Pre-Op Physical Today

relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
Hi Everyone :smile:
I haven't posted much lately as I fell into an exercise rut for a few weeks & have been fearful it could delay my surgery date. My program here in Canada is new to my city and province and the requirements are quite strict. Of course that has left me fearing the worst.
At my 3 Month check in at the Bariatric Clinic in June, all the clinicians were very pleased with my progress and 10 pound weight loss and my blood work was great. I then went on to take the 4 Craving Change classes that are part of our program.

At the end of that appt., the nurse gave me my pre-op paperwork. I filled out my part and sent it to the surgeon's office. My GP sent me for the bloodwork, EKG and Chest X-ray that are required. She shared with me today that the results are all good. She did the Pre-Op physical on me today and she was very caring and supportive of the surgery, asking me if I had a date yet. I told her that I won't see the surgeon till I pass the 6 month requirements and then they refer me to one of the surgeons.

I've been so fearful these last few weeks for the 3 weeks I didn't exercise. So scared they will cancel the surgery or delay it. Of course this is my "stinking thinking" black and white way of thinking. Meaning expecting the worst.

I've gone on to lose another 10 lbs making it 20, and they emphasize weight maintenance and didn't put pressure on me to lose a certain number of pounds.

I know how many changes I've made these past months since I went to the Orientation in December but yet I still fear the worst and a surgery delay.

Our Health Care here is much different than in the USA. I won't have to pay anything for the surgery but there is a long wait since this is such a new surgery in my city.

So, I am here to announce that I think I am a few steps closer to surgery but will find out more information on August 12 when I go for my 6 month check at the Bariatric Clinic.

There is a lot going on in my life with family (Mom's Dementia advancing, my sister moving in with me etc.) I know that they are huge things but if we waited for the right time to have have surgery that day will never come. lol. :bigsmile:

I just wanted to give you all an update on where I am at. Realistically my surgery could still be a few months away and I can accept that. I've done my pre-op tests which are good for 6 months which takes me to the Christmas holidays.

If anyone has any suggestions to help me overcome this fear I'd really appreciate it.
I gave up pop in February after my first appt., have lost 20 pounds, quit having a very occasional drink, don't smoke, hardly ever eat out and have exercised fairly regularly. Today my blood pressure was the best it has ever been since I went on medication. There are many reasons for me to celebrate what I have accomplished as I prepare for the surgery. I am very grateful to have had so much time to prepare myself emotionally, psychologically and craving wise. I need to focus on all the good work I've done and not the one exercise slip I had. I just have to believe and have faith. Thanks to everyone for Reading. I value your friendship and support. :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile:


  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    I looked at it like this... I was more afraid being miserable the rest of my obese life as I committed slow suicide by knife and fork than I was about a 4 hour surgical procedure and the temporary pain that I'd experience afterwards. My dad died of Morbid Obesity when I was 13 (yes, that was COD on his death certificate). He was 54. At 47 I wasn't far from there and I simply decided I was not going out like that. This has been a life changing experience. I'm at goal and healthy without medication. I have newfound confidence and a social life I enjoy! Best gift I've ever given myself!
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Watching your diary change over the past couple of months tells me that you have made great changes in the way you eat. Exercise is similar, make small changes and stick with them and over a short time, you will be in a better place. All of the changes you have made are signals to the docs that you will be a good candidate. Have faith that you will get there (and find a way to get more exercise in).

    Now attack the exercise. To make it happen, you have to make it a priority. Set an alarm, and when it goes off, get yourself outside for 30 minutes and walk. Or, when you get outside, set a timer for 20 minutes and walk straight away from your house. When 20 minutes are up, turn around and get yourself home as quickly as possible. That'll give you about 30 minutes+ of walking and you can compete with yourself. Make it fun and interesting.

    What worked for me really well was the 4th of July challenge. I gave myself an exercise target of 25 gym visits, which came out to about 3 times per week. I made it important enough to me that went to the gym plenty of times when I could have made excuses.

