Has anyone been prescribed nutritional shakes?

I have an eating disorder NOS (I'm not thin enough to fit in the category of anorexia), I don't eat at all, no food, just liquid. My GP and therapists are getting really concerned and my doctor prescribed me these nutritional shakes called Fortisip but I am too scared to drink them and haven't even touched them. Has anyone else been prescribed nutritional shakes and what are they like? Will they make me put on weight? I am so scared to even open the lid and have a sip. I've lost 4 and a half stone in 2 years and the last thing I want is to put those stones back on. :cry:


  • yourfitnessenemy
    yourfitnessenemy Posts: 121 Member
    It really depends on how many you drink. I gained weight on them intentionally (I was refeeding/trying to recover) and drank several a day in addition to trying to eat more. They have I think 300 calories per shake. They are kinda gross (so is Ensure) but doable, and they have complete nutrition. If you're not eating anything you need to get nutrients from somewhere so I'd try to drink at least a few a day.
  • JesusIsForreal
    JesusIsForreal Posts: 7 Member
    I've had the Milk Chocolate Ensure and I think it's so-so. It could or could not make you gain weight, since you aren't eating food you shouldn't gain any weight and if you do it would be healthy weight. I say healthy weight because your body needs nutrients that come from food, it can't thrive off of nothing. The healthy weight would be your bone density rebuilding and your muscle, not fat. I suggest you drink them for your body's health. I'm also here to talk if you need support :)
  • CherylMatthews66
    CherylMatthews66 Posts: 44 Member
    Oh right, well I was starting off with one shake a day because I drink one normal milkshake once a day but for some reason I just cannot pick up the courage to drink the one the doctor prescribed me. Oh are they gross? They look pretty sickly.

    Thank you both :) I guess if I want to continue living and not kill myself I'm just going to have to suck it up and just drink it lol. I wish it was that easy.
  • yourfitnessenemy
    yourfitnessenemy Posts: 121 Member
    Definitely not easy! I cried when they made me drink them in the hospital. I drank them down like crazy, willingly, when I was pregnant (friggin miracle baby--I hadn't had a period in over a year) because I cared more about the health of the babe than my own.
  • CherylMatthews66
    CherylMatthews66 Posts: 44 Member
    Awww he/she really is a miracle baby, I'm so happy for you, at least now you have an important reason to get yourself better :)