Having trouble maintaining eating plans

I had the Sleeve surgery June 18th and I'm just hoping to get connected to a group that would assist in understanding this new lifestyle. I was ok with the Liquid diet, and even the soft diet. It's just really hard adding new foods. Any suggestions.


  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Soft wet meats. Usually if you are having trouble you are eating too fast. We have to eat Ridiculously slowly! Make sure all your meats are really soft and wet. I highly recommend chicken thighs boneless skinless in a crockpot. If you are eating out or eating processed foods you will find this difficult. When I eat out I stick to soup, broiled fish or stir fried chicken . Mexican has been a burrito bowl. I still have to measure my food, I use my fist as a guide. Otherwise I will overserve myself and get sick. After 8 months I will still eat too fast if I wait to long to eat, resulting in pain and nausea. It is very key to eat on time. You will not be able to eat as much of the highly textured foods. For example I can easily eat a cup of lentils but 3 oz of beef is a real struggle. I avoid most grilled chicken because it is notorious for getting stuck. I buy ground meats or cook meat in the crockpot. My diary is open, feel free to look at what I eat.
  • itz4judy
    itz4judy Posts: 6
    Thank you so much. Yes, I do believe eating too fast is my problem.
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    i found chili to be a godsend when I started solids. Lots of protein and easy to get down. Make it as mild or spicy as you like. Stews are also good, just leave out the potatoes (unless you've been told they're okay). I second what Mangopickle says about ghicken in the crockpot. So easy and so many variations. I like to add Indian curry sauces or jars of salsa, then shred the chicken and eat it in a bowl or on a low-carb wrap.

    As for eating slow...one year out I still struggle with this. I still eat like someone's trying to take my food away!
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    I also have the eating too fast problem. I still weigh and measure at 10 months out, mostly in self-defense as over doing is not fun! I've found that if I eat half of my mini-portion, and then stop for 5-10 minutes I can manage it now. Sometimes I go back for another bite or 2, sometimes not. Moisture is your friend. I started with a lot of meaty soups and stews. Eggs are still a staple. I'll roast a whole chicken or pork roast in the crock pot, debone it and freeze half, then use the rest in chicken tacos, quesadillas, chicken salad or just eat it with a bit of wing sauce or BBQ sauce.
  • itz4judy
    itz4judy Posts: 6
    Thank you all SO MUCH
    this helps me a lot.
  • Ujj7
    Ujj7 Posts: 51
    Im finding shrimp very easy with stirfried soft veggies.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Im finding shrimp very easy with stirfried soft veggies.
    You are so right, shrimp is really great!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I'm three years out and still prefer wet or moist meats and I also tend to eat too fast. I really prefer to eat soups or stews and make them myself so I can up the protein and keep the fat and sodium to a minimum. I've found that frozen or pre-processed foods, although convenient, are nutritionally lacking. They tend to have lower protein and higher fats, carbs, and sodium, so I really avoid them.

    My friends can see my food log, but you will see a lot of the same thing. Yogurt or shakes for breakfast. Lunch is soup or salad, with the occasional leftover from dinner the night before. And if it's a salad, it has a portion of meat and cheese on it for the protein. Dinner is meat of some kind and usually a salad (salad is my vegtable of choice). It's really simple.

    There are a lot of varieties of meal plans on here as everyone's tast is different, but what we all have in common is high protein and low carbs. It's easier than I ever thought it would be.