    In the big picture, remember that the surgery team is not looking for reasons to boot people out of the queue, they are looking to make sure that everyone they work on will be successful. Decide to be one of those people, and act accordingly! Those actions will get you to the place you need to be for success.

    You can do this!

  • weeziebeth
    weeziebeth Posts: 168 Member
    Rob, you said it perfectly!

    Relentless, you have made great progress in the last few months! Keep pushing forward. I have a mantra I learned from one of my nursing instructors many years ago-relax, relate, release. 1. Relax-take a deep breath 2. Relate-what can I learn from this, how do I apply this in my life-does it apply at all? 3. Release-don't let it become a weight on your shoulders-learn what you can from the situation and keep moving forward.

    You got this!
  • ScoutingMomRosnick
    ScoutingMomRosnick Posts: 11 Member
    relentless212, you are doing FANTASTIC! I too had to go to classes before my surgery and was told that I had to lose 10% of my weight first. I was walking daily, eating a lot less and much better, no pop at all, and even gave up caffeine (as you can't have that right after surgery). I had a few in my class really worried they wouldn't lose enough weight to have the surgery this summer. I took a bit of a different approach. I knew that God was in control and that my surgery would come when the right surgeon for me was available. They took me for surgery after losing just 12 lbs. I had the surgery just over 2 weeks ago and have had my first post op. So glad I was able to think about the fact that all was being handled and that the right surgeon would be ready for me when it was my time. I thought it would be best at a certain time, but the timing came when it was supposed to. Don't strive for perfection...strive to do things different and better! If your exercise is not consistent then make consistency your priority for a week or two. Then you can add in length of time, type of exercise, etc. Baby steps (like in What About Bob).

    You are doing so well, try not to let a fear of the unknown tear you apart. We are all rooting for your success!
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Relentless: I agree with what all the other posters have said. You have made really good changes with your food and it shows it your weight, BP and blood work. Now just start adding a little more exercise into your day. I look for other ways to add exercise, if you need to pick something up at the local store walk instead of driving. Take the dog for a walk instead of just letting her out in the yard. Do some extra chores around the house, every little bit helps and adds up. Before you know it you will be incorporating exercise into your day without even thinking about it, just like you did with making better food choice, it will become second nature. Now as for the fear, I get what you are saying, however negative talking to yourself is counter productive. If you can't let it go it will mentally hold you back. Take things one day at a time for now, concentrate on the here and now and deal with tomorrow when it comes. Then you can plan a day ahead etc. Hope this makes some kind of sense. You are doing wonderful. Keep it up you are headed in the right direction. We all must learn to walk before we run. Good luck and keep us posted.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Thanks everyone for your encouraging words and support. It's not that I fear having that surgery (although I'm sure that is natural in the final days leading up to it). My biggest fear is the penalty that might come with not exercising for those 3 weeks. Perhaps there won't be a penalty, I don't know yet.
    One thing is for sure, I know in my heart that I've made positive changes over the past few months and am having good results. Even my GP (who is not a big fan of the surgery) is supporting me and wishing me well and thinks I am ready for the surgery.
    Once again, thank you and I'll keep you all posted. :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    The $100 I invested in a fitbit flex has been worth every penny. It lets me know how many steps I am getting in each day. My goal is to hit 10000 very day. Always take the stairs, always park far away. Walk the dog 10 extra minutes. It all adds up! You are doing fabulous
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion of the FitBit and for your kudos Mangopickle. :smile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    You are making great progress and have been making significant changes! You will get there soon and it will be worth the wait.

    I second getting a fitbit. I have the Fitbit one. I've only had it for about a week but I really like it. I find it very motivating to just keep moving. Definitely worth the cost.

    I am having surgery on Tuesday (if all goes according to plan.) Feel free to friend me if you want to watch someone go through it. My diary is open to friends.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Thanks for your encouragement and kudos ATX Heather. It really means a lot. Thanks for seconding the fitbit, I will have to look into it.
    I wanted to wish you well with your surgery. Please keep us posted when you are well enough to come back online.
    I'll be thinking of you Tuesday and wishing you the best. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: