August 5, 2014

KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
Good morning, lovelies.

I went on a rant about trying to avoid talking about specific high sugar, high fat, high calorie food choices in here, and it made me wonder if there are any other parameters we should consider outlining. Notice I said parameters, not rules. I'm curious because we have so many members but only a small handful actually post, and we've lost many posting members. What's not working? Just a thought.

Today is water balloon wars, part 2. I know I'll get my exercise!


  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Hummmm could be that the previous posting members are lurking...some people like to 'lurk' and just read. Could be that some newer members may have found that this type of forum is not working for them. Karen, hard to second guess the reasons? I think that you and whoever else starts a daily topic ask good questions to get the members involved.

    I too have noticed a decline in posting members, but I am on a couple other groups and sometimes this happens. Starts out at a full speed ahead....and then..fizzles down. Don't think this is unusual. It is a personal choice to remain or not. I think the parameters that were set are fine, most folks are posting about their adventures in daily living and it is fun to read. I mean really...who else talks about glitter turds!! (Oops is that this group or the other one???? lol)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    The glittery turds was definitely here! (Thanks AGAIN Patrick for the lovely inspiration!)

    I read all of yesterday's thread, and I have mixed emotions. I understand that some people have food triggers from certain wording and such, and while my food triggers are different, things like this do get to me on occasion, so I have a partial understanding. I am completely supportive of anyone who has recognized these triggers and such, and that they know to avoid them, etc.

    (One thing that makes me utterly PO'd are the folks who keep saying that willpower is all you need. Really? If it was just as simple as determination, the entire planet would be healthy weights. People who don't have the psychological issues, hang-ups, and compulsions will never get this... It is a near daily argument between my guy and me.)

    However, at the same token, I know that for me, complete, utter, ballsy, uncomfortable, brutal honesty is the one of only things keeping me from going back to who I used to be. It's a heck of a lot easier, and comfy, like a broken in pair of sweats! If I literally have to censor every word I type, I would be a lot less likely to post. I'm all for not being rude and all, but if I can't be myself, and I have to go all PC (politically correct), that just isn't me. I don't know that I would leave or anything... It would just definitely dampen ... well, me.

    I'm not saying anything one way or the other specifically, because I really can see both sides of the conversation. I just know that under extreme restrictions (not that this would be, just that it could easily step from this to that), this group would lose its enjoyment for me.... I know that extreme is not what you are discussing, and it is a term that is relative to everyone differently.

    Looking forward to the discussion that follows...

    C i O

    P.S. And others have stated in the intro and side threads that they tend to read the forums a lot before being comfortable enough to participate. I don't know about others who have posted a lot and then stopped, but in my world, LIFE has a tendency to happen when it is least convenient to my schedule! I would hope that anyone who left the group or stopped participating because of an offense or problem would at least speak up privately to the moderators so that it could be addressed.

    P.P.S. As an example, on a group I moderate elsewhere, a younger member made an ignorant reference between a nationality and an extremist faction commonly associated with that nationality - essentially saying that all of the former are obviously the latter, and then proceeded to lay out all of the misconceptions about both, etc. It was extremely rude, ignorant, disrespectful, etc., especially because the younger member couldn't have been more wrong in his assumptions. As a result, the person was removed from the group, because the intolerance and sheer rudeness were beyond acceptable margins, but the person who was amongst the nationality maligned was thankful to the leadership... He hadn't had to complain, but if he had left without giving leadership an opportunity to correct the issue, the entire group would have suffered...
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Thanks for your thoughts, Carly. Maybe I'm having a hard time understanding why my request that people try to use nonspecific language when talking about high calorie food is considered such radical censorship. We already censor ourselves in here every day by limiting our use of profanity, not talking in detail about sex, not imposing our religious or political views on others. I just don't get the protest.

    Then again, I said my piece and I'm letting it go. If I find it's an issue for me, I can choose not to participate in this group, although ADMIT IT--you will miss my crazy stories about throwing food at the obese squirrels of Maine, Hahahahaha!

    Edit: Actually, it's a good topic for discussion. I've already said in detail why I would like nonspecific language, but I'd like to know why it's so important that we NOT have that guideline.
  • andysdream
    I have thought about yesterday's discussion on avoiding the mention of food items that could trigger binges. I am sensitive to these issues, but I would hesitate setting parameters. Although many of us have so many things in common, not everyone suffers from the same problems. We are all individuals and what affects one person, may not affect another. I think setting parameters on discussion topics might inhibit some people from sharing in the forums. Also, everyone is bombarded multiple times with images and discussions about food via the media. You cannot go online, watch TV, or pick up a magazine and not be aware of this. One of the things I like about this group is the freedom to sharing opinions, feelings, or whatever is happening in your life on any given day.

    Andrea in Pennsylvania
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    I don't object to us trying not to mention specific foods, I object to being blamed for being a trigger if we forget that. After getting a little heat for it for the P word never to be mentioned again, I avoided it as much as possible, but in a group for weight loss it is natural that food comes up. I will try to more sensitive about it but I also think if we are going to say no mentioning of specific foods that should be for everyone, and if someone slips up send them a private message not a public one.

    It is not so much the importance of not having that guideline it is more the reaction when one of us slips. You mentioned people private messaging you about how some of us are causing triggers, or that is how I read it. I have enough issues over my own eating let alone feeling responsible and guilty over other peoples.

