Facial Hair. Tell me about it.



  • cakeribs
    cakeribs Posts: 22
    Don't you guys get stubble on your face though? That's the only reason I don't shave my face. I really don't want a boyfriend touching me and getting that rough stubble man feel, gross :( I've only ever shaved my chin though, and that was a stubbly mess even after one day.

    Too poor to get laser so I do the poor man's mix--pluck my chin, shave the stache (no stubble there, oddly),Veet everything else but the brows. I *hate* stubble, it makes me feel like a man.

    This is by far the worst part of PCOS, I spent a lot of time crying about it. My boyfriends have been understanding and nice but how disgusting for them.
  • SophieEliza92
    SophieEliza92 Posts: 5 Member

    I used to shave my top lip as I was too embarrassed to get a wax; but I ended it up getting a dark shadow on my top lip(not cute). I decided to get Laser Hair Removal about a year ago as I was so depressed with how I looked, and whilst expensive it's been the best thing I've ever done. I've been hair free on my top lip now for 2 months since my last appointment, with no stubble or shadow. I was very lucky as the laser works best on pale people with dark hair (which I am), and it didn't hurt at all.

    I understand that LHR isn't for everyone, but if you have any more questions on it I will be happy to help.
  • SpiritBunny
    SpiritBunny Posts: 39 Member
    Attack it from the source. excess hair in terms of pcos is due to imbalance of hormones in your body. Something that I've seen a noticable result specific to hair issues is eating vitamin B8 (Myo-inositol ) normally this is manufactured by the body but people with PCOS have issues with this. If you can afford or need a more potent version of it use D-chiro-inositol but it's very pricey. It actually treats a bunch of issues but I wont' get into that and it's all good and no drawback other than the cost of it. I spend about 6$ a month on it when you buy it in bulk.

    I was 200lbs and am taking about 2 grams per day of the B8 and feel better about my hair.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Luckily it's not awful for me - I have to pluck my chin basically daily - I pull at least 5 or so out which isn't awful (for even those without PCOS). When I was in 5th grade, though, my cousin (male) said, "You have a mustache!" and I was mortified. I've never told anyone really, but I started shaving then and have had to keep it up (just on my upper lip) since then. I have light hair, so laser hair removal isn't really ideal. I've never told my boyfriend, even, and he lives with me. I know he'd be understanding, but it's pretty embarrassing to me. I don't want to feel like a man shaving my face, and I don't want him to be nice about it and thinking "ew" on the inside. I only have to shave quickly in the morning and it holds up ok until the next morning. I tried some cream hair removal several years ago that worked pretty well, but I don't even want to let it "grow" at all anymore to be able to use the stuff to remove the hair. You kind of have to let it grow some, right? Sigh...def the WORST part of PCOS. I hate it, but I am thankful that it's lighter for me than others. :cry:
  • joansjourney
    joansjourney Posts: 110
    Don't you guys get stubble on your face though? That's the only reason I don't shave my face. I really don't want a boyfriend touching me and getting that rough stubble man feel, gross :( I've only ever shaved my chin though, and that was a stubbly mess even after one day.

    Too poor to get laser so I do the poor man's mix--pluck my chin, shave the stache (no stubble there, oddly),Veet everything else but the brows. I *hate* stubble, it makes me feel like a man.

    This is by far the worst part of PCOS, I spent a lot of time crying about it. My boyfriends have been understanding and nice but how disgusting for them.

    Stubble is the reason I only shave in a pinch. I get the full on dark haired man beard which is beyond embarrassing. I sometimes get it waxed but since I work from home I usually sit at my desk while working armed with tweezers and get to work. This usually last about 4 or 5 days so it's worth it to me.

    I'm unsure about investing in LHR because of my skin tone and it's effectiveness. I would be so bummed to waste the money.

