Introduce yourself!

TaniaLeeLynn Posts: 9 Member
Hello Ladies!!!

So I thought it might help to introduce ourselves and share our stories and goals.

After two kids, my weight had stabilized at 180. Which was not a good look for my 5'3" frame. I lost 60 pounds, honestly without much effort. It just started falling off. To the point that my doctors were concerned about my health. But I was able to maintain a weight of 125-130 for about 3 years until I was in a severe car accident. About 6 months of bedrest and recovery later, my weight has ballooned back up to 170. I am healthy enough to start working out again but honestly my energy still hasn't fully returned since the accident and most days it's all I can do to just handle work and my daily life.

I refuse to be this uphappy with myself on what is supposed to be the happiest day of my life. So I am on a mission to take control of my health and fitness back. Whatever it takes. My goal is to be back in the 125-130 range again. And TONED! Last time I was in that range, I was still unhappy with how flabby I was, especially my belly after my two kiddos. I figured if I'm doing it, I'm doing it all this time. Deadline 7/26/15 or bust!


  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    Sorry to hear about your car accident, but you seem to have a great attitude! Get em :)

    I'm 26 and about 5'4". I've never been the smallest girl, and I've never really been into sports or running or anything in general. I was always around 160, and in college I was able to get down to about 135. After college I moved in with my boyfriend (my now fiance!) and got a job. I actually had money after being a broke college kid for 4 years, and I ate...and ate...and ate. We went out to eat A LOT. By the time I reached 190lbs I realized it was time to get myself under control again. When we first started dating in 2010 I was a size 8 and by the end of 2011 I was a size 14 :-O A new gym opened up in our area and we all, my bf, my sister, my mom, my dad. We kicked butt and I lost about 30 lbs in 5 months.

    I'm now down around 145 and back in a size 8!! I would like to get to 135ish and then start working on toning. Counting calories has really helped me, and MFP is a great tool. I like having the support system and having my diary open for the world to see. It keeps me accountable.

    MAIN GOAL: TO LOSE MY BINGO WINGS! (aka flabby arms haha)
  • unk7187
    unk7187 Posts: 3
    Hi Tania! Are you the one who started the group? If so- thank you! Glad to hear you are on the mend from your car accident also.

    My intro:
    My name is Becky- I'm 27 & getting married to the most amazing man I've ever met in November- 124 days to be exact. I'm here looking to get on track with eating healthier (I have a major sweet tooth) & to tone up for the wedding!

    I'm 5'5 & when I finished high school I topped out at 162#. I was in sports all through school & always just chalked my weight up as muscle and not fat. I was mostly muscle but could definitely have used some toning. My college years were rough on me, lost weight like crazy due to not eating and being rather depressed with where I was in life. Lost 35-40# in college. The last year or so in college was pretty good though and my weight stabilized. Fast forward to today- never been happier & finally getting comfortable and confident with my body.

    Even though I'm getting comfortable and more confident with my body I would still like to tone up and eat healthier. Toning up would get me more excited about walking down the aisle with a hundred or more people staring at me. Eating healthier is a lifestyle change, one both FH & I want to make. Hoping to stay on track on here!
  • acmorris77
    acmorris77 Posts: 80 Member
    HI! I'm Amy, getting married October 17th, 2014! I"m very tall - 6'2" and weigh 210. I need to lose about 20 pounds to be at my happier weight. I haven't done so since I've been engaged so I'll settle for 10 before the wedding. Luckily, I bought my dress in April at my current size and it fit, so I don't have to worry about it being tight. Although, is just came in and I'm scared to go try it on because i fluctuate weekly! I had envisioned being 20 lbs smaller at this point! I'm biting the bullet and going on Saturday. Maybe it will motivate me to lose some weight by mid-September when I have to start alterations!
  • ebond212
    ebond212 Posts: 1
    hello everyone and nice meeting you all!! I am getting married in February 2015 and I love MFP! I have been using it on and off but now that I got a fitbit (so awesome) I am determined to get to my goal weight.

    I was never overweight and actually underweight all through high school and beginning of college until I hit 21 and then started to gain weight due to birth control and not watching what I was eating and drinking. A couple years ago I started seeing a personal trainer and counting my calories on MFP and lost 15 pounds which was a lot for me. I then have been someone stable but still would love to lose about 5 pounds which is surprisingly very difficult.

    My main goal is to eat healthier, lose some fat but also gain muscle. MFP and my fitbit have so far been great in keeping me on track. I don't always have a lot of self control but this has really helped me in saying no to that chocolate cake (I have a bad sweet tooth).

    xo Elyse
  • Jassiria
    Jassiria Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone! Its good to know we are in this together!

    A little about me...I am 28 years old and have a 4-year old son from a previous relationship I was in for 7 years. I have been with my fiance for 3 years now and getting married on August 22, 2015. I'm super excited!

