Getting Sleeved August 4th! - my introduction/story

Kipperdoodle13 Posts: 30 Member
Good Morning All,

I have been a quiet observer of the board for some time now but have never posted. My surgery is scheduled for August 4 (a week from today) and I am nervous/excited. I have my last pre-op appointment tomorrow, was tested for anesthesia on Friday. The nurse said I had the blood pressure of a teenager! I guess the pre-op diet must be working. I decided to do 3 weeks of the pre-op diet instead of 2 due to the fact that my GI scan results showed a fatty liver. It is hard, especially when my coworkers bring baked goods around the office every day, but I have pretty much stuck to it and have lost 18 lbs in the last 2 weeks. My highest weight was 307, I am 5'7'' and 28 years old, and now weigh about 289. I am looking forward to a new life.

As far as packing for the hospital, I am bringing a pillow for the ride home, chapstick, 2 sets of pajama pants/loose shirts, hair scrunchies, and a few personal comfort items like my daily face lotion.

I have taken care of a lot before my surgery, including my living will and health care directive, just in case something goes wrong. I don't have any kids and am not married, but this is a topic that I didn't see covered much in the forums, probably because its morbid to think about, but I feel like it is the responsible thing to do.

I will document my story on this thread, and look forward to any feedback from others.


  • kellysuemclean
    kellysuemclean Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome, Kipperdoodle1! Congratulations on making the decision to have WLS, particularly the sleeve! I had mine done 6/6/14 and I haven't regretted a minute! I am looking forward to hearing more of your journey!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Sounds like you are all set. Good idea to get the legalities set before surgery and no, you don't see that talked about too much. I did that too as well as had conversations with my family and even did a detailed list of my job responsibilities (the how and what to do thing) in case I didn't come back. Just the smart and the considerate thing to do!

    Good luck with everything and I look forward to watching your success here.

  • weeziebeth
    weeziebeth Posts: 168 Member
    Great prep work! I am particularly impressed you did advanced directives and a living will. From my perspective I think everyone (and I would bold or italicize this if I could), regardless of their age, circumstances, or health should do this. I would actually encourage you to designate a power of attorney for healthcare-someone that you want to make decisions for you regarding your healthcare if you are unable to do so yourself. It is HIGHLY unlikely you would need to use any of these, but it is always good to be prepared.
  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    Welcome. I am getting sleeved tomorrow (eeek!). Feel free to friend me if you want to get a look at what lies ahead for you. I started at 315 and am at 290.6 and am 5'6". I also have medical directives.
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I haven't finished my directives, but they were included in the info packet given to us.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Welcome to the site Kipperdoodle1. It's a great place to be.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I finally had my first Will and Health Care Directive drawn up back in December, right around the time I was going for my orientation.
    I hope to have my surgery in September or October.
    I am also single and do not have children and realize the importance of having that taken care of. Besides, I have been meaning to do it for years.
    It's great to have you on the site.

    I also want to wish ATXHeather all the best with her surgery tomorrow. :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • elifusa
    elifusa Posts: 45 Member
    Hey Kipper welcome! My question to you is what is your pre op diet? is it staying at 1200 calories or was there something else that you also did?

    Good luck with the surgery, and thanks for bringing up the living will, that is something I hadn't through about yet.
  • elifusa
    elifusa Posts: 45 Member
    Hey Kipper welcome! My question to you is what is your pre op diet? is it staying at 1200 calories or was there something else that you also did?

