Dear MFP forums...

logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
1) Girls are not allowed to be members here, there's an age restriction on under 18s. The word you are looking for is "women".


  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    2) Women are allowed to post on threads. Yes, even without a man's permission.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Women are allowed to life heavy :)
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    4) And people are allowed to not lift heavy. They are allowed to use the treadmill and use pink dumbbells and do Zumba. Feminine does not equal Wrong.
  • aethre
    aethre Posts: 150 Member
    5) Women can wear whatever they're comfortable in to work out. So long as they're abiding by the rules of the gym/class, it's none of anyone else's concern.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    6) You know, we really aren't interested in exactly what parts of a woman's body you find attractive, or in what size and shape. When you announce how much you like a "juicy pear shape" it's creepy. And when you make these comments about an obviously young female poster it's even more creepy.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    7) It's menstruation. It's a normal, regular event that more than half of the population will experience in their lifetime. It is not "week of shame" or any other similar nonsense I've read on here. The 1700s called, they're missing you.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    4) And people are allowed to not lift heavy. They are allowed to use the treadmill and use pink dumbbells and do Zumba. Feminine does not equal Wrong.

    This. I totally understand the science and logic that leads to the "lift heavy or you'll just be a skinny fat person," but I'm pretty over the whole dogma of it. I think lifting is boring as sin, and love running; no amount of reading or logic is going to convince a person to do an exercise they hate.

    (Also, I really hate the whole "skinny fat" thing, but this is a totally different issue for a different topic.)
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    8) Female posters do not exist to meet your demands to private message you naked shots of themselves. And even if you don't believe this, but just make jokes about it, you're still coming across as creep.
  • SyzygyX
    SyzygyX Posts: 189 Member
    9) You are literally the worst. And I used to be in MYSPACE FORUMS, so....that's embarrassing. For you.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    10) Don't refer to women with words such as "germy" or "skank". Here's a tip for you - if you wouldn't use such words in reference to, say, black or Jewish people it's not ok.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    edited October 2014
    logg1e wrote: »
    10) Don't refer to women with words such as "germy" or "skank". Here's a tip for you - if you wouldn't use such words in reference to, say, black or Jewish people it's not ok.

    The amount of nasty terms I see women called on these forums is pretty horrendous. I have actually learned new and exciting derogatory words! </sarcasm>
  • fluffyasacat
    fluffyasacat Posts: 242 Member
    edited October 2014
    The person with this profile picture just said this thing. I made a picture to celebrate the most horrific thing I've ever read on MFP forums. Then I posted it under her comment. And it'll get deleted, and I don't care. I am jubilant.

  • fluffyasacat
    fluffyasacat Posts: 242 Member
    edited October 2014
    I needed to take a screen shot of the most perfectly awful thing I've ever read just in case she changes it. It is fractally terrible. The closer you look the more wrongness flowers off it in ever exponentially intricate forms.