Need motivation?

If you're feeling a bit stuck, post here!
We're all here to support one another and everyone needs a bit of motivation sometimes!

Have to stick together, guys! :)


  • ReenieReenie05
    ReenieReenie05 Posts: 24 Member
    It's hard to make the right choices day in and day out in addition to working out.. .a bit discouraging when the numbers on the scale dont move .. I've been stagnant the last two weeks and I do my best through the week... however the weekends are still my biggest downfall; social gatherings and family get togethers just kill me!! any advice is welcome

    Thanks in advance!
  • penwah89
    penwah89 Posts: 13
    I found that if I eat often, just small little snacks that are healthy, I dont really get hungry.
    -handful of nuts (I like almonds), not salted
    -muslei bar
    -multigrain crackers with light cheese spread
    -porridge sachet

    I also have a protein shake and that gets me full. Especially if the shake has casein in it, thats a really slow digesting protein so it keeps you full for longer.

    I have a normal dinner though, can't change everything and its too hard to change dinner with kids.

    Good luck
  • I'd be the same as regards little snacks. :)
    Another good idea would be for family gatherings to make a big batch of something and bring it (if it's in someone's home etc), because then you can eat healthy and family will appreciate the extra effort.
    As for going out to restaurants, most places offer healthy alternatives. If you're tempted by sweet things, make something sweet and healthy, and have a coffee while people have sweets and then when you go home, have your own snack. It'll be hard at the time, but you'll feel so much better after!
  • rashidat_e_
    rashidat_e_ Posts: 53 Member
    Is it bad that I have completed day 23 and still can just about do a push up?
    At first I started doing the "modified girl" push ups which was cool for me but the past few work outs I have been doing/ trying to do the regular ones and still find it hard. My arms are a problem for me and I want to get them looking A LOT better :ohwell:
  • eslonlineteacherguy
    eslonlineteacherguy Posts: 67 Member
    Rashidat... It's not a bad thing. You can only go as far as your body can allow you. Just keep doing what you're doing and you'll eventually surprise yourself. When I was younger, I could do 150 at one time. When I did my fit test last year, I couldn't do one push up, so I did the "girly" ones. Now I can do over 50 consecutive. I found the more weight I lost, the more pushups I could do. Same went for pull ups.

    Be patient, you'll be hammering 'em out in no time.
  • rashidat_e_
    rashidat_e_ Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you, you just made me feel a lot better and more motivated to keep trying. WOW, I couldn't imagine doing 50 let alone 150, thats awsome... I will be getting back to you and letting you know I can do 5 sometime soon lol :)
  • I am the same on the pushups - at a push I can do 5. But you know, in the beginning I could only do 1 (and I was amazed at that!). Baby steps - you will get there.
    Would regard to not being good at the weekends, I am very like that. I have no problem during the week but once the weekend comes I lose the run of myself. I just think the blowout meal is the only thing that gets me through the weekend. If we are going out for dinner with friends - that will be my treat. But it ends there!
    I go to my friend's for dinner every week and there is always dinner, dessert and bites. I bring roasted curly kale chips. And I just have small portions. Working for me now - but I could be back here looking for motivation next week!
  • fab_ridz
    fab_ridz Posts: 73
    Guys, do you follow the nutrition plan?
    What do you guys eat to get the insane results?
    I am a vegetarian and cannot get 100g of protein a day.
    Do you guys drink coffee and give in to sweets?? I think saying no to sweets will be the biggest challenge for me. Suggestions on how to avoid peer pressure when someone says its just a piece - wont hurt ya?
    What challenges are you facing?
  • All4Me2014xx
    All4Me2014xx Posts: 155 Member
    I'm not following the nutrition plan. But if my 1430 a day doesn't sustain me, I will increase it with better choices.
    I'm not really familiar with what is really restricted on a vege plan, but how about cottage cheese, peanut butter, whey protein? Not together, just some options for protein loading.
    I allow myself to have one cup of coffee a week. But that because I enjoy some coffee with my creamer. :grumble:
    Peer pressure is hard. My response is usually: But for me, one piece isn't one piece, it's the start of eating what does hurt my goals.
    I'm 51 and surgery over the years on multiple body parts, both feet, shoulder, etc. I also have degenerative discs in my neck, but find that working out and strengthening my neck muscles tend to help with the pain from the disc problems. I'm lazy. I like working out, but allow myself to excuse myself from it too easily. I love food. Yeah, most of us do which is why we are all working toward a goal of sustainabilitiy. I have to keep my triggers out of my house, or I abuse myself by eating them. Even though I know I should get that vegetable cooking for dinner, I pull out some pasta. Pasta and I have a love/hate relationship.
  • eslonlineteacherguy
    eslonlineteacherguy Posts: 67 Member
    Part of taking full advantage of MFP is to make your Food Diary public so others may comment on it. As far as protein goes, Whey protein is a good supplement for vegans.
  • eslonlineteacherguy
    eslonlineteacherguy Posts: 67 Member
    Drink lots of water before a meal and throughout the day to help fill you up.
  • As far as the sweet tooth goes- I found this ridiculous website:

    It's full to the brim of 'skinny', healthier sweet snacks. You could always make something like this up once a week and share! Or even bring them to a friend's house- then you can indulge guilt free, and they won't even know the difference!

    I used to be vegetarian (I had to give it up after 6 years, as my anaemia worsened). I found that eating lots of nuts and legumes- I have a major thing for beans, so I ate tonnes of those!- as well as some vegetarian friendly whey protein, protein bars, quinoa, chia seeds, quorn, soy protein.. peanut butter..

    If you're not completely vegan as well, remember cheese and other dairy have some protein too- in moderation, of course. :)

    I don't follow the plan given in Insanity- I'm on a low carb, paleo style diet at 1,500 calories a day (and I don't eat back exercise cals). So far I'm 2.2 lbs down in 5 days. :)

    Coffee, as well, is okay as long as you don't load it with milk and sugar. Actually, some caffeine post-workout can help your metabolism to keep going and ensure your day-long burn keeps up. :)

    And as sailwriter said, water is a must. I drink at least 8 250ml glasses a day.
  • fab_ridz
    fab_ridz Posts: 73
    Thanks! Very helpful information. I used to be anemic, but I am fine now. Yeah I try to eat green moong beans, chickpeas and tofu for most of my protein. Slowly gonna incorporate some source of extra protein supplements - looking into some vegan protein powders. Any suggestions?
  • penwah89
    penwah89 Posts: 13
    I have Vital Pea Protein Isolate which is a vegan protein poweder.
    The taste isnt wonderful so I mix a bit of milo with it which makes it better :) don't know if milo is vegan though, and that gives me little chocolate fix too!
  • You can also get Soy, Hemp, Brown Rice protein powders.. Vega Sport protein powder is one my friend used and liked because it was a combination of different plant proteins.