    Anyway I am not going to say anymore on it. And it seems others don't want to get into it lol. I will do my best to avoid talking about specific foods. Have a good day everyone, I am hoping to get in some badminton today if the weather holds off, some grey clouds are looming. Dean needs to get out too, he had bad dreams about swimming and crocodiles eating him bless!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Thanks, Natasha. Let's lay it to rest. Caro already messaged me privately, and she rightly called me out. My initial response to her was VERY judgey and completely inappropriate, and I've apologized.

    Instead of judging her, I should have opened up the conversation about food as a reward and whether it's possible to ever break the cycle of obesity until you shift that perspective. I read such a great article a while ago (I think I posted the link here) about the" science" of food addiction and what companies like Nabisco have done to create addictive foods--foods that trigger that perfect release of serotonin and endorphins--so we feel good, less anxious... and then we crave MORE of that feeling and feel deprived if we can't have it. It's horrifying that they are making money on our obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Anyone who HAS to have something sweet every day knows what I'm talking about. Why can't I have that kind of relationship with a carrot??? LOL!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Personally, Natasha's wording to her son of "earning" his snack/reward food was the positive way of phrasing what I thought Carosted (Caroline?) intended to say. I liked the mindset that this wording put me in. I can eat whatever I want, but if I want to eat stuff that isn't that great for me, I need to earn it. If I don't earn it, it is going straight to my problem areas. Awareness and acknowledgement more than anything else.

    And I like that Caro made her treat with her daughter a super special thing they wouldn't normally do. We've gotta live that edge of life sometimes, or we'll go crazy and fall off...

    Good all the way around in my book.

    Carly in OK
  • melissasue0317
    melissasue0317 Posts: 338 Member
    I have been hesistant to respond in fear of myself not wording my thoughts appropriately but here goes. I agree with everyone on the caution we put forth for those suffering with binge eating. Myself being one of those. BUT when I read the posts about the food reward, it did not trigger anything other than the thought of a happy child with a happy momma. Which made me smile :)

    My parents gave food/bad food as "rewards" but not in a great way. Behavior related rather than earning it. I will attempt to practice moderation rewards with my children, if you earn it-you can have it, even if it is not healthy. This is also where I will have to be careful though. It may trigger unhealthy habits for myself. My children are still very young so this is something I think about often for the future. I also don't think we need to set perimeters regarding wording of specific things. Reading a trigger food in a blog/post is the same as walking into a grocery store or driving by a fast food place or listening to friends discuss their days/weekends. It all happens and happens innocently. The struggle is real but it is also within yourself. The already present support system on here is amazing and I would hate for that is diminish.

    One of the things we discussed in a Weight Watchers meeting was, What non-food related treat do you give yourself as an accomplishment? I thought on this for a long time and realized that all of mine were food related. I still have yet to come up with a great alternative. A nice play day at the park with my kids, walking around with them in the stroller, etc. I tend to be a giver for all of those around me and rarely do something for myself.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Melissa, I don't give myself treats of the non-food variety either. But I did start a list of things I would like to have... Things like new sneakers, a mani/pedi, a new workout piece of clothing, etc. But all of those things cost money, and I don't have that in abundance at the moment. So, the things I do now are not much. Giving myself 5 stress free minutes to relax, no matter what I'm doing. Permission to take a 15 minute walk and do without 15 minutes of sleep. A night of not doing dishes before I go to bed (I understand that some people, this increases stress - and yes, I always rinse it off and such as I'm stacking - so no gunky dishes)... Just anything I wouldn't normally let myself do. Permission to read two chapters in a book or watch a program before doing XYZ chore....
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Wow!!! I missed 3/4 of that thread yesterday by going to bed to early!!! I for one do not like folks talking about specific foods all the sort of makes me feel like I can give permission to myself to eat whatever it is that was mentioned too. I am still struggling with trying to eat healthier and avoid those foods that trigger me to eat too much.

    I don't let it bring me down, or let it effect my day by giving into the foods that are mentioned, I just skim over the posts....which apparently is what I did yesterday. When I got to the 'treat' of choco taco' I just closed the naming foods does do things for different people. Over here....the obesity issue is HUGE for kids and adults!! Seems like you can be 14 yrs old and get bariatric surgery!! They don't go thru the rigorous exams/psych interviewing, etc that is done in the USA. Sad too!! That is slowly changing as more and more hospitals are trying to get some sort of Accreditation, so there will be more rigorous selections/exams before going to the extreme of a lifetime change by getting surgery. Just yesterday, I was talking to one of our secretaries, I told her that I noticed her cute little girl in the car with her husband, waiting for her mom. She laughed and said, 'Yes...we told her if she was good I would bring her candy'! This is the mindset here....hard to change it. Drinking soda (full calorie) is a HUGE problem....they only have 2 no calorie sodas....coke and 7 up that are made here and it was such a HUGE problem they banned selling the stuff in hospitals, and schools. Of course you can bring you own in from home. So I was really taken back when I heard the 'reward' that the child of our secretary was getting. They also have a HUGE problem with dental carries for kids is extremely common to have several 'kids' under the age of 6 on the OR schedule to have their dental carries fixed....all due to the stuff they put in their mouths.

    OK I just stuck in my 2 cents worth. Whatever is posted, I have the choice to read it or skim over it.

  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Nancy, what are dental carries?

    Edit: Oh, never mind, I googled it. Horrifying!
  • limajowett
    limajowett Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! I have just joined. It is good to see some activity on here :)
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Welcome, Lima, to our little dysfunctional family! Glad to have you with us!
    Karen in Maine