Newbie looking for buddies

amy_lou_6 Posts: 5 Member
Hi lovelies,

I am new to MFP in the way that I am newly using it for real...none of this download-the-app and do-nothing-with-it nonsense.

So, I'm 33, TTC #1 (19 mos) and diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago. I'm trying to drop 50 lbs in total, and am on my way, but need some buddies to help keep me on track and to make this process a bit more fun.

I'm on Femera and Ovadril for the last few months as I do the IUI thing. IVF will probably start in October. I would LOVE to be able to avoid it by getting pregnant before then. FX!

If anyone is looking for a new buddy, I'm your girl! Please add me or let me know if I can add you.

I hope you are all having a great day!



  • ndk5
    ndk5 Posts: 2
    I am aiming for the same treatments come November(provided I lose 30 pounds) I would love to be your buddy in the process. I've been on MFP for a long time but never successful so I thought I'd reach out and find buddies to go through the journey with!:)
  • Guffaw1984
    Guffaw1984 Posts: 12
    I'm new to MFP too, trying to lose 42 lbs. I haven't actually been diagnosed with PCOS yet as I'm too scared to go the doctors but I suspect I've had it for 5-9 years. My partner and I have just decided to try for baby number three. We're not taking any medication or help and IVF is a massive no-no for me. I'm hoping losing a bit of weight and tracking my cycles will help.
  • I'm not new to MFP but this is the first time I have posted anything on the message boards. I'm trying to lose over 100lbs so I can hopefully get pregnant without any medication. I was diagnosed with PCOS at 16 and after stopping BC at 18, I went 10 years without a period and gained a lot of weight. I didn't take my PCOS serious until I got married. I would love to find some buddies who understand the issues of having PCOS and trying to lose weight. Feel free to add me!
  • CraftyPants77
    CraftyPants77 Posts: 49 Member
    Ladies, I will be adding all of you if that's ok! I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 19 and my story is very similar to iloveowls'. We've been TTC #1 for a year and a half. I've had surgery, and tests and 5 IUIs. Started losing weight seven months ago hoping it would help, but so far no luck. They want us to do IVF but we can't afford it. Could use some friends during this trying time! Good luck to you all!!!! <3
  • I was diagnosed 9 years again with PCOS and didn't really care back then. My husband and I have been TTC for 19 months and Ijust finished my 3rd round of clomid with no success. I am also trying to lose weight to have a healthy pregnancy when it eventually happens.
  • Hi everyone.
    I'm 29 and not on BC for the past 6 years. My goal is to be 40 lbs lighter on New Year's Day & 80 pounds at the end of May 2015. I weigh 207 lbs and i'm in no shape or form to be able to conceive with PCOS. Also i have a beyond horrible menstrual cycle where i didn't have a period for almost 9 months and now I've been going through serious abnormal bleeding issues. I'm on Metformin 1000 mcg. My doctor has suggested getting me on the "cIomid" bandwagon to up my chances of ovulating but i desperately need to lose at least 40 pounds to seriously get into ttc mode. I don't want to go through a high risk pregnancy, chances of a miscarriage, gestational diabetes, or put 30-50 more pounds in the process. I need a lot of motivation, good advice, a healthy balanced diet and a support group where people are able to understand my issues and have similar goals. I bless everyone here with the best of health, success in losing weight and gaining a baby.
  • thelowcarblady
    thelowcarblady Posts: 137 Member

    I just joined this group -- was diagnosed with PCOS this past June and have been TTC since Nov '12.

    I am on 1500mg/day Metformin with instructions of low-carb and exercise. I believe I have a mild form of PCOS induced by my being obese, so I am pretty sure once I get to a healthier weight I won't have PCOS anymore..i never did when I was actually at a healthy weight.

    I would LOVE LOVE LOVE some more friends here on MFP that can relate more to what I am going thru too!

    Thanks for setting up this group!!! Im excited to be here :bigsmile:
  • VaxSA
    VaxSA Posts: 90 Member
    Andddd Im pretty much the same as ya'll!

    29, been diagnosed with PCOS since 18, no kids but trying like crazy, getting ready for clomid rounds but need to lose weight first!

    Am on Metformin 1500mg per day to help with insulin. Im getting better at low carb but I still have off days!

    Feel free to add me if you like, anyone - id love to have some friends who understood! All my friends might as well be baby factories!
  • itoperz
    itoperz Posts: 10 Member
    Hello all! I'm 25 and I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16. My husband and I are trying for our first. So far TTC for 10 months. Just started my 6th round of Clomid, so fingers crossed!

    Met with an infertility specialist a couple weeks ago and it turns out his practice doesn't treat you if your BMI is over 32. I have to lose weight and keep it off, not just for my overall health and increasing the chances of conception, but in case we need to more to more drastic measures (IUI, IVF, etc.) then my BMI will be in a more acceptable place as well.
  • tsthomas03
    tsthomas03 Posts: 23 Member
    Feel free to add me if you'd like. My husband and I have been TTC #1 for over 2 years and have had a horrible battle. Two years ago I had lost 40lbs to TTC and with all of the infertility treatments and recurrent pregnancy loss, I have put back on 50lbs. I am in need of support with my weight loss battle and would love PCOS support.

    Thank you in advance,
  • fayelobeck89
    fayelobeck89 Posts: 105 Member
    Hi all! I'n new(ish) I've been using MFP for a while without any buddies to join me on my quest. I like to keep things to myself because I find people who aren't doing the "weight loss thing" are more judgemental and well, ain't nobody got time for that! I suffer with PCOS and it contributes to my weight gain/weight loss issues. I hope to loose about 2 stone, about 28lb... Me and OH have been contraception-free for almost a year with no signs of baby #2 so it's time the mummy tummy from baby #1 and MC #1 to go!
    Hope you don't looking for some ladies to join along with me :) will pop a friend request to you all :)