Exercise modification ideas

kinsy Posts: 3 Member
Hi all!
I am new the the group and just found out I am pregnant (5 weeks) with my second. My doctor has me as a high risk pregnancy due to prior miscarriages so I have been instructed to modify my exercise routine. I had only just gotten into a good routine when I found out I was pregant. I was training for a 5k so I was jogging 3 days/week and doing some Jillian Michaels DVDs.... I think I can modify the dvds a bit but I feel like the jumping and whatnot may be too intense for me now. And my doctor told me no more running. Does anyone have any ideas for modifications? I was planning to walk, maybe at an incline on the treadmill, but other than that I dont know what else to do. My concern is that walking and modifying the dvd's will not allow for an effective workout. Pre-pregnancy I was doing that 3-4 times a week on 1600-1700 calories a day and didnt feel like I was making much of a difference. I know I cant expect to lose at this point but I was hoping I could still tone up as I was just starting to work off the first pregnancy!! Any thoughts?


    SSAHM Posts: 172 Member
    I have been doing 30day shred still. I'm not high risk but I was doing pretty much punches for all the cardio rather then all the jumping. There's heaps of different variations you can do. For the ab work I did planks or rested if it was too much. I did push ups on the wall because I found it so hard to do normal ones. Just take it slow you don't have to keep up with them. Also if you need to lower the weights or use no weights
  • kinsy
    kinsy Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks, I will do one of her videos tonight and see how I do!
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    Do not underestimate the benefits of walking. At a fast enough pace, you will get your heart pumping. I'm an avid runner but stopped shortly after I fell pregnant because of constant nausea. However, I haven't jogged since the nausea has subsided because I have a 5cm cyst on my left ovary. It's aches a lot and I don't see how running would help that. Therefore, I'm sticking to walking and cycling. Maybe you can bike? It's a great workout. Maybe more so than running especially when you are biking up hills.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Agree with Binky Muffin - I'm not considered a high risk pregnancy but when I asked my doctor what sort of exercise I should be doing, walking was her immediate answer. You do have to get a reasonable pace up rather than wandering along as I tend to do but walking can do you a lot of good - particularly if you are restricted in what else you can do.
  • kinsy
    kinsy Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks ladies! I will just have to try walking and modifying the dvd's and hope it is more effective than I imagine in my head. Besides anything is better than nothing. I have to remind myself of that or I will just stop completely, which is totally ineffective! (And what I did last time-lol) I really want to do better this time around.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Check out your local library & check out prenatal DVDs. I like buff moms to be DVD. Also Denise Austin has a free one on YouTube!