    I am VERY short!! 5'0 feet...shoot! Maybe shorter haha! And on top of that, I am very curvy with a small high school I was always around 120lbs and during college somewhere around as the years went by, so did my weight! All those nights going out caught up to me. Got pregnant in 2009 and well, after giving birth losing the weight was super hard...

    Last year I managed to get down to 145lbs but I went back to my old ways of eating bad and my weight crept up to 165 (June 2014) and now I am struggling again to get down to my goal weight of 130lbs. I am not losing weight as quickly as I did before because I am strength training and that is adding on more muscle so at times its disappointing when the scale doesn't go down. BUT, I've definitely lost inches and I am more toned now, then before. I must say that eating healthy is a struggle for me! I absolutely LOVE SWEETS and I wish I didn't. I now weigh 158 (sometimes 157)...and am hoping to be 140 by the time I go dress shopping in November/December.

  • dianaeatworld
    dianaeatworld Posts: 25 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Di, I'm 30 years old and 5'4. I currently weigh 154lbs and am quite content with how I look...while wearing clothes lol. I would like to get myself a little more toned. My weight has fluctuate greatly in the past 10 years. At my lowest, I was 125 at my highest, 180 (at three days postpartum). I have lost a combined 135lbs in the past 10 years; 60 when I was 22 due to a life style change, 60 again when I was 23-24 due to pregnancy and 15 this past year due to quitting smoking and eating everything in sight. I'm a little nervous about maintaining cause I had. Hard time with the last 15lbs. I'm hoping that I can make it stick for the next year.
  • amy84lynn
    amy84lynn Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, Ladies!

    I'm Amy. I'm 30 years old, 5' 6" tall and currently weigh 157 pounds. At my heaviest I weighed 167. That was about 6-7 years ago and at that time I lost 30 pounds. At 135-137 I was the happiest I've ever been with my body. In fact, I got down to 130 once and didn't like it. Too small for my frame! The pounds have been slowly creeping back on since I got together with my guy about a year and a half ago. This is the closest I've been to my high weight over these past years. I know it's time to do something about it now!

    I too have a sweet tooth! I'm also not a big fan of traditional exercise. I try to do things that are fun (hiking, biking, things like that) but my biggest problem is consistency. I love that this group was started! It's always great to have extra encouragement and others to keep each other motivated!
  • annael25
    annael25 Posts: 60 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My name's Leanna (Annael backwards). I just turned 27 in June and am looking to lose quite a bit of weight. I've always been bigger, but I am now at my heaviest. My weight is really discouraging and I've been struggling to try to lose since January. I haven't made much progress unfortunately and when I don't see the scales budge, I tend to throw in the towel.

    Back in 2012, I lost about 50 pounds. I felt fantastic! Honestly, all I did was walk A LOT. My FH is very active and always made me walk places. In August of 2012, I stopped smoking. I gained some of the weight back after that because I kept snacking.

    Last year in October, my mom passed away. I think this is what started the serious increase in my weight gain. My mom and I were really close, so after her death, I spent a lot of time trying to fill the "void" by eating and drinking sugary alcohol. This is why I'm the weight I am today, I believe. :(

    So alas, I would love to lose some weight (especially before the wedding). Honestly, I would be happy at 200 pounds. I have a long way to go and am happy for the support. :)
  • TaniaLeeLynn
    TaniaLeeLynn Posts: 9 Member
    It's so nice to meet you all!!!

    I love how we all have our own stories and backgrounds but one thing in common, we all want to get to a point (and stay at it) where we are happy in our own skin. Just knowing you all are out there has been helping me stay focused and make a point to think twice about my food choices, find ways to get a little fitness in there (even if it's just a very very little fitness) and about all, hold myself accountable by logging everything on here. I'm already noticing a big difference in my behavior and a tiny difference in my body.

    So here's to little steps adding up to big accomplishments!! :drinker:
  • unamorte
    unamorte Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    I'm Ladymonk on WW. My weight loss goals are not very severe (0.5 lb/week) and should be easy...but only if I have the motivation to do so. My dress fits fine, so I'm doing it just to look great for my beach honeymoon! It'll really be the first time I've worn a bikini (I've always been self conscious, even though I'm small). My wedding is on Sept 20, and we're leaving for the honeymoon the night after!

