What do you do food wise?

dragonflyjill Posts: 94 Member
Another poll to satisfy my curiousity. How many people on here are paleo, primal, zone, something else, etc.? I am feeling the need to up my nutritional game but am curious what is working for other cross fitters.


  • ashleearoha
    ashleearoha Posts: 165 Member
    Hey! I'd say I am 80% paleo. I eat oats and greek yoghurt/cottage cheese on a daily basis. But everything else I stick with a paleo mentality. Heaps and heaps of protein and veggies. I tried 100% paleo and it just wasn't for me but it's different for everyone!
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    I eat it :)
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    Watching this thread for answers.

    For the last several months my goal was to lose weight. I've only counted calories to maintain a deficit of net calories. For the last month, I've changed up to gaining strength, wanting to build not just maintain muscle. I've been eating at maintenance to start, but still only counting calories. I'm ready to slowly add a surplus, and change up from just calories to hitting specific macros. I don't think I will (or want to) go strict plan one way or the other (Paleo, Zone, etc.) but certainly be more mindful of what I'm eating beyond calories alone.
  • tibsons_girl
    tibsons_girl Posts: 35 Member
    I follow the Primal Blueprint. It works well for me. I can take or leave grains anyways, so its not a difficult way to eat.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I just stick with IIFYM, but I have my protein macros set to 40%.
  • ashlando
    ashlando Posts: 125 Member
    When I was eating for a caloric deficit, I was at 1200 cal a day, eating back my exercise calories and was roughly 80% paleo. I had greek yogurt for breakfast every day w/ a sprinkle of granola. The rest of my meals were meat and vegetables.

    Now that I reached my goal, I am playing around with where I should be at calorie-wise and opening up my food options a bit more. I have noticed that my performance wanes a bit when I am not eating "clean." I am also trying to be more conscious about getting the right amount of protein and I am working towards a good balance. I recently started incorporating protein supplements (20g extra) but I am nervous about the extra protein causing weight gain.

    I weighed in this morning 2 lbs heavier (!!!!!) so I am clearly still in the experimentation phase.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Eat to Perform

    Macros 40F/30P/30C but I eat lower carb on recovery days and cycle my starchy carbs around my workouts. I have lost a significant amount of body fat % on ETP while maintaining my lean mass (about 6% and only lost 4 pounds)...I could see getting down to 5'5" 20% BF on this and still being 170. Either this is not for someone who wants to be small, or I just have crazy genetics. I have recomped really easily on ETP. I maintain at 2700 calories per day. I do go up and down 2-5 pounds every day with the carb cycling so if that bothers you, it's not for you.

    Tried going more paleo, less carbs for a month. WOD performances/times clearly suffered. Started eating my banana/oatmeal/peanut butter combo again before WODs and magically improved my times ASAP. I eat mostly natural foods and avoid grains with the exception of oatmeal before my workouts and ice cream when I desire (often after).

    I think you need to find what works for you. For me, I need some carbs (125-250 g) per day.

    If you want a program that will increase your PR's and WOD performance, I believe ETP is unparalleled. If you want something for aesthetics, there might be better options to drop weight more quickly.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Largely paleo but I'm not super strict. Probably 80-90% of time. I have no digestive issues with dairy so I will consume it in moderation. So I guess you could call me Primal.
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    80/20 paleo here!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I had a large pepperoni and mushroom pizza after the WOD yesterday. All of it.

    I had only had a shake for breakfast and a couple of chicken breasts for lunch so I think if I'd tracked accurately I STILL would have been in my calorie range for the day.

    it was very good....but I'm going to lock it down for the next two weeks before my week at the beach.
  • LisaGNV
    LisaGNV Posts: 159 Member
    Mostly Paleo w/ small amounts of quality (grass fed) dairy on occassion. I'm not opposed to froyo as a treat from time to time but haven't had grains/legumes in over a year.
  • gweneddk
    gweneddk Posts: 183 Member
    I try to fill half my plate with veggies, and the rest with lean protein and a small serving of carbs (15-30g) post workout. I put some butter or olive oil on my veggies usually. Pre-workout I have Greek yogurt with fruit or lowfat cottage cheese.

    I typically have a 100-200 calorie treat almost every evening, which might be ice cream or cookies, or it might be something a bit more nutrient dense like a protein shake or Quest bar. I am currently trying to figure out if I just do this out of habit, if I need it for my sanity and to prevent feeling deprived, or if I can eliminate it sometimes to help me get a bit bigger deficit.

    I did a Whole30 a year ago and found I have no adverse reactions to grains or dairy, so I enjoy both as desired/as they fit my macros, where I aim to roughly balance protein/carbs/fat.