No motivation to lose weight?

I'm out of shape and overweight, duh. But I have no motivation to change that. I'm *roughly* a size 18 and have a lot of confidence about that. My FH loves the way I look, I think I look good in clothes, I look AWESOME in my dress, I get hit on quite regularly, so why should I lose weight? I've been going to the gym and eating healthy and have lost about 3 pounds so far (in a week), but I just absolutely dread going to the gym. I've tried everything....T25, P90X, Insanity, BBL, Turbofire, Zumba, Yoga....everything! And nothing makes me want to keep going. The only thing I enjoyed was rowing but my wrists are so weak I can't do it.

Anyone else have this issue? I would be more motivated if I felt uncomfortable in my own skin, but frankly, I look good at a size 18. My wedding is in February and I'd *like* to be a size 12 or so, but it won't ruin anything if I'm not.


  • jlbarde
    jlbarde Posts: 1 Member
    I am somewhat the same way. I go to the gym regularly and feel healthy, so my only motivation right now is that some my clothes don't fit and it is harder to take a great picture. So I want to lose weight so I can wear more of my wardrobe and so wedding pictures come out better, but if they don't, then..... they don't. I can't seem to work up enough motivation to actually take the steps needed to lost the weight. It's like - "it'd be nice to be a size 8, but damn, this cheeseburger is also nice." My fiance is even more this way. He is much more overweight than I am and doesn't even go to the gym and he just doesn't give a damn.

    So even though I feel like I "should" lose weight because my BMI is above 30 and society says I don't fit social norms of body beauty, that should feeling is not enough to make me stop eating. It's frustrating, but at the same time I have only myself to blame because I know exactly what I am doing wrong, I just can't stop myself.