Weigh-In Competition Spreadsheet

One of our group members (peacheslcg) made an awesome suggestion. I have created a Google Spreadsheet for all of us to keep track of our progress and competition. This is the best idea ever. I've created one here:


Please add yourself to the spreadsheet. Note that all metrics are in pounds (lbs). Let me know if it works for you! Thanks again peacheslcg :smile:


  • Cbanjo
    Cbanjo Posts: 557 Member
    Yeah it works for me. Thanks to you and peachelog for the brilliant idea and creating it.
  • Uniklymade
    Uniklymade Posts: 16 Member
    Ya just made it difficult for me, how in the world of computers can I add myself to that spreadsheet, I'm probably not the only one that hasn't have a clue on how to get on the spreadsheet. please explain because I am very interested in this 10 week challenge
  • Using an iPad - can open but not modify the document. Starting weight for me =182 today
  • Maybe because I shortened the link. Try this link. If it doesn't work, let me know and I'll add you.


    MegzWord. I went ahead and added you
  • I can't modify the spreadsheet. Please add me. Starting weight: 220
  • Can you please add me? My starting weight is 157.
  • @LizaCalv I've added. Thanks for joining. Let's do this!
  • carolynmwhite37
    carolynmwhite37 Posts: 3 Member
    *Cool! I was able to open the spreadsheet - I am on there! Now do we go in weekly & record our weight or will it auto-fill?
  • DianeinFL
    DianeinFL Posts: 20 Member
    I'm pretty computer illiterate. Can you please ad me as 158
  • thanks for adding me already. I am doing this for the first time and I really already love it. Hope to make the progress, I am wishing for.
  • @carolinemwhite - yes if you could. every monday I am asking everyone to enter in their weight. hopefully my math is correct where your percentage should automatically calculate in the last column.

    @DianeinFL - I will add you.

    @doorxstone - thanks for participating. good luck to all.
  • Just added myself :-) Hi everyone!
  • Uniklymade
    Uniklymade Posts: 16 Member
    I'm seriously siked about this group, what will I win, A trip for 2 in Hawaii? Just kidding of course, I'm doing this for the challenge..."My motivational challenge" with a group of members.
  • Uniklymade
    Uniklymade Posts: 16 Member
    Thanx, I found the spreadsheet...let's do this!
  • peacheslcg
    peacheslcg Posts: 41 Member
    Great job on the spreadsheet! Thanks for putting my info in. Maybe we can adjust the % formula so it's a cumulative percentage from week to week?
  • Hello All.

    I just got back on MFP. I just joined your group in hopes of jumping in on your challenge. Please let me know if I am too late.

  • Thanks!
  • Hello All.

    I just got back on MFP. I just joined your group in hopes of jumping in on your challenge. Please let me know if I am too late.


    Better late than never. :smile:
    If you have your starting weight go ahead and enter it into the spreadsheet above. Week 1 weight-in is tomorrow. Good Luck. Thanks for joining.
  • Great job on the spreadsheet! Thanks for putting my info in. Maybe we can adjust the % formula so it's a cumulative percentage from week to week?

    I would love that but being that I'm not that smart :tongue: I couldn't figure out the formula. Can you help me with that?
  • tatowndoc
    tatowndoc Posts: 9 Member
    Can you add my weight? I can't seem to modify the speadsheet. It's 199. Tatowndoc. thanks!