Wedding Weight Calculator!

jumbocrayon_ Posts: 7 Member
Hey guys-

Being a bit OCD today, I made a spreadsheet in google to figure out what my wedding weight will be, assuming I keep losing at the same rate. Thought I'd share in case anyone else is interested in that sort of thing :)

Currently it's got my numbers in it, but you can go to file->make a copy and put your info into the copy. Hope it's useful- it works for any date come to think of it, but its labelled as wedding date weight. The light blue fields are all you need, with an optional field for non-losing weeks (I'm looking at you, christmas time).



  • a2902c
    a2902c Posts: 96
    Awesome! Thanks for sharing :)
  • danihardman89
    danihardman89 Posts: 14 Member
    Awesome! I'm always trying to figure out how much I can lose before my wedding, and this made it a ton simpler. Thanks for sharing!
  • melanthalea
    melanthalea Posts: 5 Member
    This is great! Since my wedding is so far away, it put me at 56 pounds on the wedding day haha!

    It's definitely motivational though to see the average weekly weight loss, because somedays it feels like I haven't lost weight in forever but other weeks I go down a lot. This helps puts it into perspective.
  • azilee
    azilee Posts: 6 Member
    How accurate has this been for you? It is a great idea!
  • kajepo88
    Wow, thanks for sharing!
  • jumbocrayon_
    jumbocrayon_ Posts: 7 Member
    It assumes linear weight loss (same amount per week every week). I could make it more fancy by inputting start height, weight, and goal weight and calorie intake per week so that it levels off the closer you get to your goal, but that wouldn't take physical activity into account. If someone is interested in that, I'm happy to give it a go.

    Its keeping my end weight in a 10lb spread, even with a 3 week plateau, for what it's worth.