Team the new black!

Jztime Posts: 138 Member
Well hello fellow Weight Loser(s)!

I won't be distributing orange jumpsuits on account of the fact that by the time we are done here they simply won't fit!

Come and say "Hi" and introduce yourself!

And by the way...*spoiler*...this is the winning team ;)


  • milesaway61
    milesaway61 Posts: 1,390 Member

    I'm Jess, a Canadian living in Russia. I've been at this for a few months already. Not sure how much success I've had in the actual weight loss category so far, given that I only bought a scale last month, but the measuring tape says I've lost about 10 inches.

    So yeah, that's me. I'd like to lose 10 pounds in these 5 weeks, but I'd be quite happy with 5-7lbs lost. Or even 0 if the inches keep falling off. I probably shouldn't say that last part, given that it is a competition.
  • Jztime
    Jztime Posts: 138 Member
    OMG! 10 inches is the same as me! You may have lost around 5/7 stone!

    Very well done!
  • milesaway61
    milesaway61 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I meant 10 inches total, I measure 5 different points, so the weight loss was definitely not that much! The inches seem to be disappearing from my bust. Eek!

    Thanks. Here's hoping that I can continue this through the summer and kick some butt. An odd goal: I'd like my current jeans to slide off without having to undo them.
  • Jztime
    Jztime Posts: 138 Member
    I meant 10 inches total, I measure 5 different points, so the weight loss was definitely not that much! The inches seem to be disappearing from my bust. Eek!

    Thanks. Here's hoping that I can continue this through the summer and kick some butt. An odd goal: I'd like my current jeans to slide off without having to undo them.

    As someone whose old jeans now do is an odd feeling!

    Good luck this Summer!
  • milesaway61
    milesaway61 Posts: 1,390 Member
    Well, that's annoying. I weighed in this morning to start the challenge, and I'm up 1kg from my last weigh-in on Wednesday. Hmmm. I'm guessing water retention. Yesterday was a heavy lifting day (by my standards).
    On the flip side, some of my measurements dropped a fair bit, almost an inch off my waist and another inch off my bust (seriously, they're disappearing, and it's slightly alarming).

    I changed my goal, instead of 160, I'm hoping for 165 by the end of the 5 weeks, and about 160 by the end of the summer. I think that's feasible.

    Oh, and don't mind my unusual weigh-in numbers, I measure in kilos and then convert them to pounds, which results in me having weights ending in .82 or things like that.
  • pammermom
    pammermom Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I am Pam and I live in North East Indiana. I started out this summer doing really well and now I am struggling a bit. I lost 8 pounds but have put a few back on. I am hoping that I can get motivated again with this challenge. I will be trying to behave myself this holiday weekend and have already told myself I can't have any of my neighbors outrageously delicious margaritas today. My goal is to get down to 150, but quite honestly I would be happy anywhere in the 150-159 range during the next 5 weeks. It feels like it's been forever since I've been there! Good luck everyone!
  • Jztime
    Jztime Posts: 138 Member
    Hi! I am Pam and I live in North East Indiana. I started out this summer doing really well and now I am struggling a bit. I lost 8 pounds but have put a few back on. I am hoping that I can get motivated again with this challenge. I will be trying to behave myself this holiday weekend and have already told myself I can't have any of my neighbors outrageously delicious margaritas today. My goal is to get down to 150, but quite honestly I would be happy anywhere in the 150-159 range during the next 5 weeks. It feels like it's been forever since I've been there! Good luck everyone!

    Come on Pam you can do it! Just decide what you will eat either before the party or at the start. Put it into MFP and stick to it!

