Had to share this with my PCOS Girls!! Read please!



  • Lauryn2888
    Lauryn2888 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for posting. I never ONCE considered that having high testosterone and PCOS could be some sort of benefit to my health. And of course, I know nothing of strength training.... nothing! Looks like my BF who knows his way around the gym will be needed to teach some more weight lifting things... HMMM....
  • toadoftoadhall
    toadoftoadhall Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for sharing Bellamarie. I had never thought about it that way either. Just the motivation I need to get myself back in the gym.
  • JoJoVan96
    JoJoVan96 Posts: 26 Member
    The only downside I ever saw to this was that I could never work my neck, and couldn't do a lot of shoulder work...I'm a short, squat little thing and would get the dreaded 'linebacker neck' if I ever did any work in that area!! However, when I was lifting years and years ago, it was SO much easier for me to add muscle than it was for the girls I was training with. Thanks for the great info!!
  • Great article. I've always wondered why I struggled at the gym before. You're told "cardio, cardio, cardio" but it never really worked for me. I'd get frustrated at not seeing results that reflected my effort.
  • teddiebare
    teddiebare Posts: 46 Member
    I hate cardio, so I finally just got over it and started lifting. I played around a bit with body weight stuff and basic conditioning for about a year, and then I did New Rules of Lifting for Women. Now I change my routine every 6 weeks and do variations of strong lifts, super sets, german volume training, etc.

    This is a year's progress from lifting with a little cardio. I did to couch to 5k and ran a couple times a week for a while, but I don't enjoy it like I enjoy lifting. My joke is that if I need more cardio, I lift weights faster. I also Love Love Love Nerd Fitness. I lift for 30 minutes, 3x a week. That's it. I generally do 3 exercises, 5x5 (depending). I prefer full body movements like squats, deadlifts and bench press.


    Anyone who says you can't build muscle while losing weight doesn't know what they are talking about. Anyone who tells you that you are going to get SUPER BULKY because of PCOS also has no idea what they are talking about. Men with full levels of testosterone even have a hard time getting super crazy ripped.
  • nikti94
    nikti94 Posts: 6
    Wow great work teddiebare you look fantastic, I'm gonna inquire about lifting tomorrow at the gym :)
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    I love this thread. Great news since I recently acquired a set of weights and plan to start using them tomorrow :)
  • kittee83
    kittee83 Posts: 38 Member
    I just saved this page, so I can come back to it. This is amazing!!! So happy I read this :)
    Maybe post the link up here when you have the time.

    I've only been doing some weights in my room, but considering doing way more now :)
  • mjrose514
    mjrose514 Posts: 60 Member
    Great article! I've heard this, but never knew why! I still am going to try and learn to run, because it's a useful skill lol, but I love weight stuff more!
  • magerchuk
    magerchuk Posts: 25 Member
    Very inspirational thanks so much for sharing! Can't wait to hit the gym now :smiley: colldoll84 where can I get your workout plan!! haha way to go
  • Kristinam921
    Kristinam921 Posts: 66 Member
    I always use to wonder how I could pack on muscles so easily, but once I was diagnosed with PCOS it all made since! I was an amazing powerlifter in High School and finding out why made so much since to me!
  • noolz
    noolz Posts: 9 Member
    Great read thank you .. maybe we can see this as a little positive to having pcos :)
  • BabyLovesToRun
    BabyLovesToRun Posts: 120 Member