dezbie. So glad for you. Now your exciting journey begins. During the healing phase I would mistake healing pains for hunger pains. I thought about food a lot. But it does settle. As your body changes new adventures come up and take your mind elsewhere. Just last night whilst grocery shopping I actually stopped to look at some of the clothes they had for sale. Not being a dept store they do not stock larger sizes. I have never bothered looking before now as there was no point. Didn't buy anything but couldn't get the grin off my face because I could have easily. You will really focus. Your rewards will come thick and fast.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Thanks for the update Dezbie. I am so happy to hear that not only are you back on the forum but that you had your surgery and it went well. I used to attend Overeater's Anonymous meetings and found them very helpful. It's the 12 Step AA approach but they substitute alcohol for food. They have some really great literature too. Their website is if you want to check it out online while you are recovering at home.
    I look forward to reading your posts and following your journey. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Thanks for the update Dezbie. I am so happy to hear that not only are you back on the forum but that you had your surgery and it went well. I used to attend Overeater's Anonymous meetings and found them very helpful. It's the 12 Step AA approach but they substitute alcohol for food. They have some really great literature too. Their website is if you want to check it out online while you are recovering at home.
    I look forward to reading your posts and following your journey. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    i love my support group. we have mentors that are 8 yrs out. I need that reminder that i am not cured of obese brain. i will always have to monitor my intake. my husband once asked how long i will continue to go to support group. i replied "as long as i am still eating food" :).
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    Welcome back. I hope things continue to go well for you post-op.
  • dezbie
    dezbie Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks I'm enjoying the weight loss but not eating is so hard, 4th of july was so hard to stomach....literally. I bit the tiniest piece of a hot dog and that was day. Fluids and a piece of hot dog the size of a marble. I don't know why I did this, I love food more dearly than anything, smelling the hot dogs, burgers, chicken...sheesh. I thought this process would go by fast and I'd be in the dream life in no time, the life where I eat healthy and enjoy working out and am a zumba instructor....instead I'm experiencing the day by day of I'm still me minus the things I love most, swimming and eating. One more week til I can return to the water but 3 1/2 more months til I'm on solids, I don't think I was ready for what I got myself into and I'm starting to get a little depressed. I was really hoping I could be strong through this and I'm trying but the reality is I feel like I ruined my life. Can't talk to my best friend about it because she's so wrapped up in her jealousy I think she'd be happy to hear I regret it. I wish my mind would just get over food. :explode:
  • dezbie
    dezbie Posts: 19 Member
    From my first post to my most current I might be sounding like a weak person but I'm not, I just have a lot of big things happening at the same time that are making me feel extra emotional. I just lack the support I need to get through it, I knew this was going to happen though. I tried to prepare myself for dealing on my own but it's all a bit much, I return to therapy this week so I'm hoping that helps me relieve some of my stress.
  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    From my first post to my most current I might be sounding like a weak person but I'm not, I just have a lot of big things happening at the same time that are making me feel extra emotional. I just lack the support I need to get through it, I knew this was going to happen though. I tried to prepare myself for dealing on my own but it's all a bit much, I return to therapy this week so I'm hoping that helps me relieve some of my stress.

    You're not weak, you're human *HUGS* Don't be too hard on yourself. This surgery alone is an emotional rollercoster add in everything you're going through, and your bound to be having a hard time.

    I know I am an emotional eater. When things are down, I turn to food for comfort. Coming home after my surgery, I was a hormonal, emotional wreck, first thought was to turn to food like I normally would. When I realized I physically couldn't, it was really hard.

    I love food too. I understand that. I've been watching the food network for two weeks dreaming about all the food that I see.

    I do have to say that it's getting easier. I'm 2 weeks 1 day out now, and i'm not such a wreck LOL I feel pretty human now, and I feel like I have a better grasp on things.

    I've also moved on from fluids to purees, so that's helping. I'm able to actually eat things even though they are pureed.

    Give yourself a break, and take it one day at a time. All those foods that *we* loved before will still be there in a few months. We can still have them in moderation, they aren't going anywhere.

    Focus on YOU right now. You deserve to be happy!

    Take care
  • dezbie
    dezbie Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you I'm trying so hard to deal but I honestly thought that once the surgery was over everything would be easy from there, that because I wasn't hungry I wouldn't mind not eating, but it's so much more complicated than that and I'm like what did I get myself into? I just wasn't mentally prepared for this but thankfully tomorrow I'm going to get started on purees and get approval to start working out and that's going to be amazing!
    From my first post to my most current I might be sounding like a weak person but I'm not, I just have a lot of big things happening at the same time that are making me feel extra emotional. I just lack the support I need to get through it, I knew this was going to happen though. I tried to prepare myself for dealing on my own but it's all a bit much, I return to therapy this week so I'm hoping that helps me relieve some of my stress.

    You're not weak, you're human *HUGS* Don't be too hard on yourself. This surgery alone is an emotional rollercoster add in everything you're going through, and your bound to be having a hard time.

    I know I am an emotional eater. When things are down, I turn to food for comfort. Coming home after my surgery, I was a hormonal, emotional wreck, first thought was to turn to food like I normally would. When I realized I physically couldn't, it was really hard.

    I love food too. I understand that. I've been watching the food network for two weeks dreaming about all the food that I see.

    I do have to say that it's getting easier. I'm 2 weeks 1 day out now, and i'm not such a wreck LOL I feel pretty human now, and I feel like I have a better grasp on things.

    I've also moved on from fluids to purees, so that's helping. I'm able to actually eat things even though they are pureed.

    Give yourself a break, and take it one day at a time. All those foods that *we* loved before will still be there in a few months. We can still have them in moderation, they aren't going anywhere.

    Focus on YOU right now. You deserve to be happy!

    Take care
  • lsirmon7758
    Dezbie, EVERYONE I've talked to has felt the same way. I think for me it's because it's not reversible. My food habits are really tough to break, and as I sit here on Day 5 post-op I really am missing food. I don't even like sweet potatoes but am really looking forward to it on Week 3. Thanks for the update. I've decided to take it one day at a time....
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    From my first post to my most current I might be sounding like a weak person but I'm not, I just have a lot of big things happening at the same time that are making me feel extra emotional. I just lack the support I need to get through it, I knew this was going to happen though. I tried to prepare myself for dealing on my own but it's all a bit much, I return to therapy this week so I'm hoping that helps me relieve some of my stress.

    You don't sound weak, you sound like a person who has had a tremendous amount of stuff happen to you all at once. Here's hoping the therapy helps. And I know someone else said this, but try and find a good support group. Your surgeon's office should be able to help there.

    It I could give you one piece of wisdom it would be to purposefully change your attitude about food. I am 3 years out and there are a few foods I have chosen not to reintroduce to my life. I made that choice because they are my trigger foods, I could not control myself with them prior to surgery and I don't want to find out I still can't, so I just don't eat them. I don't feel deprived or mourn these foods because not eating them is my choice. If you can, try and look at your surgery as an empowerment tool. It can give you the power over food to be a pickey eater and to be the one making the choices about what to eat. And it starts now when you are healing and on the liquid part of the program. You can choose every day to follow this new path to weight loss and health because your surgery makes it possible. See what I mean? It's all about choices. The surgery is a tool, use it and you will lose the weight. Choose to keep using it and you will keep the weight off. You can be in control here.

    Feel free to message me if you want to talk more. It's not an easy journey we've chosen here, but it is well worth it! You can do this. We all believe in you.

  • itsdreday
    itsdreday Posts: 60 Member
    Directly after surgery I was very despondent continually thinking "What have I done to myself?". I'm 4 months out and, while it's not easy, it does get easier. It WILL get better so long as you follow the dr's orders