Newbie...sort of :)

Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
I'm 34 & just delivered my second child 3 weeks ago. I've been sort of in & out of MFP over the past couple of years but I'm determined to buckle down to get this baby weight off. I weighed somewhere around 250 at delivery, dropped to 223.5 after delivery & after 3 weeks at home I'm at 214.5.

I love my FitBit & it really does keep me motivated. I know having more friends on MFP will be a huge help to me. I went through a very hard time in 2013 & fell off the MFP planet for about a year. I'm a naturally funny & encouraging person so I'd like to get to know more people here.

I have a toddler son & a newborn daughter. I've been happily married for 6 years. Once things at home get settled back down I'd like to join a gym. Until then I'm using my FitBit to log the steps & MFP to log the food.

So how about it guys? Friend me! :)


  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hi! I had my third baby just over 12 weeks ago. I also have a 3 and 5 year old. I'm 36 and will have been married 6 years on Aug 8th!

    I've been on MFP consistently for just over 2 years, even all through pregnancy. I still gained weight though! I haven't dared weigh myself (pathetic I know) but I've got about 5 inches to lose off my waist and hips. I was a uk size 10/12 ((US 6/8) before pregnancy, and am a fat UK14 now (US10).

    I've been back at the gym since just after my 6 week check, so 6 weeks on Tues. I go 5 times a week doing a combination of spinning, aerobics, PT, Zumba, step and fitball, and gym sessions with a friend.
  • penwah89
    penwah89 Posts: 13
    Hi :)
    I just joined this group. I have four kids, my oldest just turned 4 yesterday and my youngest is almost 5 months old. After being pregnant more than not in the last 4.5 years, I'm finally ready to get ride of this excess weight once and for all - no more babies for me!!!!
    I am actually in the second week of the Insanity program and I'm really enjoying it! My pants feel looser already! I'm weighing myself in about a week to see what 2 weeks on this program has done for me :)
    Im excidedly awaiting my polar FT4 so i can see how many calories im actually burning in a workout!
    Good luck ladies