
leeann788 Posts: 72 Member
What's your biggest struggle with when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle?


  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Dealing with my other half not living the healthy lifestyle so there is constantly bad choices in the house!
  • rjcsonka
    rjcsonka Posts: 7 Member
    My default setting is lazy.
  • cjacobs81
    cjacobs81 Posts: 22 Member
    My biggest struggle I have right now is being lazy. Definitely have to be consistent with meal planning and prep. I do great with exercise and food however not planning my meals out sometimes causes me to eat past my desired time, and/or not eating enough food.
  • wisapooh81
    wisapooh81 Posts: 8 Member
    I struggle with being lazy and sticking with things. I'll do great through the week but then the weekend hits and I eat like crazy. Oh and the hubs doesn't care anything about losing weight (although he needs to) so not having him as a partner in all this kinda makes it more difficult.
  • laceyann99
    I am struggling with not having the support I had in the beginning. It seems like everyone was behind me in the beginning but now I am alone. Which is hard because I have hit this plateau and would love to have support at home.
  • jmek926
    jmek926 Posts: 15 Member
    CONSISTANCY and WILL POWER. I do good through the week at work... and then it gets blown every weekend. And I can not stick to a work out plan to save my life.
  • Juls212
    Juls212 Posts: 12
    I struggle finding time! I've got 3 kids, one of which is a newborn and I just can't get a consistent workout time going. Want to get up early but sleep is a precious commodity around here!
  • leeann788
    leeann788 Posts: 72 Member
    I've definitely been there....just need to do it for yourself!
  • Ajinx1
    Ajinx1 Posts: 12 Member
    It seems I could echo almost all of your statements. That being said I don't know that I have one particular struggle. It's definitely a combination of them.

    I'm a mom of three kids. Time and guilt is a huge factor. I work full time and the little time I spend with my kids I feel guilty for stepping away to work out and miss the time I spend with them. We do try to work on things - I did TaeKwonDo with my son for a year and a half (active and time spent together). I played tennis with my husband while my kids play at the park. But it's just never enough.

    My husband works out and also works a physically demanding job - he can eat whatever he wants even though he watches his calories anyway, but he's not afraid to bring junkfood into the house because he CAN eat in moderation. I, however, don't have that willpower while faced with a bunch of Oreos.

    On top of that I think I was born lazy. I have a terrific work ethic, but I've been known to pace myself. That seems to go with sports or physically demanding work.

    There are so many things I could do better that I find myself depressed and then I eat more anyway!