    It's nice to "meet" you all!
  • LynsSmith11
    Hey Everyone! I'm diybeachweddingbride on WW. My name is Lynsey, and I'm currently 240lbs, 5'5 @ 23 y/o. I have always been bigger than I should for my height, and even as a child, I struggled with my image. I was about 175-190 in highschool. I moved away from home to live with my fiance and began an uphill climb with my weight. I gained until I fell pregnant at 18-19. During my pregnancy, I couldn't eat, so I lost a ton of weight. I don't remember what my weight was, but I know it was at least 50-60 lbs lighter than I am now. Over the years (DD is now 4), I began to eat and eat and eat. Like another poster, the money at my career was great, and we ate out a lot. I eventually became a whopping 265lbs. By the time I realized I needed to do something now before I ended up with diabetes such as my dad, and unable to be the parent and wife that I dream to be due to this disease. I found a quick solution-Thinogenics-in which puts your body through horrendous changes such as lack of to no appetite at all and dry-mouth. I took this supplement for a month and dropped 30-40 lbs instantly. After 30 days, I stopped taking the pill and began very good eating habits (smaller portions, etc) and kept the weight off, however was not losing. This went on until about October of last year. Since then, I've gained 10-15 lbs back and I know I am steadily gaining because I've gone back to binge eating. I am here today to vow that this is going to stop NOW. I joined reinstated my YMCA membership a couple weeks ago, however I haven't even made it in to exercise yet. I need a sheer kick in my rear end, ladies. That's why I'm here. I only have 45 days left until our wedding, and while I'm not looking to make drastic changes by then, I at least would like to have the attitude and routine to show for it. My goal is very far off, so for right now, this routine is my goal:

    6AM- Walk/Run with our 3 dogs
    7AM-Getting ready/daughter ready for daycare, drop her off
    8AM-YMCA work out

    My biggest problem is NOT getting up. Right now, my work schedule doesn't start until 10AM and we've all just been sleeping in. My FH isn't on board, and I don't really have any friends that are near me to do these things with me. I feel tired all of the time, mostly because I wake too late for breakfast and too late to make my lunch and end up not eating all day until I get home. My lifestyle has got to change.

    That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
  • TaniaLeeLynn
    TaniaLeeLynn Posts: 9 Member
    @Unamorte - OMG! I am terrified of me in a bikini right now. We are thinking of a Hawaiian honeymoon and it didn't even occur to me that I would be wearing a bikini. Yikes! Yep, def gotta stay on it!

    @Lynsey, when I am feeling overwhelmed by my goals/problems one of my favorite things to remind myself is a saying I heard along time ago. It's a question, "How does one eat an elephant? One bite at a time." No matter how far off you feel like you are, just keep making that next healthy choice. One choice will lead to two, three, and so on until you look back and realize you have started to change your whole lifestyle. You can do it!! (And yes, I'm totally giving myself the same speech. For me it is creating a habit of working out that has been the most challenging.)

    I have to say, knowing you all are out there has been a big motivating factor for me. So thank you girls!
  • leahmarino125
    leahmarino125 Posts: 2 Member
    HI everyone. My name is Leah. I'm 32, well actually 33, but 32 is what I like to go with :) I am on WW by my name Leah. I have been using myfitnesspal on and off for only a short time. I don't really want ot lose so much weight as much as I want to eat healthier and shape/tone up. I guess losing a few pounds wouldnt hurt. I have been deployed for about 8 months now and with 2 months at premob training that equals me seeing my guy for the first time in 11 months when I leave next month and me being extrememly anxious/excited/nervous. I've been trying to run, but it's so flipping hot! They have a makeshift gym in a tent here, but there's only so far that I can go on a treadmill. Thank you for creating this group. I think that the support from others will really help all of us make it to our goals.
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    Thank you for your service, Leah!
  • dsimmons1322
    dsimmons1322 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm Desire' (Des-er-ay)! I'm 21 years old and 5'7". I started this journey at 157 lbs. I used to be so skinny with muscles I didn't have to work for. Very fast metabolism. But about two years ago I got a desk job and starting packing on the lbs. On top of that, a year and 3 months ago I got married! So I started to really let myself go. One day I was hopping in the shower and looked at myself in the mirror and noticed a ROLL on my belly! That's when I realized that I had to change something before I became super unhappy with myself. I had started to lose my confidence. At first, when I lost 1 lb I wasn't too thrilled. I mean, come on, my goal is 125-130 (basically just fitting back in my pants... the scale doesn't really matter) and I lost ONE POUND! But I looked up a picture of what 1 lb of fat looked like and immediately got some motivation! I don't want that on my body! Not to mention, 1 lb of fat takes up so much space on your body!

    I started myfitnesspall about 41 days ago and have been logging everyday since. I've lost about 7 lbs so far and couldn't be happier!
  • twallah
    twallah Posts: 1
    Hi Ladies. I'm Attallah and my wedding in on October 11th. I trying really hard to lose a minimum of 15lbs. but my goal is to lose 20lbs. It is a true struggle though. I wish you all the best on your journey!!
  • FutureMrsM81
    Hello! I have been unhappy with myself and have lost some of it, I tend to fall off the wagon a lot. I have been so lazy that I am too tired to do anything and during my time at work I make plans to do something to get the ball rolling. What happens?? I sit on the couch and don't move!! So tired of it. I downloaded the myfitnesspal on my phone and was scanning the bar codes today, wow what an eye opening!!

    I have always struggled with my weight and have not had a very nice support system when I was little, my mom felt that she was helping and now I can't get past what she said to me on whether other people are seeing me the same way! I will be happy toned and between 130 - 135, I don't know where my motivation has gone! I don't even fit in my wedding dress anymore! I have until June 27, 2015 to loose this!