Hi! Suggestions?

Hi! I just joined MFP and am really excited to take advantage of the site. I am 25 years old and have had type 1 for 13 years. Up until college I was in pretty good shape and did not have to worry about weight loss because I was pretty active on a regular basis. I have now been in school for a while and have not exercised regularly for a long time and I REALLY need to now. I am about 30 lbs overweight and have high LDL levels and am just overall not in control like I need to be. I HATE running for the sake of running, I HATE Zumba because it is SO out of my comfort level and I don't really have access to a swimming pool, which I used to do and loved. Does anyone have any suggestions for an exercise routine that starts slow enough for essentially a beginner who also has to deal with bs levels? Maybe I'm just scared of the daunting task in front of me and wish exercising were easier. :P Any suggestions/encouragement would be greatly appreciated. :-)


  • jbalistriere
    jbalistriere Posts: 300 Member

    I am a huge fan of the treadmill. I HATE, HATE, HATE running, so I focus on a decent pace with intervals of high inclines. I've run into lots of issues with my blood sugars and it can get discouraging but YOU CAN DO IT! Be prepared to figure out adjustments for exercise, to be let down when you have to eat back the calories you just burned because your sugars decided to bottom out, and to have to make adjustments to your insulin levels about every 5-10 pounds. I'm not trying to scare you but it's the truth and I almost gave up several times because it's so frustrating but, again, YOU CAN DO IT! Personally, over the past two years (and I had/have a heck of a lot more than 30 lbs to lose) I have gotten off of all cholestoral (brain freeze and can't think of how it's spelled but I know for sure that's wrong! :)) meds and dropped my insulin doses in half. I work with a great diabetic team and I highly recommend letting your doctor know your plan and working together closely. Good luck!!!!!
  • gdmanley
    gdmanley Posts: 17 Member
    I had a portion of my pancreas removed in January and due to a lack of insulin production am now insulin dependent. I have been on diabetic mads for about 10 years, but this insulin thing is a whole new ball game. I hate running also and live in an area where if I don't get out very early, I can not handle the heat. When possible, I walk as I have a dog who loves to go. If the heat is not tolerable, I ride a stationary bike. I have days that my pancreatitis pain makes it very difficult to do anything, but if I can just get in 10-15 min. of walking or riding, I have achieved a small win over the pain. Even in small doses, exercise has a very beneficial impact on my bs #'s. You can do it as well. Make time for the amount you can do comfortably and it will increase with time. If you miss a day, just consider it an opportunity to start a new streak.