New here 12 years out and need support

carpsm1 Posts: 11 Member
I am new here. I had RNY June 2002 and went from 340 to 110. I was up to 240 by 5 yrs. out, which kept steady until about 5 years ago when I started a very stressful time. I was up to 282 on July 29, when I decided I needed to do something. I am now 275. I did 1 week fast on Almased and lost the 7 lbs. but the past 3 days have decided I need food. My reason for doing Almased was it was a liquid protein meal replacement, and I was trying to go back to basics and simulate my eating after the surgery. It was pretty difficult and I had NO energy, but it broke the carb cycle for me and made me grateful for healthy food. So now I am eating Almased for breakfast and lunch and then a salad with protein and a little grain for dinner. I am a teacher and want to try this until I go back to school Aug. 18, then transition to a shake just for breakfast, then real food for both meals.

I have been doing some research to understand how my weight got so out of control again after surgery. I knew I was eating pretty much all day, and really fear my new stomach has gotten much bigger because I can eat a lot now. When I am being honest I see the types of things I have been eating have mostly been refined carbs, and I have been eating them addictively. I saw recently that those are like total sabotage for us because they go down so easily we don't get satiety, and it's easy to just keep eating. I am trying to get back to basics and give my new stomach a chance to help me, but am filled with fear that the tool doesn't work any more. I am also sure there have been new findings in the field since the last time I paid attention, and I would like to learn new tips that may have been discovered.

Truthfully, right now I am struggling to get back in touch with what the basics actually are....Like a lot of protein, a little carbs mostly from vegetables, and a little fat. Is this right? Also not drinking for an hour after a meal. Am I missing something?



  • MindyMac51
    MindyMac51 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Susan, welcome! You're back and that's what's important!! You'll find a lot of information here and at the ObesityHelp website. It seems to happen to a LOT of wls ppl, especially 3-5 years after surgery. We get off track, eat and drink the wrong things, and stop paying attention until suddenly we wake up and realize that unless we get back on track we're gonna undo the benefits of wls. There are several strategies you can try, but the most important things are to get motivated, eat high protein, drink water, exercise, record your food and exercise here,and read the boards. Good luck!
  • carpsm1
    carpsm1 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you for your welcome and support. I am doing ok now with the water and protein for 2 weeks now, and have lost about 9 lbs. I just realized that I wrote that I got to 110 lbs...It was actually 210!!! Wow like I would ever see 110. I have been very hungry during the past 2 weeks but am having an upper GI done in a few days to see if everything's ok inside. If it is, I will just have to deal with this hunger, or maybe my body will get used to it.

  • niecey61
    niecey61 Posts: 54 Member
    Hey there! I was getting really hungry too and cut out some of the processed stuff. I didn't realize how it crept back in so I really started tracking and was shocked (well not really I just was now paying attention). Some days I would eat massive amounts of calories and not be full! (mostly takeout/restaurants and grazing).

    I also upped my protein and water and am reading the 5 day pouch test. She has some great soups on there. I wish this forum were more active. Or there was a facebook forum for RNY regain.
  • MindyMac51
    MindyMac51 Posts: 38 Member
    There are more active forums for wls regain at ObesityHelp. I'd recommend using both sites! I hope things are going well!