OT - adopting a pug

justinskitty Posts: 47 Member
So I can't say anything to anyone on Facebook or even most of my family right now because I want it under wraps until it does or doesn't come through. We are attempting to adopt a pug from a rescue. Our home visit is tomorrow and then after that we get to wait and see if they approve us and theeeenn we have to wait again to see if we get the guy we want. My husband fell in love with a black pug on their site and now we wait. At first they told us no because we are pregnant but my husband talked the leader to reconsidering us. He's a charmer ;)

We have always had 2 dogs and wth the loss of my Henry back in May my heart hasn't been the same. Archer our pug we adopted 3 years ago is sad his brother is gone. I know the new dog will never replace my Henry, I do know that it will complete our family. Just like our next son John will in 3.5 months :) 2 sons, 2 boy dogs and a husband. A lot of boys in my life!

I just had to share some where!


  • Jnh16
    Jnh16 Posts: 35 Member
    Where are you adopting from? We adopted our golden/lab mix last October and a grey tabby cat last August. Both boys and we have two human boys but finally a girl on the way! I've been outnumbered way too long, lol!
  • justinskitty
    justinskitty Posts: 47 Member
    We found him at a pug rescue in Oklahoma City. It's a drive but we fell in love. My husband did first lol. They are worried about us having a baby and a new dog but a few months is enough time to get him into a routine and know that he's home. We have done baby a dogs before so I'm not worried at all. I'm only worried about if we are going to get him or not :( If it's meant to be it will be. He's freaking adorable though and he reminds me of the pug we lost back in 2011. We always adopt ever since I realized what breeders really do.
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    I hope you get your new little family member. Sounds like you guys are good owners. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
  • justinskitty
    justinskitty Posts: 47 Member
    Well it's been almost 4 weeks since we started the process but we got approved to adopt the dog we want!! Now we get to drive 6 hours to go get him lol! Then I can finally tell people. I am so bad at keeping happy secrets!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Congratulations - so pleased for you. Enjoy the new family member!
  • dance_and_barbells
    Awe!! Congrats. Pugs are the best... they are so sweet and cuddly and I just love their snorting. They're amazing with kids as well.