Hello to Group & I can't do this alone

I am 44, 253 lbs... I have lost 17... and on a good upswing of exercise... and having difficulty keeping motivation to track my food, eat right, manage 3 kids (9,11,13), keep up success at work, figure out how to somehow keep some kind of relationship with my wife..... and now realizing that I can't eat oreos and Gyro's whenever I want....

I have realized I can't do this along and have a month of good walking in with motivating by betting work mates with a fitbit, making morning appointments with people I don't know well for a walk (not knowing them well makes it less likely I will cancel)...

I would like to have some friends in this forum to help support me, complain to, share in their success.

I was once in a group that was based on the principal of the greek phalanx.... so well displayed in the movie 300 (which I loved). Taking take of another man's heart while you stab the hell out of the foe (or donut... or desire to eat a lot and then sleep all day...whatever). That is what I would like to find on the web...

We called in WIT (whatever it takes). 50% o the men in the group often worked on health issues. Many men had success during the 13 week session (including myself), and then afterward always it fell off (including myself). I can either be sad and disappointed about that outcome or I can be grateful that I was able to lose during that period and now have another bag of tools at my disposal to fight the good fight against.. my pants not fitting, being embarrassed if I accidentially step on someone's foot, have to buy XXL shirts and they just barely fit, can't walk up hills, get too tired to play with my kids, sleep non stop, lack of motivation, hate to look in the mirror...

I am looking for being proud of looking in the mirror, having time and the energy to be with my kids, look forward to buying a new pair of pants, or maybe fit into the many that I have stuffed in the bottom of my closet that don't fit me! Much to gain with much to lose.

Thank you for listening.

send me a friend request if you can provide support and want to be supported in this fight for something worth while...


  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Welcome Henry, do not hesitate to send out friend requests on your own. Always include a note. Some of the best guys on MFP are in this group.
  • brando79az
    brando79az Posts: 224 Member
    Welcome to the group. Feel free to friend request. The more fun you have the higher the likelihood to keep visiting the site and logging and exercising.
  • mheebner
    mheebner Posts: 285 Member
    You can add me. I have had my fair share of ups and downs on this road. I don't eat clean, but have had some success losing weight while eating pizza and drinking beer. And I found out I really enjoy running. A lot.