Hundred Days of Happiness Day 4

tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
Skyped with my brother for an hour and a half today. I miss him terribly but it was lovely to see him and talk to him rather than the odd messages and comments on fb that we fell into doing the last couple of months. Love my little brother very much and am very grateful to have him in my life.


  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Today what makes me happy in this life is my son. He is my miracle child. I went through several years of infertility treatments even taking 6 shots of perganol every day at the end. I finally got tired of the ups and downs of all the hormones and quit knowing that I would never ovulate on my own, especially since I couldn't ovulate on all those meds. My doctor put me on meds to keep my cycles regular which they eventually did. One day I was a couple days late and instead of taking the medicine that would start my cycle, I decided to do a pregnancy test. It came out positive, as the the three more that I took because I couldn't believe my eyes. I found out later that if I had taken my medicine, I would have naturally aborted. The doctors still to this day don't know how I got pregnant. I do. My heavenly Father knew that I needed Cody. Over the next couple of years, I considered suicide many times and without Cody I'm sure I would have gone through with it. But there was no way I was leaving Cody alone with this "father" and there was no way I could hurt my baby. So every day, I thank God for giving me my son.
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    that is an amazing story, (hugs)
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    I had a nice moment in the car today with my father. I had to be rescued after I gave up on my afternoon bike ride, their were mechanical issues and my legs were killing me but I just didn't have the motivation to keep going. My family is aware of my weight loss, and they are all on their own paths in their own ways. My father started several years ago and is very close to his goal weight. It embarrasses me that, at 60, he is further along in making these changes then me (he's lost a lot of weight, gotten his blood pressure and cholesterol in control and for several years has been running marathons). On the way to the repair shop we were sharing stories about routs we have both taken and appearances we have had out when exercising, the feeling of being out of shape and giving it your all only to be passed by someone who makes the effort look like nothing. It was a nice moment to share. I don't like taking about my weight loss with my family or others (acknowledge it makes it feel like your allowing them to judge you), so this was a nice moment of feeling connected in the same effort.
  • Peggy108
    Peggy108 Posts: 32 Member
    I had a friend make me a delicious vegetable soup with all the ingredients calculated out according to calorie count. He also made a batch of kale chips and cut up a honeydew melon and left it in the fridge. I felt very supported and cheered.