    Good luck with the surgery, and thanks for bringing up the living will, that is something I hadn't through about yet.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Have you got a plan in place for dealing with pastries coming to work after surgery? You will want to plan for that now. The world of temptations will still be there after surgery. I keep all the components for a decaf sugar free latte at the office at all times, including whipped cream, Carmel and chocolate sauce. When someone walks In with donuts I just make a 14oz latte with whip and drizzle. Only 100 cals. For savories that arrive that aren't on my plan I grab a couple slim jim minis or my 100 cal nut packs
  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    Welcome. I am getting sleeved tomorrow (eeek!). Feel free to friend me if you want to get a look at what lies ahead for you. I started at 315 and am at 290.6 and am 5'6". I also have medical directives.
    Good luck for today's surgery.
  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    Kipperdoodle1....only a matter of days. Your life will change for the better,,,better than you can imagine.
  • bethkallastrask
    bethkallastrask Posts: 39 Member
    Hey there! You sound as prepared as you could be! Great job. The dry mouth was the worse after surgery. I am not big on pain meds, but I did take them in the evenings so I wasn't so sore and could sleep well. I think that the hardest part was the waiting, after surgery you just have to let your body do it's thing. We all lose at different rates, some faster , some slower. I am 6 months post op and I remember in the beginning being frustrated with not being able to get in all my water, and only being able to eat such small amounts because I was used to eating SO MUCH. It is hard to retrain your brain. I was 5' 5" and 234.6 when I started I am 158.6 this morning 6 months later. I haven't had any problems with any foods such as rice or pasta or lactose intolerance. The only thing I have had problems with is staying in clothes that fit for longer than 30 days. Congratulations, and we'll be cheering you on!
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    Sounds like you got it covered! Best of luck!
  • Kipperdoodle13
    Kipperdoodle13 Posts: 30 Member
    Hey Kipper welcome! My question to you is what is your pre op diet? is it staying at 1200 calories or was there something else that you also did?

    Good luck with the surgery, and thanks for bringing up the living will, that is something I hadn't through about yet.

    My pre-op diet was mainly protein shakes, but I could substitute for a "meal" if I chose, staying under 1200 calories. A meal is 3-6 oz of lean protein (amount depending on type) with a large salad or 2 cups vegetables. The diet is no starches, I can have 2-3 servings of fruit OR dairy per day. It has been rough but I have been able to do it pretty well so far with very few small slip ups.

    Thanks everyone for your well wishes and good luck to ATXHeather on her surgery as well!

    Had my pre-op appointment yesterday where they went over the details for the day of surgery. I don't find out what time to report to the hospital until the day before in the afternoon! Seems kind of last minute, but oh well. I also found out I will be catheterized during and after surgery, which I am not excited about (obviously.) That was the part that really scared me the most, I know that is kind of weird!

    Its crazy to think that after this long journey, I am ready for surgery! I know the next year will be life changing, and I am excited and grateful for this opportunity.
  • Kipperdoodle13
    Kipperdoodle13 Posts: 30 Member
    Have you got a plan in place for dealing with pastries coming to work after surgery? You will want to plan for that now. The world of temptations will still be there after surgery. I keep all the components for a decaf sugar free latte at the office at all times, including whipped cream, Carmel and chocolate sauce. When someone walks In with donuts I just make a 14oz latte with whip and drizzle. Only 100 cals. For savories that arrive that aren't on my plan I grab a couple slim jim minis or my 100 cal nut packs

    This is very good advice! I will have to think about what I can do. I know on Sept. 12 we have an employee appreciation day where there will be breakfast and lunch served, and probably not the healthiest options, so I especially need to make a plan for that day!
  • Kipperdoodle13
    Kipperdoodle13 Posts: 30 Member
    Well, I had my surgery August 4. In the hospital they were only giving me room temperature water. I think I drank too fast, because I ended up vomiting and dry heaving and they kept me an extra day. They started giving me some apple juice and popsicles and I was better in a day or so. I have been home for 3ish days and am doing well with the 64 oz of clear liquids. In my program I am on clear liquids until 8/13 and then I can start protein shakes. Soft foods 2 weeks later. I am not very hungry, I have some head hunger when I see a commercial on TV for something I normally would have liked. Tonight I am going to my parents for dinner and will be having my broth while they all eat spaghetti and meatballs, so I hope I will not suffer too much! I go back to work on 8/20, about 2.5 weeks after surgery. I am getting pretty bored at home, my library is in walking distance so I will go when it opens tomorrow and check out some books. I have been watching movies and TV, and doing my hobby of jewelry making. I had a friend visit yesterday and we walked 1.5 miles. Overall, I would say that the hospital part was pretty miserable, but now that I am home, I am happy with the surgery and feeling great, with limited soreness when I sit up or bend too much in my stomach. I know tat will pass soon. My biggest complaint at this stage is the incisions are itchy - I have 7 of them, which is more than some people I think. I am ready to get the steri strips off before my post-op appt.
  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    So glad you are doing well! I also had seven incisions and they are itchy. My tape is starting to fall off and that helps. I also started putting Vitamin E oil on them, even over the steri-strips, and that helps with the itchies. I am currently on full liquids, which means I get to eat soup and yogurt. Every day is better than the last. I still have a little bit of abdominal muscle pain when I bend over and get out of bed, but each day it gets better.