August 12, 2014

Wow I thought someone would have started this already! Where is everyone???

The lap band seminar went well last night but was a great reminder once again that it's not an easy path. There are quite a few things a bandster can't tolerate, pineapple, carbonated drinks, stringy or sticky foods and white rice and bread. A part of me thinks I am crazy and why don't I just diet.. then the sane side of me says.. you have been dieting since you were 6 years old and you are where?

So for the day... sane side, crazy side, what do your sides tell you?


  • andysdream
    When I'm shopping for groceries, my sane side tell me to avoid food which I can not eat in responsible portions. My crazy side tells me that I should buy said food and enjoy it in reasonable amounts. It's a ridiculous battle I have with myself over and over again.

  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    My sane side looks in the mirror and sees that I look like a different woman. It sees the smaller clothes, the fact I can climb several flights of stairs without dying, and all of the other positive changes I've made.

    My crazy size looks in the mirror and still sees a fat woman. It ignores all of the improvements and focuses on what I am dissatisfied with. It focuses on the fact that I only lifted weights once last week while my sane side celebrates that I found time for a double workout day.

    Basically my crazy side is trying to sabotage me.
  • loriarty
    loriarty Posts: 33 Member
    I haven't posted in this in a while. I got kind of upset once august hit. I had lost like 4lbs in a month and something about that just kind of upset me because I was hoping for more. And then Gishwhes started last week and I was busy with that and then I sprained my ankle the second day of it. And I haven't been to the gym since and it's driving me crazy. I was worried I totally over ate like super super bad. And today I finally decided to weigh myself. I was pretty much set in my mind that I was over 300 again, I'm so close to that line that it would be super possible. And then I checked my weight and I was 293. Which is just a couple lbs more than I was at the start of the month. And that was enough of a relief to get me back on track. I still can't get to the gym... but I am back to watching what I eat once again. Even though I was logging, I was only half logging and kind of just not wanting to lose my streak. but luckily it was only for a week, and I was able to break myself of a bad habit before it got to bad. I can't wait for my ankle to get better. I'm itching to get back into the gym. I miss it A LOT.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    I always try to remind myself that even if I have a bad month (though really gaining only a few or loosing only a few pounds in a month isn't bad) that it is nothing compared to a lifetime. Even if it takes two years or more to drop the weight thats two years not spent at this unhealthy weight, and two years till what will hopefully be a lifetime of staying at a healthy weight.

    Granted none of that makes it easy to shrug off but hopefully it can help. but if you can't exercise at the moment then at least make sure to keep logging, that way you can be truthful with yourself and still keep up your deficit.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Has been a crazy few days at work, so I figured I would chime in on this one for fun. Crazy side, sane side??? My sane side is all rational and helpful for everyone but me. It is that part of me that can speak calmly and disburse tension even when I want to beat someone/something to a pulp. And today (the 13th), that happen. Figured out later it was a major PMS type mood/moment.

    Regardless, here are some things my crazy side tells me. And please, be warned...I'm not certifiable, I promise. That punching someone would feel good (usually on really rough days). That an entire package of oreos is a serving. That if I don't have set goals, I can't sabotage myself. That I'm never good enough. That even progress looks like fat bags of crap. That I'm the only one fighting XYZ (fill in the blank). That I'm a horrible mother and always was. That I'm a horrible life partner. That I was a horrible wife (now ex). That I suck at my job. That everything horrible that has ever happened in my life I deserved. That voice likes to jump up and drive me to distraction over the stupidist things. Today, I had to go get some sugar from the dollar store before I destroyed my desk, my sanity, or many other small things. Last week, I was dying for some chocolate. So instead of having a morsel, the only deal I could get was two king size bars. So what did I do? I blinked and blew through 1/2 of the first one. one part of the second one. then the second part (that made half gone). Then my mind put its conscience on autopilot in the background, ate all the rest and then some other snacks I had. My crazy side tells me sodium isn't that bad. It make me think I'm not thirsty until I realize I've only had two water bottles all day. And I could go on for days.

    My sane side is what y'all see most often, I guess...mixed with my goofy size. That crazy side likes to just stay in my head most of the time...

    Hugs, from the crazy side and then some,
    Carly in OK

    P.S. Oh, and Loriarty - remember that you can still do things at the gym with your ankle injury - just nothing weight-bearing. You can lift or do some aerobics (the arm parts, etc.). There are lots of things you can do... If you aren't just wanting to walk or run. And I'm sorry you were injured. Hope it is back to normal ASAP...and what is it that started?? I don't know what that word means...Gishwhes?