Complications with surgery

Hi all. I had the sleeve surgery on June 19th and was okay for almost a week and then ended up back in the hospital. They didn't see a leak so they thought some blood vessels to my spleen were cut off. They said this could cause the pain I was having and it would heal itself in time. I was home for a few days when I ended up back in the hospital, this time with an abscess in my abdomen that they think may have been caused by a leak that they didn't see because my stomach had healed itself already. They did another surgery to check my stomach (which looked fine) and put in a drain to get rid of the abscess. I was told my stomach looked good and didn't have a leak. After being discharged from the hospital, I was brought back a day later where they ended up finding another abscess that needed a drain and then another one that needed a drain. I was in the hospital for about 18 days in all. I am now home, but still have two drains in me. I'm going in on Friday to have them checked. One of them may be removed, but the other one is still draining quite a bit, so I'm not sure what that will mean. Being one of the less than 1% that this happens to has really sucked, especially since I personally know about 10 people who have had this surgery and have been totally fine. It's been a very hard road, one that no one expected I would have, but I'm trying to stay positive and am hopeful that all of this will end soon so that I can adequately adapt to this new life and experience the benefits of the surgery. Has this happened to anyone else? If so, how long did it take to get back to "normal"?


  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Oh my word, what a terrible situation. Just think that you had to go back several times to get the problem notices and rectified. Hopefully the drains with come out soon. All the best with everything, and good luck.
  • capecodgirl50
    capecodgirl50 Posts: 111 Member
    I too had complictions with a stricture on my sleeve. I too was in the hospital for 18 days - what I do, and it is hard, is to not look back and just look forward.

    It is depressing and I was situationally depressed - thought I was going to die. Yes, that serious for me. but I am taking one day at a time.

    Hang in there and look forward.
  • dcc56
    dcc56 Posts: 172 Member
    My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope you get better real soon and can realize the benefits of the surgery.
    I have not had any problems and now consider myself very lucky. I hope to hear from you on MFP that things are improving. Take it easy....get plenty of rest and follow your Doctor's instructions.
  • homerismyhero
    homerismyhero Posts: 204 Member
    I'm so sorry that happened to you. How frustrating. No one has this surgury in an overnight process- so to look forward to having it- do all the prep, and have complications has to really be tough. Mine was fine, and I remember the impatience I felt at wanting to do all the things I'd planned to "make it work" like excersize, plan my diet, and the satisfaction I felt in doing all of them- still do. I can't imagine the frustration in having that thwarted. Try to just take it a day at a time, and know that you will have the opportunity still to reap all the benefits of great decision you made.
  • OMG!!!! I'm really sorry to hear that hope this is all behind you, are you in any kind of pain? I hope not
    anyway take it easy and wait until your body fully recovered.
    Stay strong SISTER
  • tmccoy723
    tmccoy723 Posts: 6
    Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts and words, whether you've been through something like this or not. Having the support of other people who have had the surgery is so wonderful and helps me keep my spirits up. Luckily I'm not in too much pain at this point, more like discomfort, and will just keep looking forward to the good things to come. Love to all the VSGers!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I am so sorry you are having to go through all this. Praying for total and rapid healing! Hang in there. It only gets better from here.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    I am so sorry to hear all that you have gone through. I hope and pray that you are through the worst of it and that it is smoother sailing ahead as your tummy heals from all of the trauma it has been through. I had a severe infection post-op from having my appendix removed. It's a long story but let's just say my surgeon wouldn't put me on IV antibiotics. In Canada we have Universal health care which is great, unless you run into a problem. It is very difficult to try and change your surgeon once they operate on you. Long story short... I was in the hospital for the better part of 9 weeks with 2 brief home stays in between. I figured that GOD wanted me to live.
    I haven't had this surgery yet but have had a laproscopic incisional hernia repair which went smoothly so I have no reason to assume the worst here, although I understand that there are risks associated with any surgery.

    Glad to hear that you are on the mend. I totally agree with you about the support and encouragement shown by the VSGers on this site. :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • tmccoy723
    tmccoy723 Posts: 6
    relentless212 - I'm so sorry to hear about your experience as well. Mine seems like nothing compared to what you had to go through. I know that complications can happen and that if they do, it doesn't mean they will happen every time, so I'm happy to hear that your other surgery went very well. I'm definitely taking all of the positive energy and support that I'm getting here and from friends and family and using it to look ahead. Even though I've gone through all of this, I don't regret my decision to have the surgery. I'm excited to having the better quality of life that losing all this weight will help me achieve. :wink: