Personal Observation!

asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
Ok this is the scoop. I having been following my dietician plan of eating between 1200-1500 calories a day. Of course I had a few off days. Any how I was loosing about 3lbs/wk with little to no extra exercise. Now however I am eating closer to 1500 calories more often and working out hard usually 4 days a week, but only loosing 1 lb. So I guess my dilemma is do I continue working out hard and losing slower, (I like the working out, I don't like the loosing slower idea) or do I go back to exercising less and loose more?
What is your take, I would like to know your thoughts, ideas, tips, suggestions.


  • oStephhanie
    oStephhanie Posts: 35 Member
    Maybe since you are working out harder, you are building up muscle, which will help you lose weight faster again in a few weeks?
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    I was wondering that myself, but was not sure. Thou there is now real way to tell thou.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    You will likely start losing again and have even better loss as muscle burns more at rest than fat. You cannot base your future wt loss speed based on your past loss speed. After you lose 30lbs it really slows. You are no longer carrying 30 lbs of extra fat with every step. It took 6 months for me to lose my last 47lbs. As soon as I was just overwt and no longer obese it was even slower. I only have 3 lbs to normal BMI and it is taking freaking forever!!!
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Mangopickle: I never stopped to think of it in that perspective. I try not to compare myself to others, but never thought about not comparing myself to my heavier self. That makes total sense. I guess sometimes we can't see what is right in front of our noses. Thank you so much for putting a light on the situation. I do feel much better and will continue to work out. (I never thought I would quit. I am now addicted to Kettlebells) Thanks again. :flowerforyou:
    Edited to say: Good luck on your last 3 lbs. I hope it is not too slow.
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Hi Ladies: Just wanted to give you an update. The scales finally moved today. I think I will put the stupid things away and just weigh on scheduled weigh in day. I don't want to have the scales dictate to me/ become a slave to the darned numbers. Thanks for your observations and suggestions. :flowerforyou:
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    So happy for you that you had a great loss this week. Way to go my friend. :flowerforyou:
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Thanks Relentless!
  • GraceByMySide
    GraceByMySide Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks for that reminder, Mangopickle!! I'm down over 40 lbs and was getting frustrated at how it has really slowed. I have another 45-50 to go and it helps to remember that I'm not carrying that extra 40 to "help" me lose faster!! Not that I would ever want that back, LOL
  • homerismyhero
    homerismyhero Posts: 204 Member
    You can check your muscle mass- see a NUT, or trainer- and they can weigh you on a scale that will give you that read out- I've increased my muscle mass by about 15%, and still have weight loss- I want to loose to my goal- but I still want to be able to open a pickle jar on my own.
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Homerismyhero: Thanks, I had no idea that there was a scale that measured muscle mass. I thought it was more complicated than that. I will have to do some homework and see who has one.
  • hurricanelena
    hurricanelena Posts: 83 Member
    Asia1967: One thing you can also try is varying your workout (if you haven't already). My trainer says that our body's become remarkably efficient at whatever task we do with time and as it gets easier, its less effort from the body/calories burned. She usually mixes up exercises so just as I start to say "these are getting easy" we do something else!

    I also second getting your body fat/muscle mass tested. There are various methods with different reliabilities of course, but its a nice compliment to just watching numbers on the scale. My trainer and I do measurements and body fat analysis about once a month and a lot times the results are more impressive than just the scale.
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Hurricanelena: Thanks I do mix up the workouts and I have also increased my Kettlebell weights. I am going to look into getting my body fat/ muscle mass tested if possible. I live in a very rural community, not much of anything around except for wildlife. :tongue: I do measurements but only once a month and it is tough in the stomach area because I have "squishy" fat. I won't let it deter me thou. It would be just nice to know.

    Thanks everyone for all your suggestions.