    Happy 4th of July!
  • PhaneeRuth
    PhaneeRuth Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Team, I'm Phanee (short for Stephanee),

    I'm a teacher in Oklahoma, USA. As for my fitness history, I have muscle memory from my days in the Army, and can pull it together when I'm motivated and actually working out. However, with quitting smoking and changing careers in the last few years I have put on what feels like a ton of extra baggage. Ultimately I need to lose 75lbs to get to that magical healthy range, which seems so very daunting.
    I am very active when school is in, and I know some of the weight will drop off when I get back in the hallways. But I have spent much of the summer working on my curriculum for next year which is a lot of sitting in front of my computer. All these changes have taken me from a high stress life to practically no stress and this challenge is very much a fresh start.
    Hit the RESET Button, right! I have lots of reasons to be motivated, and winning is just one of them.

  • Jztime
    Jztime Posts: 138 Member
    Welcome PhaneeRuth!

    Sounds like you are only ever a jog around the block away from your old self?

    You can do it! Look at me...big all my life and now look at the pounds I've lost!?

    It's all in the mind :)
  • SandraJ72
    SandraJ72 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Everyone! Sorry to be a little slow on the draw...I was away last week and only came back Sunday evening (then it was the struggle of trying to get back into the normal routine...) Anyway, no excuses from this point forward - I'm here now!!

    I live in Canada's beautiful capital city and my biggest struggle is keeping motivated to exercise. I can usually stick to healthy eating, although my sweet tooth does get the best of me at times, but I battle with my health and energy levels so exercising after a full day of work is a challenge. I've updated my weight and goal on the spreadsheet because I gained a bit on vacation :(. I'm aiming for about a 7 pound loss during this challenge; and need to lose about 40 pounds overall.

    Good luck everyone!

    Dare to dream...

  • milesaway61
    milesaway61 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I'm originally from Ottawa. :D I'm living in Russia though.

    It hasn't been a great week for me. I've been feeling exhausted, but I've been pretty close to my goals each day. Hopefully it pays off on the scale.
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Tricia and I live in Paris Tn. I started on MFP four years ago. I started at 185 and got down to 131. Now I have gained back TWENTY pounds and I can certainly feel it!!!! My main form of exercise is running, which I love!! My time and speed have slowed down since slowly gaining back the weight.

    Looking forward to getting rid of some pounds!!
  • PhaneeRuth
    PhaneeRuth Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, I just wanted to check in with you guys. I really want to hold myself accountable so I don't make excusses (trust me, I'm good) and just wallow at this weight. There's a lot of stuff going on in my world with getting ready for school to start and trying to squeeze in a secret visit to my brother and finding a new house to move too...(I told you), anyway, I've been cutting back on sweets and heavy foods, but definately not challenging myself physically (which I know will bust the wall down), so I'm not gaining, but not getting any firmer.

    IDK, felt like I needed to confess.
  • milesaway61
    milesaway61 Posts: 1,390 Member
    Good work last week everyone. I hope your week-end went well.

    What's your plan for this week?
  • PhaneeRuth
    PhaneeRuth Posts: 5 Member
    That was a crazy week for me. I drove 1000 miles to surprize my brother with a visit so I was on vacation and off the grid for a week. Let's just say we ate well last week, but we also walked everywhere we went so it sorta balanced out.

    This week my goal is to clear out all that road trip junk and drivers butt :) I'm going to double my veggie and fruit intake. Plus, school is back (for teachers) so I will be moving desks and bouncing around the hallways all week (bouncing in excitement counts, right?)

    But for today, my son and I are going to an theme park and watching 3 Dog Night play a concert :)
  • milesaway61
    milesaway61 Posts: 1,390 Member
    Fourth overall in individuals. :D Yay me! We were sixth for the second week in a row as a team.

    I'm not sure how next week will work for me. This week-end was a small party, so I ate more than usual, but I'm pretty sure I was still under my TDEE, so I shouldn't gain. I do need to deal with hormones this week though, so I guess I'll just need to buckle down on the diet and work my little (not so little) behind off.
  • milesaway61
    milesaway61 Posts: 1,390 Member
    Sixth again this week. Is there anyone left here? Anyone?