New to the group but not to type 1 :)

Hello fellow T1s! I was excited to see there's a group for 'us' on here! I joined right away and am hoping to make friends with anyone wanting the same!
I was diagnosed days after my 18th birthday; 20 years ago this year! I've been on a pump 12 years now, am a mom of 2 young boys and married to a very supportive husband. I work full time in a career that is mentally and physically exhausting. I have finally decided enough, get serious and feel better.


  • curlergal14
    curlergal14 Posts: 20 Member

    I've been diabetic since I was 4, so 21 years now. I've been on the pump for 15 (I just had to do some math to figure that out). I work full time, but no kiddos or husband to occupy the rest of my time yet.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • _L_A_
    _L_A_ Posts: 170 Member
    Hi! I'm type 1 too (well, a latent form of it so my pancreas is clinging on for dear life and will deteriorate slowly over years until it's completely gone), diagnosed just before my 19th birthday (4.5 years ago). I'm not on a pump, whilst I'm exercising and eating well I'm lucky enough to only need small amounts of insulin (it will increase gradually though)

    I'm currently a medical student so very busy in hospital every day, getting married one month tomorrow! But no kids yet! I've been on MFP for a while, lost weight, gained weight then refocussed and have been losing sensibly and gradually since January this year :) the amount of insulin I need has definitely reduced :) at one point I required short-acting insulin with each meal (although only small boluses) and double the amount of long-term I'm on now, currently I take no short-term (although if I go out for dinner or have a high sugar meal I really should take some, but otherwise it isn't needed) and only half the previous amount of long-term :D