    What's really embarrassing is I grow more facial hair than my husband :(
  • BassetsareAssets
    BassetsareAssets Posts: 5 Member
    Shaving, waxing, and plucking here. I hate it too and feel your pain.
  • I have horrible facial hair. Especially on my chin. I'm fairly certain that I could grow a beard if I wanted to. I have to shave daily. It took me two years to tell my husband and I only did because I had invasive surgery that required a three day hospital stay. The day after the operation I was more than insistent about washing my face in the bathroom and not just with the wipe things the hospital provided. He didn't understand and I finally told him in a stern voice "I have really bad facial hair and I need to shave it off!"

    Almost a year later I don't even care about shaving my face in front of him. It's totally normal now. He understands what PCOS does to my body and he doesn't give a care about my man-beard.

    After reading this post I'm going to look into Spironolactone.
  • I began getting laser hair removal in 2006 and it's a lifesaver. I still get it done about once every 6 months, as I still get some hair growth but it's super thin and fine. Prior to 2006 I had to shave my face (especially chin) every morning and I'd have shadow/stubble by the end of the day. I still shav, because I like it super smooth, but only once every 2 weeks.

    Laser hair removal is expensive but it's a lifesaver!!! The best laser is the Candela GentleLase. I've never tried the Tria at home laser but it'd be worth a shot.
  • sjrose77
    sjrose77 Posts: 11
    I use Nair or Veet on my upper lip, and pluck my neck hairs. Unfortunately I think my condition is worsening because I am noticing more hair on my chin.
  • cecarry1
    cecarry1 Posts: 18
    I tried laser hair removal from age 17-19. It worked a little bit, but I would have to go back on a monthly basis at least to get it re-done. I pluck and have tried using the No-No Hair. The No-No makes the hair easier to pluck but that's about it. My upper lip is way more pigmented than the rest of my face from the laser hair removal and hormones (at least that's what my dermatologist told me). My chin and neck is pretty much in a permanent state of stubble and scars from picking at my face. My dermatologist said I could try the laser hair removal again, but I wouldn't get drastically different results/would have to go back on a monthly basis for touch ups.

    Has anyone had similar issues with laser hair removal? Apparently it works really well for most people, and I'm contemplating trying it again because I'm desperate. I can't spend that much money on a monthly basis for something that sort of, kind of works.
  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    I used to wax my neck and sides of face but now I'll just pluck it when it shows up. I also have long hair so it kind of hides it from most people who don't realize that I have it.

    Was too afraid to shave, probably never will either.
  • It depends on your skin tone and the type of laser you tried. After moving, I went to a place that used the Candela Yag laser instead of the Gentle Lase. Did not have good results with the Yag at all, and the nurse/practitioner actually burned my skin, giving me several dark circles on my legs. One session I had to tell her that the laser needed more cryogen! And this was at a very nice plastic surgery office in Houston.

    My results with the Candela Gentlelase have been great, though. I've also had friends who have gotten laser hair removal and describe their experience very differently than mine, and they also don't have good results. So I think it really depends on the type of laser AND the knowledge of the practitioner.

    Keep in mind that your hair may need more than however many sessions they say it takes on average. I had laser treatments on my face about every 6 weeks for at least a full year before I achieved the desired results. Then I probably went 4 times a year for the next 2 years before only needing it twice a year like I do now.

    So yeah, it is a lot of money! I've heard good things about the Tria at home laser, and I think that's "only" $500.
  • TwizzleBit
    TwizzleBit Posts: 23 Member
    I must be a rare breed then. I have a couple of hairs on my chin and neck that I pluck. I use a hair remover for my upper lip about once a month. I only have three hairs on my left boob that I just pluck using my fingers. I'm not a super hairy woman to begin with. I wonder if that plays into it!?

    My personal version of pcos is that I'm just too high in estrogen, but my testosterone levels are always normal and low progesterone.

    I have very minimal arm hair that's fine and thin. Leg hair is the same.
  • i shave everyday because my facial hair just don't stop growing. spironolactone doesn't work for me, after almost a year nothing changed.
    and i have to shave my breasts and belly everyday too, the hair is the worst part, it makes me really sad and i don't know what i can do to stop with it.

    i'm trying to lose weigh now to feel better with myself. but with all the hair i have in my body i think that feel better with myself is impossible :(