8 Months Smoke and Nicotine Free & I Feel Awesome

No more addiction, no more craves, rarely think of smoking, and I am HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY to be rid of that ball and chain, out of addiction prison, and enjoying my freedom. What a life-changing process.....all soooooooo worth the slight discomfort of the first few months. I will never go back to that hell that is nicotine addiction!!!!

Anyone thinking of quitting.....do it now. The only regret you will ever have is not quitting sooner. Educate yourself about nicotine addiction and you will realize quitting is mostly a matter of shifting your perspective. You are not depriving yourself, not giving up anything, not losing "a friend". You are getting rid of a ball and chain that dictates how you spend most of your day.....buying smokes, smoking, thinking about when, where, and how you are going to get your fix. It's committing suicide one day at a time and it's exhausting. It is no different than smoking crack....both will eventually kill you if you don't stop.

And the biggest myth.....that ex-smokers walk around being miserable because they "can't smoke" is so far from the truth! My whole life has changed for the better and I am happier than I have ever been!!


  • ChiquitaWanitta
    ChiquitaWanitta Posts: 62 Member
    Hey Girlfreind! Congratulations! You will be amazed as time passes it just keeps getting better!

  • Hey Girlfreind! Congratulations! You will be amazed as time passes it just keeps getting better!


    Thanks Chiquita!!!
    Every day I am so happy to be free!!!