Cycle Vent!!

So, I know this has to be a lifestyle change, and I shouldn't concentrate on the numbers, but my cycle irritates the **** out of me. I have been on 1500 calories for a month and exercising 6 days a week. I weigh 325 so I have a lot to lose. I lost 11 pounds and just gained 6 for my cycle. I know it is water weight, but Dammit it pisses me off that 10 days of the month are pretty much useless for losing weight. 5 pounds in a month is not too cool when you have as much to lose as I do. I know, I know, it didn't go on over won't come off over night....but sometimes I just think it would be so much easier to just weigh 330 and eat whatever I want and not exercise.

Of course that is not an option for health reasons (I am also diabetic with IR)....and I am sticking with the plan....but don't you all get frustrated every cycle. Funny thing is that for forever I tried to just have regular cycles so that I could have babies, had to fight for regular cycles. Now I get them like clockwork and I don't want them anymore. Sigh.

Anyway, rant over. Weigh day is tomorrow and I am dreading it, but I am still here. It helps to be able to 'talk' about it with others who understand! ;)


  • lawgirl0520
    lawgirl0520 Posts: 15 Member
    I am the same way! I am still fairly irregular, but I always know one is coming when my pants don't button anymore! Do you increase your sodium around that time? I know I crave salty foods like crazy which probably contributes to it.
  • sharimedina
    sharimedina Posts: 116
    I am the same way! I am still fairly irregular, but I always know one is coming when my pants don't button anymore! Do you increase your sodium around that time? I know I crave salty foods like crazy which probably contributes to it.

    I don't really crave salty as much as chocolate. I always said they should just put a chocolate bar on every box of tampons, the cravings are that real. I have an addiction to carbs though, so for me it is really all or nothing. I can't keep it in the house. I did have a couple of sugar free chocolate puddings this week and my husband bought me skinny cow ice creams. It took all I had to not eat the whole damn box though. I don't know, for as long as I can remember I have just always gained between 6-10 pounds at my cycle, then it takes the next week to lose it back.

    I just have to keep telling myself it isn't about the numbers on the scale, it is about my health this time. Easier said than done. Glad to have the sounding board, I think it has helped keep me on track. ;)
  • jessib1980
    jessib1980 Posts: 9 Member
    My body is the same exact way :) I guess I'm just so used to not losing any weight no matter what that when I see it go up that week before my TOM I get excited thinking that at least the next week when I hop on the scale it will be back down. I know it's so frustrating! But I guess that's just how I try to see the positive of it all. Stay with it and you will eventually see some loss :)
  • sharimedina
    sharimedina Posts: 116
    Well, my weigh in today wasn't as bad as I thought. Even though I had lost 11 and gained 6, today's weigh in left me with still a loss of 7 total, so up 1 pound from last week. Sigh. I guess the most important thing is that it is on the down swing and I am still motivated to keep going. One month down, the rest of my life to go!! ;) Thanks for the support ladies.
  • kgibbz
    kgibbz Posts: 102 Member
    I completely understand what you mean. I sympathize. It sucks just starting out because I was feeling great and then I see a gain... Im trying not to be derailed by the scale. Maybe I shouldnt get on the scale for x amount of days... Considering that.
  • sharimedina
    sharimedina Posts: 116
    Well, it worked out okay!! It is not weigh day, but the water weight came off, plus some! Don't get discouraged!!