
Hello to all! Whether you are new to AIP or an old timer to this lifestyle, we all have a lot to learn and share! Introduce yourself here! We'd love to hear if you are new or if you have an amazing success story managing a disease with AIP.


  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 233 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Renee. I decided to try AIP because of my psoriasis. I'm tire of "dealing" with it the conventional way. My doc suggested the shots that suppress your immune system - no thanks!

    Started the AIP today. Still reading and honestly - very overwhelmed with all the information.

    I already know wheat flares my psoriasis up, but am looking to control it more.

    Any tips are welcome!!!!!!
  • asharkin
    asharkin Posts: 30 Member
    Hello! I have Hoshimotos disease and am considering the AIP diet...waiting for some food sensitivity tests results to see what foods come back so I know exactly what to omit. Also ordered the Paleolithic Approach book...cant wait to learn more!
  • Regmama
    Regmama Posts: 399 Member
    This has been quite a journey for me that led me to AIP Paleo last week. It started almost two years ago with my youngest son's seizures and not wanting to heal him naturally when I came across that gluten can be the cause, I took the gluten out and they stopped (as well as his whole personality changing and he was able to talk in full sentences - he wasn't even talking prior to removing gluten). Well, after researching what gluten does I took it out of my other son's diet and that changed all his digestive and teeth issues so our whole house went gluten free. Then I developed food allergies during my last pregnancy and started to research all the other things about what foods affect what. That led to removing dairy from my boys' diets as well as mine. My daughter was born with Down Syndrome so I have been researching what will make her as healthy as possible. Needless to say, she'll be living the AIP Paleo lifestyle with me as soon as she turns one. I have Raynauds, psoriasis, eczema, and recently been diagnosed with asthma (since October I have had pneumonia, bronchitis, and numerous respiratory infections and viruses, plus I also had a large kidney stone). I am sick of being sick and came across the Paleo Mom's site and thus found out about the AIP Paleo approach. I am easing my kids and husband into a Paleo lifestyle by letting them eat through the pantry and that's it. I refuse to buy grains and sugary stuff. I will gladly make them Paleo desserts (I made two for my birthday and they were begging for more, I couldn't keep their hands off it) but I will not buy them crap anymore.
  • seussbaby
    seussbaby Posts: 31 Member
    Hi - i've got 50ish pounds i want to get rid of. I'm 49 - was diagnosed with hashimotos about 15 yrs ago and put on pediatric dose of synthroid.

    lots of hair fall out, for YEARS, no energy etc. last year i found gena lee nolin's page on FB and started questioning. got a new endo who basically said that i hadn't been treated for the 15 years and now meds have changed etc. trying to learn and retrain my thought process about losing weight... brainwashed about high fiber, whole wheat etc.

    having trouble figuring out what to adjust the micronutrients to on MFP - glad to know i'm not the only one struggling, but i'm sorry that anyone is! hope to find support and success along with all of you.
  • seussbaby
    seussbaby Posts: 31 Member
    hi - did you find out anything from your sensitivity tests? my gp just ordered them last week... i dont "think" i have sensitivities or allergies.. but... you never know!
  • Hello Everybody

    I am a 38 year old single Mom with about 90lbs to lose. :blushing: I have done low-carb diets before so this protocol should not be too much of a problem for me. I mainly decided on this because of some skin conditions, but since I starting reading "Wheat Belly" by Dr. William Davis I realized how much damage our modern diet and lifestyle is causing us. :sick:

    I will be starting my new lifestyle tomorrow, and I can"t wait to start feeling and looking better!
  • Hi Everyone. I'm still into the researching stage! There is so much to learn. I've stopped all grains/sugars/processed foods since Thursday and have already noticed a huge reduction in my bloating :) I have 80 lbs I should loose and have been diagnosed with HS which is actually a symptom of leaky gut. So my first order of business is actually fixing my gut and hopefully everything else can go into remission. Looking forward to this journey!