Goodbye to size 4x

authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
My daughter is pulling it all out of my closet. I am now a 3x.

I'm upset to see how much cothing that is leaving the closet. I know that sounds ridiculous and I know a 4x-sized lady is really going to appreciate my donation at the local St. Vincent DePaul's.'s so much.

why the mixed feelings?


  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    After surgery, we are in completely uncharted territory and pushed out of our comfort zone. It isn't a bad thing but it's a different thing. I think it's a little scary to let go of the old and move toward the new sometimes. Most of us have tried and failed many times to lose weight, and it's hard to wrap our heads around the fact that this time, it will work. Letting go of our big clothes is letting go of our security blankets in a way.
  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    That makes sense. I have to remind myself that I'll never be back in those sizes again. There's one shirt I only wore once. I'd purchased it and it didn't fit right, too small, not comfortable. I found it a few weeks ago and wore it for something or other and my family was like, 'Wow! That's so pretty! When did you get that.' Fast forward a few weeks to today and I'm swimming in it.

    I only wore it once.

    I hope whoever picks it off the shelf has a fun time wearing it.
  • Sociologist2013
    Sociologist2013 Posts: 22 Member
    I gave my clothes to my sister who is also losing weight. She got 15 hefty force flex bags of stuff, some with tags still on them. It definitely pushes you out of your comfort zone. I always wore my clothes loose and wearing things with shape still scares me but I try:-)
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    My fear of letting go of the old clothes was what if I fail and regain and need them again? So I didn't do anything with them for the first year. That 1 year anniversary really was the turning point for me. I think that's when I realized that this was working in a way nothing else had before and it was "safe" to get rid of my too big clothes, I really wouldn't be needing them again. That was 2 years ago. I had a garage sale that failed miserably, donated a lot after we closed and put the rest in closets. This coming weekend everything that's too big for me, everything still stored in closets and everything I've shrunk out of since our garage sale attempt 2 years ago is going into another garage sale. What's left goes to Goodwill. Nothing left is allowed back in my house no matter what it is or how expensive it is, it's going!

    Authorwriter, give yourself time to come to the place where you know this is going to work and you will never need that size again. If that means you hang onto them for another few months, that's OK. Sometimes it just takes us time for our minds to catch up to the changes in our bodies.

  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member

    Authorwriter, give yourself time to come to the place where you know this is going to work and you will never need that size again. If that means you hang onto them for another few months, that's OK. Sometimes it just takes us time for our minds to catch up to the changes in our bodies.


  • homerismyhero
    homerismyhero Posts: 204 Member
    I had a real sense of shame about how much I didn't fit into and still hoarded in my closet. I gave a lot away on Freecycle (loved that I was giving it to someone who really wanted it), and now I've got some eBay that I only wore once or twice or unearthed from the closet with tags still on ( I don't live in a garage sale area) .....another thing about this process that I've come to like- is having less. I was wearting a 26/28 (tight) and am now wearing a 16/18 (loose!) but I really just have two pairs of pants, a few shirts and two dresses. And I like that! Part of my denial before was insisting clothes didn't fit right "because" when I had really gained to much weight that I was out of "My size" ....Also - my tip is go for dresses- pants/shirts either fit or they don't a dress can get you through a few sizes.

    And - congratulations on saying "goodbye!" , for good- to that size.
  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    LOL! Thanks, ladies, but the clothes are gone. Donated. Kaput for me. I'm over the mixed feelings. Somebody out there will be really happy to see those clothes available at St. Vincent De Paul.

    My daughter arranged the closet by size. So I have only clothes that fit me on one rack. Then she put clothes that almost fit me on another rack. The other racks are for clothes that are still pretty far away from me.

    My goal is to see that closet emptied as I shrink.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Once you are down in the size 16 and 14 range you can find cheap clothes on sales racks and at thrift. My problem now at size 6 is to stop myself from buying too many clothes. I mean who needs more than 6 pairs of pants? I have always had a rule about clothing. If I don't wear it for 90 days I dump it. I have very limited storage. I have a whole bag of size 8 pants that I am giving to a friend in support group. I did think about keeping them "In case..." But then I remembered that I am not an emotional eater anymore and keeping them would , for me, be like planning to fail.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    That is a great attitude Mangopickle.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I admire your faith and your belief in yourself.
    You are truly an inspiration. :drinker: :smile:
  • joyhibbz
    joyhibbz Posts: 38 Member
    I just got rid of all my 3x, 24 and 26 clothes today. I am now in 16/18 depending on brand. I have that fear of what if I need them (larger sizes) again. But I have to push that out of my head and know that I will never allow myself to have to wear those sizes again. I just pulled out a pair of fleecy pajama bottoms put them on and they fell down :( I am super happy but at the same time super sad because I am freezing and have no more fleecy pj bottoms so I got these clipped with a bulldog clip.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    I can understand your mixed emotions about the clothes but what a great problem to have. Before given the gift of this weight loss tool who would have ever imagined you would be dealing this situation. My surgery is coming up in November & I'm already starting to think of organizing clothes that I haven't been able to wear for a few years. I'm sure I will experience those same mixed emotions too. :smile: