TTC #2 and Looking for friends

kariker Posts: 13 Member
Hi y'all. My name is Kristin and I'm 37 and TTCing #2 for the past year. I was diagnosed with PCOS about 15 years ago and I have a 3 yr old that it took 2 years to conceive. We conceived him on our 1st round of femara after many failed Clomid cycles and fibroid surgery.

Since we've started TTCing #2 I've lost more than 10% of my body weight. I've kind of plateaued at this point and I could use some friends to help motivate. I was not unhealthy at all when I was obese and pregnant (in fact I only gained 1 lb during pregnancy) but I was definitely uncomfortable.

We've gone back to our RE after trying to conceive on our own for 8 months. We've gone through a bunch of tests and everything looks fine except my cycles are irregular. So we have a consultation next Wednesday to find out where we go from here. I'm kind of at a loss because when with #1 the problem was that I wasn't ovulating and once that was taken care of we were fine. Now I'm ovulating and still nothing so I'm looking forward to hearing what her course of action is.

Please friend me! I need some inspiration. :)


  • powellfam2006
    powellfam2006 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi!! Same for me... PCOS.. trying for #2 Got pregnant with #1 after 3 cycles of clomid 8 years ago, I was way overweight then.. Been trying for #2 for about 4 years now on and off.. recently lost about 60lbs..cycles just started getting regular. Tried Clomid and Femera 2 years ago did not work.. hoping since cycles are getting regular now, that if I try again it might work. Hubby was tested he is ok.. it's all me. :/
  • angelraguel
    angelraguel Posts: 142 Member
    I have pcos and no 1 took me 4.5. Found out i was preggy the week before i was due to start clomid. I want to try fir no 2 but want to lose 3 stone first at least but ideally 5. I was on metaformin which helped. I am 30 and my lg is 15 months old. I have just restarted mfp today. Add me if you like.
  • CraftyPants77
    CraftyPants77 Posts: 49 Member
    I've been TTC #1 for a year and a half. I have PCOS and did one round of chlomid and then four IUIs with Gonal-F injections. I've lost 62 pounds this year and I'm hoping that helps even things out enough where an IUI will actually work! You're all free to add me... it's wonderful knowing people in similar situations (even though it sucks that we're in these situations!) =)