People with 3 or more stones to lose in their 40's



  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member

    I am 41, with a conservative 50 pound to lose. I started back yesterday, and am sticking to plan so far.

    I am starting a degree in Nutrition in September, with a bit of luck ( just waiting for my results) and the last thing I want is to go in old and frumpy.

    I am hoping to start with a whole new wardrobe of smaller clothes, the age thing I am stuck with. So time to get a wiggle on :smile:
  • Hi,

    47, only about 1.5 stone to go now but I have lost 6.5 stone since Jan. Happy to get more UK friends in a similar boat!
  • mojo41mfp
    mojo41mfp Posts: 21 Member
    Hi I'm 41 and would like to lose 3 stone. It's hard to keep focused with a full time job as a teacher and a mother but I'm going to keep going and be patient. Please add me x
  • manofpies
    manofpies Posts: 71 Member
    Only just 40, already shifted 5.5st, but still another 3 to go - trying to get back in the swing of it again - the more the merrier..
  • Mellingtonboots
    Mellingtonboots Posts: 1 Member
    I have just turned 40 and have 3 and a half stone to lose. Keep looking at my profile pic as inspiration :(
  • Bazzaware
    Bazzaware Posts: 16 Member
    I was still in my forties at the beginning of the year and I am aiming to shift 25kg (3.9 stone). This will at least make we overweight instead of obese.
  • SlimSonic
    SlimSonic Posts: 127 Member
    Hi, I'm 42 with 4 stone to lose just to make me 'overweight' - been 'playing' at it for a while....

    Time to do it for real - have an open diary for friends

    Feel free to add me - log most days depending on work shifts!
  • SamNicoll
    SamNicoll Posts: 43 Member
    Hi! I'm 53 and have lost 47lb since I joined MFP a couple of years ago - there have been some health issues along the way which meant I had to go into 'maintenance' mode for extended periods but I'm back on the weight/fat loss regime again with 9lb to go to get into the 'healthy' BMI range (the goal I set myself), though I'll probably keep plodding away for a bit longer after I get there - a further 7lbs wouldn't hurt.

    Does it get harder with age? Yup, especially for women, but it is certainly achievable with a bit of determination and support to get you through, and it's going to be easier in your 40's than in your 50's!

    Feel free to add me, and all the very best to you all!

  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    Sam has said it all... it takes determination, and not giving up as it gets tougher the closer you get to goals. I took myself in hand for the 4th time when I was 226 lbs, and got below 176 lbs in less than two years, started even doing some jogging! But a depressing winter, and hectic period when I had no time to plan food or exercise meant that 15 lbs crept back on. But now back in the saddle again, logging food every day, and trying to exercise every day too, even gardening, the Green Gym!! As of yesterday, I have 20 lbs to go to being out of the obese category, and 40 lbs before I am down to a healthy BMI - which is my goal!

    There is so much support here on MFP that friends will gently encourage me and keep me coming back. So feel free to send me a FR and I'm sure we can help you shed those 3 stones!!

  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,541 Member
    It gets harder to find the time and the busier you are the more you tend to snack, eat convenience food and want to rest when you get a few minutes and not drag the bike out for a spin around the block. Time to sort it out for me. I need to lose 6 stone and I'm not 44. My daughter thinks if she gets married it's bad enough I'm ancient, ancient and fat is apparently a non-starter!!!
  • 101sal
    101sal Posts: 43 Member

    I'm 43 and have lost 2.5 stone over 26 weeks , nice and steady , targeting another stone at least. Feel free to add me.
  • jakicooke
    jakicooke Posts: 149 Member
    at nearly 45 and with about 85 lb to lose (54lb lost so far since January) im well and truly in this group.

    Ive recently joined the community as im finding it more difficult to motivate myself to keep going as I don't feel I can see for myself the difference and yet feel ive worked so hard to get this far.

    I don't need BS I need fellow dieters that can give credit and also a kick up the bum when deserved.

    id love to hear from you if you fit the bill :-)
  • coco3120
    coco3120 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm 41 and have 3 stone to loose. I have two young children and need and want to get fitter and shift the baby weight. Looking forward to the journey. Happy to be a friend too :).
  • savouryduck
    savouryduck Posts: 43 Member
    Rapidly approaching 46 with a fair amount to lose! Hopefully this time round the weight loss will stick.
  • notyalc66
    notyalc66 Posts: 23 Member

    I am 47yo and have lost 2stone in approx 12 weeks.
    Definately 3 stone to still to go , possibly 4 stone. 5 stone would take me to the very top of the normal BMI range. (Thats my target weight,) I will probably set to maintain when i can only pinch about an inch.

    Go for it everyone--- Use the force
    Lets all become Jedi.....
    Do or do not.... there is no try...
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    yes it definately is possible. i lost almost 3 stone in my late forties. tho i was starting from a 19 stone base!

    now in my 50s. restarted the journey. added exercise to the mix. down 10kg. 22lbs. in 6 weeks.
    open diary feel free too add.
    good luck.
  • Hi this is my 3rd attempt now. I need to lose over 5 stone. I am also on an online boot camp for the exercise. Fingers crossed as I suffer with depression and I know my weight doesn't help. Look forward to the journey
  • Fatguy2Fitguy
    Fatguy2Fitguy Posts: 129 Member
    I'm 41 and have around 5 stone to lose. I guess I'm starting again, I didn't really fall off the wagon, more parked it up for a while. Would love some friends who fit the profile in this topic as we can better identify each others goals & issues.
  • muckypawprints
    muckypawprints Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm 44 and 5ft 2. Being on here helps me stick to my calories. My food choices could improve, I tend to count my treats into my calories and regularly include crisps and biscuits in my allowance! I was a size 18 but am now just getting into a 14.
    After years of buying bigger sizes it feels like I am buying the wrong size lol! I still have another 3 stone to lose to get to my ideal weight weight, so am here for the long haul. My diary is open to my friends. x
  • lesleychev
    lesleychev Posts: 56 Member
    I'm 50 with at least 4 stone to shed with or without support from Family and our greyhound.. An ever increasing list of arthritic joints have kicked by butt this time as I do not want to be reliant on others for day to day care.
    I have done this before but met someone new and got complacent but not letting anything get in the way this time.