Need to Connect With Others for Motivation

janet41283 Posts: 217 Member
Dieting has been my part time job. No kidding, it has taken up so much of my thoughts, plans, dreams, etc. Probably like most others! I would like to become an active part of a group to support, motivate, and cheer each other on. It can be fun! If anyone is interested, please add me to your buddy list. I will always respond and will try to motivate and support others, as well! I look forward to continuing my journey.:smile:


  • wineformary
    I've recently come back here myself. I feel like I have been roller coaster dieting all my life (Oh yeah, I have since I was 13 and joined Weight Watchers back in the Jean Nidetch Days.
    I recently came across a new strategy, the One One One Diet, and it is working for me and MFP helps me journal and track.
    The basic concept is 5 small meals a day consisting of One Serving of Carb One serving of Protein One serving of Fat at each meal. Nothing is off limits, you just have to balance it to the one one one concept. I have lost about 15 lbs since March and have never denied myself anything. I strive to eat healthier most of the time, but I never feel like I can't have cake or ice cream as my carb some days.
  • janet41283
    janet41283 Posts: 217 Member
    This is such a process. It is amazing how many programs and diets are out there and how different programs appeal to different people. It all works if you work it! I always said that I couldn't blame any program. I take responsibility for my gains and losses. Hard to admit! One thing that happens to me is when I see a loss I think I can eat something I shouldn't. What's with that?? Anyone care to give me feedback??
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    For me the key is not to go on any program, except the one MFP sets up. I've tweaked it a bit as I've learned, and track nutrients for health reasons (lower sodium, keeping track of calcium and cholesterol), but I don't deny myself anything. In order to keep within calories, I find that I have to watch refined carbs. Things like pasta, big crusty ciabatta buns, and ice cream are naturally limited by the goal of staying within calories. I've also learned that the calorie burns given on MFP are very high. I do eat back some of my exercise calories, but I use a heart rate monitor and have found that the calculator on this website,, calculates net burns very close to what I get with the monitor.
    Having that friends list has been the key for me. I've been at this a long time and have lost 40+ pounds. I've been marking time for the last few months, but have never stopped logging in, and I'm slowly getting my motivation back to get on with it! Feel free to send a friend request, if you like. Logging has worked for me and I hope it does for you, too!
  • wineformary
    Don't feel like there is something you "shouldn't" have, go ahead and have it, just balance it to your plan. Whether you eliminate something else, walk or exercise a little extra that day. When we deny ourselves things we like, it sets us up to fail.
    Go ahead and celebrate your loss, enjoy what you like and move forward.
  • venseljenny
    venseljenny Posts: 5 Member
    I would like to find walking partners in the Amarillo Texas area. I walk on a nice 1/2 mile track in a nice area (the valley, on the outskirts of the city) I have large doggies who are my "personal trainers at present moment, and it would be nice to have others who love dogs, and love to walk in the mornings. I go early, usually anytime after sun rise, due to the heat later in the day. I would be willing to go in the evenings after the heat dies down also. Leave me a message if interested, and we will chat :) Good luck to all!!
  • LydiaZembower
    LydiaZembower Posts: 136 Member
    It's a shame I don't live by you or you by me. Here in Germany, in my neighborhood are lots of dogs. We have had around 7 dogs walking together at the same time most days. Isn't there anyone in your neighborhood that also walks their dog. It is a great way to meet people from your neighborhood. Before I got my dog, I just stayed home and never met anyone. Now when I walk Zoey, we usually run into a dog or more with their owner. We now know most of the dogs and their owners in our little city since we walk at various times. It really is great.
  • tskvaughn
    tskvaughn Posts: 114 Member
    Love walking my dog. She loves it too!
  • venseljenny
    venseljenny Posts: 5 Member
    Lucky you to be living in a beautiful country like Germany! Thanks for the reply, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that I meet some folks who are early morning walkers from around my area soon :)