August 15th, 2014

tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
Hi all, late start to today's thread. Having a lazy couple of days since I got back, back on track with food but less so with exercise since I did so much there. Will get in some walking later and then re-focus tomorrow, maybe do some Yoga. It is meant to be yucky and rainy here this weekend so sadly no great plans. Hope everyone has an on track weekend. x



  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Morning, Afternoon or Evening everyone!

    Weighed in today and realized I am a little more then 1/3ed of the way through my goal weight. Only 100lbs.... to go.

    And now I need to eat something and get my work done.

    So whats up with all of you?
  • kaliya89
    kaliya89 Posts: 61 Member
    Good evening, everyone!

    Today was my first day back on track. I had a smoothie for breakfast, a quinoa salad for lunch, and I'm currently having a snack of roasted chickpeas. I did 2/3 of a Jillian Michaels video and then stopped because my arms and feet were killing me. I'm happy with the progress I've made today.

  • wennim
    wennim Posts: 276 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I have been staying on track really well since last weeks little calorie overage and the scale has suddenly decided to move really move. In the last three days I have gone down almost 4 lbs- I haven't had that kind of loss since the first couple of weeks. I also took my first day off of exercise in over 6 weeks so I wasn't expecting it. I don't get why this happens but it seems like I hold steady or even go up a couple of pounds and then my body says ok we can let this go now. I am finally past the weight where I have always gotten stuck or given up in the past thanks to the loss this week.

    Natasha- good job getting a lot of exercise while away. Changing my routine usually trips me up.

    Pat- according to your ticker it is more like 99 lbs left...doesn't that sound so much better?

    Kali - Which video are you doing? I am trying to convince myself I should try the 30 day shred once it is too snowy to bike.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!